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Ambrosia Moore became Rick and Bridget's babysitter a long time ago. At is seems like almost a century when Amber and Rick first married back in 1999.


This album will contain pictures of their most recent wedding in 2001.
A heavily pregant Amber married Rick, after a long time fight with his parents Brooke Logan and Eric Forrester.

But sooner than later they got married and although he was devoted to Amber he was in lust with Kimberley Fairchild.

In this picture Kimberley is with Tawny who is Amber's mother.

They have come a long way since then. When Amber had the baby he was still-born and she was so sad. It was Tawny who made Amber take her cousin Rebecca's baby and pretend it was hers, at first Amber couldn't go along with it but she soon fell in love with little Eric.

Rick also found out later that Amber had slept with Raymond the night before she slept with him and he was upset but he soon forgave her.
And they renewed their wedding vows later that year, Brooke Logan, Rick's mother was not invited. And they went off to Venice for their honeymoon.

Rick later divorced Amber when he found out she deceived him about the baby and Becky got her baby back.
Amber and Becky got close again, but Becky died shortly after marrying CJ Garrison and Amber and CJ got close really close. In fact they almost married, but eventually Amber and Rick fell in love again and they got married in 2001.
Amber soon fell pregnant again but it was not to be cause the baby was still-born.
Now Amber is a designer at Forrester Creations the Fashion House owned by The Forresters VS Brooke Logan-Forrester-Jones. Brooke recently married Whip Jones.

Amber has taken up Ridge's job and is now creating "The Ambrosia Line". Who know whether Amber and Rick will ever have another baby, but I hope they do and I hope that they stay together forever.

Little Eric - Rebecca's Child GO TO: AMBROSIA'S LIFE STORY