Francis Doyle... until the day demons ate his wife, and he discovered the reason they didn't eat him too was because he was half one of them himself. After that, he turned himself into a vampire-killing machine, stripping from himself and his life everything else that had ever mattered, everything else that had made up the man he'd been..." Doyle - Evidence of Things Not Seen In a darker world where the forces of darkness run unchecked, a bitter Doyle is all that stands between LA citizens and the terrors that stalk the streets. Alongside Faith the Vampire Slayer and her Watcher, Wesley Wyndham-Price, Doyle fights in the world inspired by the Buffy episode 'The Wish', a world with the Master ascendant in Sunnydale and with Buffy Summers and Angel dead and gone. Welcome to this darker corner of the Wishverse... Welcome to Doyle Investigations. The new fics will be archived on this site and will also be sent to the doylewish mailing list [subscribe?]: the list for fiction and discussion about Doyle in the Wishverse. If you write fanfic and are interested in writing in the Doyle Investigations universe, please contact us!
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Angel the series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters and concepts belong to Joss Whedon, WB, and Mutant Enemy.
This is an unofficial fan produced project. Please don't sue.
Thanks to Tara O'Shea at http://www.ljconstantine.com for HTML help and site graphics!