Buffy Filth : The List

Well, kiddies, if you have arrived at this list, and you find some of the places it leads you to be too creepy... you were warned!! Not all of the stuff listed here is my cup of tea, but it's listed all the same. Enjoy, and if you have any link suggestions or notice a broken link, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The Buffy Violation Archive

Ok, this site will end up leading you pretty much anywhere you want to go, but then what would be the purpose of this site?

Pro: It deal in non-consensual sex, or rape, with the character Buffy Summers. The violation runs the gamut from being a romance-rape lover's tussle with Angelus or Spike to being taken by helldogs and demons with eyeball-filled penises. Likes : This site has some pretty kinky fic on it, and introduced me to the idea of enjoying Buffy violation fantasy. Also, the different beings that are constantly come up with to face off against Buffy with are a trip. Bet ya never thot about Buffy vs The Queller? After a trip here, you will always wonder what might have happene between Buffy and the M'fashnic demon in season 6.

Con: The site doesn't have all that kinky goodness that I so enjoy with Buffy and HUMAN (well, vampires look human anyways) partners, and there are some stories that I just don't approve of being posted. There isn't anything prepubescent, but in my opinion, as a recoverer of many different sorts, legal age of eighteen, means legal age of eighteen, not fourteen or sixteen or even seventeen. So it is important to note that you will not find any fics dealing with characters under eighteen on my site.

Buffynoncon Yahoo Group

Pro: This is a fabulous mailing group, which has tons of filthy x-rated Buffy manipulated photos, some of which specialize particularly in violation of Buffy. The list mommy is also wonderful and flexible. She is kind and tries to quell fights before they begin (unless they are between Buffy and the Queller demon in a porn story).

Con: I find the rules for this mailing group are not clearly defined. The group is new so they are being made up as the group goes along, but I find that if I'm going to be in a structured space where I have to follow rules, even if the list mom is very flexible, I want to know what they are. I don't like the idea of someone being able to just push my posting around in any direction.

BtVS Kink Yahoo Group

Pro: This mailing list is a wonderful place for new kinky writers to explore themselves, and for kinky lamprey perverts like myself to read their work!

Con: Um, got no beef here yet lol.

Spanking The Slayerettes

This site deals in kinky (including non-consensual... they ALL do lol) stuff in the Buffyverse. Let's give em a hand!

Calendar Scenes - What's Your Kink?

This is kinda like Spanking The Slayerettes, except it deals in darker subject matter... namely, more beatin' and mistreatin'! All Buffyverse.

Moon Madness

This woman has ALL kinds of kinky fics, non-consensual fics and she is a prolific writer, she updates monthly, and she was the first online Buffy writer that turned my fancy. Among her fics include a Willow/Spike and Buffy/Angelus novel, as well as a series of SCARY fiction focusing on the toruture and rape of Xander by Angelus. She also writes a smattering of Drusilla/Spike fic, which is nice since that has become sparse online.

Killing Me Softly

My site! Killing Me Softly has a totally different focus than this one, it is dedicated to the non-white characters in the Buffyverse which I find are under-and-mis-represented. It is a site dedicated to my late Great Aunt Angela Dubski. I have several of my own fics on it which deal with dark subject matter... well, actually all of it is, since it's a site of colour, but aside from that there is kinkiness. I recommend you check out Spike'slay, Not A Boy Not Yet A Man, Buffy Acid and EvilXander. I may also end up archiving these fics later here.

Cruel Obsessions

This is a site dealing with Buffy/Angelus pairing. Let me just say, is it ever filthy!! Sub/Dom tugs of war all the way!

Stormy Weather - Starkitty's Adult Fanfiction Archive

This is actually a B/A shipper site with adult fanfic, but you just KNOW any pairing that involves A(us) is gonna be filthy! In a kinky way! And this one has several fics deserving of your attention. I wondered how I could have been on the net all this time and not know about the filth going on in this place. I may link to the individual sites, but for now I am just going to link to the main site, and you can do your own nativation from there!

With Peaches On Top

Grumble... this site advertises itself as an Angel Dom site, but it is in fact just one talented writer's fanfiction. But I didn't ask for talent, I asked for FILTH!!! Despite this, I'm listing it here because it has several noteworthy fics, including one I love where Angel and Buffy talk about how they can't get off and she tells him to show her how he gratifies himself. Also a good Angel/Kate story, which unfortunately is rare.

The Silken Cage

Hmm... this site consists of a Buffy/Angelus story. In this story, Angelus becomes more of a gentle character.. how gentle? How do I put this...when I read a romance novel, it ain't for the notion of true boring love and living happily ever after with a genteel husband. I want a pesky sickeningly handsome bastard who presumes ownership of me. Borderline non-consent... I think there actually is rape in this, but I'm not sure. Just alot of Angelus being obsessed and fun sex! I find it a bit light for me... I like my stuff FILTHY these days, but it is entertainingly and thoughtfully written, and if you get to it and read it, please give me a more in detail summary.

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