
Here are some favourite quotes from “Whose Line” or Whose Line related material. This page is *constantly* being updated. If there’s a particular quote you want listed that I missed, as always, just let me know!

“He was as tall as a post & twice as thick”- Colin

“If I were a man with gills I would be a fish!”- Ryan

“Nice pants”- Colin

“I feel like the meat in an incompetent sandwich”- Brad

“This courtroom is a Mochrie!”- Colin

“You know, for as long as I can remember, I’ve had memories...”- Colin

“It’s also a big *continent* if you’re a geographer!”- Greg

“Look at the different...things....”- Colin

“Some people say rodents aren't flammable. Well...”- Brad

“The sky. The sky beyond the door is blue.”- Ryan

“Cause it seems to me that this country is so often a redneck, d*ckhead, peckerwood, bo-hug, he-haw, gun-totin', psycho-christian, antichoice, homophobic, gimme-cap wearin, militia arm band, sportin a huge belt buckle with your name on it that you wear upside-down so you go 'Oh sh*t that's my name!'... kind of place.”- Greg

“I have two arms. She does not. I love her arms. She loves clothes!”- Wayne, Ryan, and Colin in 3-Headed Broadway Star (from the song “Whistle on Cue.” What a wonderful suggestion!!)

“He wasn’t a handsome man. He had a face like a collapsed lung.”- Colin

“The buzzing sound you hear is the capitalists trying to oppress us”- Greg

“I got a new podium!”- Chip

“Do you know how many eggs go into a really good banana bread recipe?”- Colin

“I think it was Tennessee Williams who said, 'Y'all are crap!”- Tennessee Williams (no, just kidding, it was Colin)

“Would you like to sit on the presidential staff?”- Greg

“Give me liberty or a bran muffin!”- Colin

“I miss the chicken as I miss the hair from my legs”- Ryan

“Well, if it’s locked from the inside, that means we can open it!”- Colin

“Sandpaper!”- Colin

“If I could rap that would be a sensation, but I can’t, you see, I’m just a Caucasian”- Ryan

“Oh, that’s *air* going into my lungs”- Colin

“I broke Ryan!”-Chip

“Keith, I’m gonna need two minutes...”- Ryan

“Detergent detergent... THE CAT!!! No, that's no good”-Colin

“1000 points to Hansel and Gretel, wherever you are.”-Drew

“If I were a man that was like my woman, I would be my wife.”-Ryan

“It all started with a badly timed bald joke!”- Colin

“Have you seen my accent?”- Ryan

“Not hot my friend, not hot....SPIIIICY!”- Greg

“Get off the mailman! Get off the mailman!”- Ryan

“I let him think for a while, 'cause I knew he had the answer. I knew it was a good answer, and he was going to tell it to me. 'Cause when you ask a question, you expect an answer, because that's the way it works...question, answer, answer, question. If he gave the answer, I'd have to come up with the question, that would be Jeopardy! - That's wrong." -Colin

“Anyway, long story short, this is the stone I passed!”- Ryan

“Well, my woman stayed true and I'm sober.”  - Greg (unlikely country songs)

“Assault with a battery!”- Colin

“Cause it sound better than the truth....la la la la la la la la la....it *sounds* better and it *tastes* better so we’ll all pretend it really happened...there were no women or minorities....just a bunch of white guys wearing wigs..my feeling is....”- Greg

“Yes Captain, I'd like some booty”- Wayne

“Don't cry...you're not that good an actor!”- Colin

“I got cable”- Ryan

“Nine out of ten Americans believe that out of ten people, one person will always disagree with the other nine!”- Colin

“I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts”- Ryan

“You seem real easy and willing to put out, so roll in the cream cheese, roll in the cream cheese!”- Colin

“Don't shoot till you see the whites!”- Ryan

“And a thousand points to Ryan, just for giving the censor something to think about”- Drew

“If I were a drink I believe I would be a margarita because I’m tall....and salty....and I always have tequila in me...”- Chip

“I've got worms WHERE?”- Ryan

“It would have been funnier if your head had burst into flames”- Colin

"Thousand points for everybody! Usually a thousand, but for you, nine ninety-nine! Nine ninety-nine! I'm giving the points away, only nine ninety-nine! I'm craaaazy."- Drew

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it’s not like the sheep was underage!”- Colin

“Now because, now because we couldn't do this on a regular show, we have a prepared wife in the other oven.”-Wayne


“I think bachelor number two wasn’t held enough as a child.”- Brad

“He had the kind of face only a mother could love. If that mother was blind in one eye, and had that sort of milky film over the other one, ya..ya know, ya know what I mean? But still he was my identical twin.” -Colin

“I just noticed off the west...wing....I haven’t been a captain very long!”- Wayne

“Look I know this is only our first date but I LOVE YOU!!! BE WITH ME!!”- Greg

“And if that isn't the truth, it would be a lie.” -Colin

“Old asparagus. It is for this: Ryan?”- Colin

“Here at Wacko’s funeral parlour...”- Colin

These next quotes are from tapings that have not yet been aired. Don’t read on if you want to be surprised!

“If you shout something, it makes more sense”- Colin (“I’M BLOWING UP YOUR PANTS!”)

“The road’s ringin’!”- Ryan

“I’ve been reading up on squatters rights...”- Ryan

“Great leaping tree shrews!”- Greg

“If that’s fake, then I’m bald!”- Colin

“You were born to sing, I was born to be snide”- Greg (to Wayne)

“When you’re blowing in a chicken, be sure you’re blowing in the right end”- Colin

“It’s a new mandate from the...guys upstairs.”
“I don’t care *how* many men you’ve dated!”- Wayne and Greg


“How a cow gave birth to a kitten I don’t know!”- Ryan (in that damn audience sound effects game...)

“Look at her, she really shakes that asp!”- Chip

“Let’s just say that her boa woulda had a fight with an anaconda.”- Wayne

“You idiot! That hasn’t been invented yet!”- Colin

“It’s me, chocolate Yentl”- Wayne

“Nothin better than grabbin some steaks and a six pack and going to the opera.”- Ryan

“You! Get off McCloud!”- Colin

“I shoulda worn my pork underwear.”- Ryan

“Give your hands a breast. I mean rest.”- Ryan



“I've changed my name to Germane”- Colin

“Let's do it twelve more times!”- Ryan

“Knock Knock”
“Who's there?”
- Ryan/Dan

“This next song is a breakdance number...and guess what...I'm in it!”- Colin

“Oh my G-d, I *am* bald!”- Colin (“Somebody should have told you!”)