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Abracadabra Series by Saber Shadow Kitten Willow is on a mission. Is Angel ready for her? - The 'famous' General story!! PG13-NC17. Multi-chapter fic.

The Magic of Computers by Saber Shadow Kitten It's the year 2009, and Angel unknowingly hires Willow's company to design a website for Angel Investigations. PG13. Post BtVS season 4/AtS season 1.

Obligatory Consent by Elisabeth Willow must face her past when Angelus resurfaces. NC17.

Take Me Walking in the Rain by Elisabeth When the Hellmouth becomes too much for Willow, Angel offers an escape. R.

Teacher's Pet Series by Elisabeth Angel offers to help Willow overcome some insecurities. PG13-NC17.

The Ugly Duckling by Emmy Willow goes to LA to set up a computer database system that will help the LA gang and the Scoobies stay in touch, and is met with a cold reception. Will anyone notice the self-destructive way she's living before it's too late? NC17. Spoilers-see Author's Notes. Multi-chapter. Incomplete, active WIP.

Willow's Touch by Saber Shadow Kitten Willow is an Immortal who has been gone for many years. NC17. Crossover with Highlander: The Series

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