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Ok, I guess I liked the premier. There were a couple of elements that I wasn't too cool with, like when Buffy found Spike, it's not clear whether she knows he's human or not... I don't understand what she meant by "are you real?" Also, she casually asked him to back her up, basically ignoring their dramatic past. Anyway, enough about the bad, a lot of stuff rocked too! Like what was up with the girl in Istanbul? And WHAT was up with that ending? I completely loved seeing all the old baddies again, and I can't wait to see where that goes. I hope we get to see more of them! So all in all, the season is shaping up to very interesting. WOO HOO!

And for those looking for a little information on the possibility that season eight could exist, without Sarah, check here for an interesting interview with Marti Noxon...

As far as Season Seven, we know that Eliza Dushku will return as 'Faith,' and that ex-baddies The Master, Glory, and Warren will make appearances in an upcoming episode. Also, although Tara is dead, Amber Benson as assured fans that she will return to the show, but not as Tara. Interesting. This along with unconfirmed rumors that Tim Curry and Luke Perry will make guest appearances, give hope to all of us that this season will give us back the show we love!

Next Week on Buffy:

Buffy begins her counseling duties at the new Sunnydale High as Willow
prepares herself to confront her friends after trying to kill them.

"Beneath You" airs Tuesday, October 1st on UPN

UPDATES FOR SEP 25th, 2002

- Marti talks Season 8 possibilities
- Ally to star in Pie 3?
- Joss discusses his hectic life
-     Seven articles added 9/23/02

Ep Guide:   - NEW> Added "Lessons" - 9/25/02
POLLS:   - Modified the Previous Polls page

- Guestbook added! Please take a minute to fill
  it out and let me know what you think! Thanks!


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Season Seven Premiers Tuesday, Sept. 24th at 8 on UPN

Updated 9-25-02 Updated 9-25-02  
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Modified a little 2-19

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