<html> <body> <b><center><title>TOW They Go Back to London</title></center> <font face="Eurostile" color="#660000"> <body background="http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/friendsfanficsbykaci/images/BritishFlag.JPG"> <style type="text/css"> BODY { scrollbar-face-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-shadow-color: #FFCCFF; scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFCCFF; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #FFCCFF; scrollbar-track-color: #CCFFFF; scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFCCFF;} </style> <font size="+4">TOW They Go Back to London</font> <br><br> <a name="Top"></a> <a href="#PartOne">Part One</a> <a href="#PartTwo">Part Two</a> <a href="#PartThree">Part Three</a> <a href="#PartFour">Part Four</a> <a href="#Epilogue">Epilogue</a> <a href="#ThankYous">Thank You's!</a> <br><br><br><br><br><br> <font size="4"> <br><a name="PartOne">Part One</a> <a href="#Top">Back to the Top</a> <br><br> YOU KNOW THE DRILL. I DON’T OWN THESE CHARACTERS, AND I MAKE NO MONEY OFF OF THIS. OKAY, AT THE END OF SEASON 5, THE GANG GOES TO LAS VEGAS, FOR MONICA AND CHANDLER’S “ANNI-VEGAS-ARY” AND TO SEE JOEY. WELL, WHAT IF JOEY NEVER WENT TO VEGAS? MONICA AND CHANDLER COULD’VE GONE SOME PLACE ELSE FOR THEIR ANNIVERSARY. SO WHAT IF THEY WENT BACK TO LONDON? BACK TO WHERE IT ALL BEGAN. THIS IS MY WHAT-IF FIC FOR THAT. SO, BASICALLY, THIS TAKES THE PLACE OF “TOW JOEY’S BIG BREAK”, “TO IN VEGAS”, PARTS ONE AND TWO AND “TO AFTER VEGAS”. THIS IS THE FIRST PART OF THE FOUR-PART STORY. THE OTHER THREE PARTS WILL COME SOON AFTER THIS ONE. OKAY, ON WITH THE FIC. <br><br> [Scene: Monica and Rachel’s. All but Chandler are there. Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe are sitting on the couch, in that order. Joey is sitting in the chair. Monica is standing in the kitchen doing something on the stove. Chandler enters, carrying an envelope.] <br><br> Chandler: Hey you guys! <br><br> (Chandler starts to cross the room to where Monica is standing in the kitchen.) <br><br> All: Hey. <br><br> Monica: Hey, sweetie. <br><br> (Chandler arrives to where Monica is and he puts his arms around her. They kiss, then, still with arms around each other, he continues…) <br><br> Chandler: I’ve been thinking about out anniversary. <br><br> Monica: Really? Me too. Can you believe it? One year. It’s been one full year. <br><br> Chandler: I know. Well, almost. One year ago today, I was just your annoying friend, Chandler. And now…I just can’t believe it. <br><br> Monica: I know…(Not in the Monica-style way, just normal.) <br><br> Chandler: Anyway, this is for you. <br><br> (Holds out the envelope.) <br><br> Monica: But our anniversary isn’t until tomorrow. <br><br> Chandler: I know. But…well, just open it, and you’ll see why I had to give it to you now. <br><br> Monica: All right… <br><br> (She opens the envelope and pulls out two airline tickets.) <br><br> Monica: (Gasps.) We’re going on a trip? <br><br> Chandler: Yeah…wait’ll you see where to… (She looks, then gasps again.) That’s right! London! <br><br> Monica: We’re going back to London? <br><br> Chandler: Yeah…to where it all began. I even got us the same hotel room that Joey and I were staying in when we were there the last time…since…that’s where we…ya know? <br><br> Monica: Did it? <br><br> Chandler: No, started our life together. <br><br> Monica: Oh. That is so sweet! Chandler! That is so romantic, too! I love you. <br><br> Chandler: I love you, too. <br><br> (They kiss.) <br><br> Ross: Wow. Who would’ve thought that those two would fall in love? <br><br> Rachel: I know. Could you imagine if I had never gotten demoted down to personal shopping? <br><br> Ross: What does that matter? <br><br> Rachel: Think about it: I never got demoted to personal shopping, I never met Joshua, I never agreed to take my boss’ niece to that opera, I never asked you to take her, you never met and fell in love with Emily, you never asked her to marry you, we never went to London, they never hooked up! <br><br> Ross: Wow. You’re right. I guess it’s a good thing that Emily and I got married, even though we did get divorced only months later. <br><br> Phoebe: I wish I had gotten to go to London. <br><br> Ross: Why don’t you go sometime? <br><br> Phoebe: By myself? <br><br> Ross: No…we’d go with you, right Rach? Joey? <br><br> Joey: I would! Maybe I could call up Felicity. <br><br> Rachel: I’d go…it’d almost have to turn out better than the last time I was there… <br><br> Ross: Hey, Joey? Remember that beer? <br><br> Joey: Boddington’s! (The guys high-five.) <br><br> Phoebe: Hey! Why don’t we go when they go? <br><br> Ross: I don’t know…they might not want us there, ruining their anniversary… <br><br> Monica: Oh, why don’t you guys come along? It wouldn’t be a trip without you guys. <br><br> Joey: Great! London, baby! <br><br> Chandler: (Chandler turns around to face Joey.) If you start that AGAIN, you can’t come! <br><br> Joey: Fine. (Chandler turns back around to face Monica. Joey continues, whispering.) London, baby! <br><br> Phoebe: Okay…Ross, will you call and get four tickets for us? <br><br> Chandler: No need. I figured that you guys would want to come, so…(Reaches into his pocket and produces four more tickets.) I got you tickets, too. <br><br> Rachel: Wow…thanks! <br><br> Phoebe: Yeah! <br><br> Joey: Okay…so…everybody, go pack! <br><br> (Monica and Rachel go into their respective rooms, and everyone else leaves.) <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><a name="PartTwo">Part Two</a> <a href="#Top">Back to the Top</a> <br><br> THIS IS THE SECOND PART OF TOW THEY GO BACK TO LONDON. IT TAKES PLACE THE DAY AFTER TOW THEY GO BACK TO LONDON, PART 1. THEY HAVE ARRIVED (SAFELY) IN LONDON, AND ARE ARRIVING AT THEIR HOTEL. <br><br> [Scene: A hotel lobby. The gang is just arriving. Phoebe’s eyes are really wide, amazed at what lies before her. The rest of the gang, is just looking at everything, reminiscing.] <br><br> Monica: Wow…just like I remember it! <br><br> Joey: I know! Nothing has changed! <br><br> Chandler: I’m gonna go check in…Mon? You coming? <br><br> Monica: Uh…yeah… <br><br> (They go off to a counter that is supposedly a check-in desk. They sign a few things, are handed a key, then exit smiling.) <br><br> Ross: Okay, I’m gonna check in, too…Joey, no offence, but I don’t wanna share a room with you. I’m getting my own. <br><br> Joey: Why don’t you wanna share a room with me? <br><br> Ross: Well, you’re callin’ that Felicity girl, aren’t you? <br><br> Joey: Yeah… <br><br> Ross: Need I say more? <br><br> Joey: Nope…I totally understand. <br><br> (Ross walks over to the aforementioned counter, signs a paper, and is given a key. He then exits.) <br><br> Joey: Okay, I guess I’m gonna go check in… <br><br> (He walks over to the counter, signs some papers, then exits.) <br><br> Rachel: Phoebe? You wanna just share a room? <br><br> Phoebe: Okay. <br><br> (They walk over to the counter, sign some papers, and then exit.) <br><br> [Scene: Monica and Chandler’s hotel room. They are there, unpacking.] <br><br> Monica: One year…wow. <br><br> Chandler: I know. <br><br> Monica: I just can’t believe that you and I…one year! <br><br> Chandler: Oh, yeah. Monica? <br><br> Monica: Yeah? <br><br> Chandler: Well, there are two parts to your present. I’ll be giving the other part to you tonight…on our actual anniversary. <br><br> Monica: Aww…that’s so sweet. What is it? <br><br> Chandler: A pleasant surprise… <br><br> Monica: So you’re not gonna tell me? <br><br> Chandler: Nope. <br><br> Monica: (Sighs.) All right. <br><br> [Scene: Joey’s room. He’s on the phone.] <br><br> Joey: Hello? Felicity? <br><br> (Cut to shot of Felicity holding a phone in what is obviously her “flat”. The shot cuts back and forth with each line.) <br><br> Felicity: Yes…it’s me…Joey? Is that you? <br><br> Joey: Yeah… <br><br> Felicity: Oh, Joey. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left London a year ago. <br><br> Joey: I can’t believe that I’m back here…again. I know It’s been a long time, but I do have a valid excuse for not calling you… <br><br> Felicity: What’s that? <br><br> Joey: The fact that I was in another country. <br><br> Felicity: Good point. <br><br> Joey: Anyway, I know it’s been a long time, but would you like to go out tonight? I mean, I am back in London for the next two days… <br><br> Felicity: I’d love that. What time? <br><br> Joey: I’ll pick you up around…seven? <br><br> Felicity: That’s fine…I’ll see you then, Joey. Good-bye.<br><br> Joey: Bye. <br><br> [Scene: Some random street in London. Ross is walking along, alone…] <br><br> (A woman comes running up to him.) <br><br> Woman: Ross? <br><br> Ross: (He turns around, then cut to shot of woman’s face.) Emily?! (Author’s note: I know that that was so obvious, but I had to do it, okay? I couldn’t resist.) <br><br> [Scene: Phoebe and Rachel’s hotel room.] <br><br> Phoebe: So…hey, roomie! Uh, Rachel, do you ever think about getting back together with Ross? <br><br> Rachel: No…I don’t let myself think about him like that… <br><br> Phoebe: Why not? <br><br> Rachel: Because getting over him and becoming friends again was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. I don’t think I could ever do that again… <br><br> Phoebe: Rachel, could you keep a secret? I mean, a mega secret? <br><br> Rachel: Sure, Pheebs. <br><br> Phoebe: Okay…uh, I…uh… <br><br> (The door swings open and Chandler enters.) <br><br> Chandler: You guys? Can you keep a BIG secret? <br><br> Rachel/Phoebe: Of course/sure… <br><br> Chandler: Okay…I’m…well, I’m gonna… <br><br> (The screen fades black on his excited /happy /nervous face.) <br><br> <br><br><br><br> <a name="PartThree">Part Three</a> <a href="#Top">Back to the Top</a> <br><br> OKAY, I KNOW THAT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO TAKE THE PLACE OF TO IN VEGAS, PARTS 1 AND 2, AND TO AFTER VEGAS, WHICH IS, IN TOTAL, THREE EPISODES, AND MINE IS THREE PARTS ALREADY, AND THEY’RE STILL IN LONDON, BUT HEY, I’M SORRY…I’M SICK, MOODY, AND HAVE NO LIFE. I HAVE LIVED IN MY BEDROOM FOR THE LAST SIX DAYS. I’VE HAD NOTHING ELSE TO DO! I’M SORRY…I’M REALLY GETTING IN TO THIS. JUST READ AND ENJOY, OKAY? <br><br> [Scene: Phoebe and Rachel’s hotel room. Continued from the last part. You probably know what Chandler’s going to say, and probably what Phoebe was going to say, too, but let’s pretend that I haven’t overshadowed that much and you’re not that good at guessing…] <br><br> Chandler: …I’m gonna ask Monica to marry me. <br><br> Rachel/Phoebe: Oh, my God! You are? <br><br> Chandler: Yup. It’s the second part of her anniversary present. I didn’t want to tell anyone, but I had to tell someone, and Joey’s off with Felicity, and Ross is out, and besides, I probably wouldn’t be telling him anyway…he might try to kill me. <br><br> Rachel: Oh, so we were you’re last choice? <br><br> Chandler: No… Janice would be my last choice… <br><br> Phoebe: Wow…I can’t believe this…two of our best friends are gonna get married! <br><br> Chandler: I hope… <br><br> [Scene: A random street in London…this continues from earlier with Ross seeing Emily.] <br><br> Ross: Emily?! <br><br> Emily: Ross…what are you doing here? <br><br> Ross: Monica and Chandler came here for their one-year anniversary, and the rest of us came too… <br><br> Emily: Monica and Chandler? When did they get together? <br><br> Ross: A year ago…I just said it(That’s supposed to sound like he did in “TOW All The Thanksgivings.”)! <br><br> Emily: Oh… wait, that means…they got together the night before…oh…our wedding. That’s why they were acting so weird, I bet… <br><br> Ross: Yeah… <br><br> Emily: So, does that bother you? You know, your best friend and little sister? <br><br> Ross: Well, it did at first, but then I saw how happy he makes her, and how happy she makes him. They are so perfect for each other, there was no way I could get mad at them. They just…they just fit. Ya know? Together…they are so happy. <br><br> Emily: Wow… <br><br> Ross: Yeah. <br><br> Emily: So, uh, do you still see Rachel? <br><br> Ross: Of course. She’s one of my best friends. <br><br> Emily: Oh. I want you to understand something, Ross. I never hated Rachel…I just didn’t want you seeing her because it was her name you said at the wedding, and your history with her…she was completely innocent, and I would like, if you will, would you please tell her that I apologize for putting her through that. <br><br> Ross: I’ll tell her, though I doubt she’ll accept it. Uh, we all kind of…well, no offence, but we hate you for putting me through what you did. <br><br> Emily: Well, I’m sorry. I can’t tell you how many times I wish I wouldn’t have asked for a divorce. I miss you. <br><br> Ross: I don’t know if you’re trying to ask me back, but if you are, my answer is no. I refuse to be put through that again…bye, Emily. <br><br> Emily: Good-bye, Ross…I love you. <br><br> Ross: I know…but it’s unrequited. <br><br> (We hear Emily sigh as Ross walks away.) <br><br> [Scene: A typical London flat. (Author’s note: I have no idea what a typical London flat looks like. I’m assuming that it looks like a typical American apartment. Just use your imagination, okay? Felicity is there, kissing a guy. We can only see the back of his head.] <br><br> Felicity: Oh, you’re such a good kisser. <br><br> Guy: I know. <br><br> (They stop kissing, and the guy turns around, and we see his face. He’s not Joey. Just then, there’s a knock on the door.) <br><br> Felicity: Oh, no! Joey! <br><br> Guy: Uh, that’s not my name! <br><br> Felicity: No, uh…my date is here… <br><br> Guy: You have a date? <br><br> Felicity: Yes…uh, remember that guy I told you about? That I met at Emily’s wedding? <br><br> Guy: Yeah… <br><br> Felicity: Well, he’s back in town, and he’s only here for two days. <br><br> Guy: Okay…I’ll go hide in the closet. <br><br> Felicity: Thank you… <br><br> Guy: No problem…you’re one true love comes back into town for a few days, and suddenly you forget that you have a boyfriend. <br><br> Felicity: I’m really sorry… <br><br> Guy: It’s okay… <br><br> (The guy exits, Felicity opens the door to reveal Joey.) <br><br> Felicity: Joey! <br><br> Joey: Felicity. <br><br> (They hug…a strange look crosses Felicity’s face.) <br><br> Felicity: Joey…look, there’s something I need to tell you. I have a boyfriend, so…we can’t go out. <br><br> Joey: What? You have a…have a…a boyfriend? <br><br> Felicity: Yeah…I’m sorry. <br><br> Joey: Then I guess I better get going…Bye. <br><br> Felicity: Bye, Joey. <br><br> (Joey leaves, and Felicity slowly shuts the door…the guy from before comes running in from where he exited and he and Felicity kiss.) <br><br> Guy: I love you! <br><br> Felicity: I love you, too. <br><br> [Scene: Hallway outside a row of hotel rooms…Phoebe exits from one (Her’s and Rachel’s.) carrying an ice bucket. (You know, those things in hotel rooms that you get ice from the ice machine in?) Joey enters from one end and runs towards one of the doors.] <br><br> Phoebe: Joey? What’s wrong? <br><br> Joey: (Looks up crying.) Felicity has a boyfriend. <br><br> Phoebe: Oh, my God! Are you okay? <br><br> Joey: No…not really… <br><br> (They walk into his hotel room. Phoebe sets the ice bucket down on a table, and then they sit down, next to each other on the bed. She puts her arm around his shoulders.) <br><br> Phoebe: Talk it out, Joey…I’m here…just let it out… <br><br> Joey: It’s just…well, there’s only been two girls I’ve ever actually cared about. And one apparently, doesn’t care back, and I can’t have the other. <br><br> Phoebe: Why not? Are you related to her or something? <br><br> Joey: No! It’s just…it’s complicated. <br><br> Phoebe: So am I…just tell me. <br><br> Joey: Well, see, I can’t tell you. <br><br> Phoebe: Why not? <br><br> Joey: Because it is you. <br><br> (Phoebe gasps.) <br><br> [Scene: A nice looking restaurant. Monica and Chandler are there, having dinner.] <br><br> Monica: Okay, when do I get the second part of my present? <br><br> Chandler: Now, I guess. Uh…close your eyes. <br><br> (She does, and he gets down on one knee. Other people in the restaurant point and smile.) <br><br> Chandler: Okay, open them. <br><br> Monica: (Giggles.) You look like your proposing! <br><br> (He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small box, which obviously houses the ring. A smile spreads across his face.) <br><br> Chandler: That’s because I am. (Monica gasps, and Chandler opens the box.) Monica, I love you more than I ever thought that I could love anyone. I never thought it was possible to want to spend every minute of every day with someone. To miss them even before they leave. I never want us to be apart. I want us to be together forever. You make me happy just to be alive. (Monica begins to cry.) If it weren’t for you, I don’t know how I’d live. And if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel this way, too. (Monica sniffs.) Monica Geller, will you do the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me? <br><br> Monica: Yes. <br><br> (He smiles, slips the ring on her finger, and their “audience” [The other people in the restaurant.] claps and shout assorted “congratulations”.) <br><br> [Scene: Rachel and Phoebe’s hotel room. Rachel’s there alone. There’s a knock at the door.] <br><br> (Rachel answers the door to reveal Ross.) <br><br> Rachel: Hey…what’s wrong? <br><br> Ross: I saw Emily. She said she loved me. <br><br> Rachel: Oh, my God! <br><br> Ross: I told her that I didn’t love her, and here I am. Oh, and she said she apologizes to you for putting “an innocent by-stander” through all the stuff she did. <br><br> Rachel: Oh…are you gonna be okay? <br><br> Ross: No…I mean, I’ve been in love three times in my life, and each time, the girl has left me. <br><br> Rachel: Really? Every time? <br><br> Ross: Yeah…Carol left me for Susan, you dumped me, and Emily divorced me. <br><br> Rachel: Ross, are you kind of…mad at me for breaking up with you? I mean that was so long ago… <br><br> Ross: I’m not mad…hurt a little…I just wish for once, that I loved someone who loved me back… <br><br> Rachel: Ross, I do love you. I do! But…I just…I can’t forgive you for that. Whether we were on a break or not, I just…no. <br><br> Ross: I’m not looking to get back together with you. I know that our time has passed. And who knows, maybe we’ll get another chance, but…now…no. It’s just…I need to know that you realize one thing. <br><br> Rachel: What’s that? <br><br> Ross: That you’re the one who said, “Maybe we should take a break.” Then, when I misunderstood, you said, “No, a break from us.” You asked for the break, yet you deny it. Rachel, I’ve said this a million and one times, but we were on a break, and you know it. I’m sorry that I slept with Chloe, and I know that it was wrong. But I just wish you would’ve forgiven me…it would have saved us both a lot of pain. <br><br> Rachel: Yeah, but we really have been happy? <br><br> (They sit in apparent thought for a few moments. Ross finally breaks the silence.) <br><br> Ross: No…our time was over then. But, Rach, do you forgive me? <br><br> Rachel: Ross…(Sighs.) We were on a break. I know. It just hurt. <br><br> Ross: And it doesn’t now? <br><br> Rachel: Yes…it still does. Because I love you. <br><br> Ross: I love you, too. <br><br> Rachel: So what does this mean? Are we…getting back together? <br><br> Ross: I don’t know. <br><br> Rachel: I don’t either. <br><br> Ross: So…what do we do now? <br><br> Rachel: Whatever happens, happens. I guess… <br><br> (He leans over and kisses her.) <br><br> Rachel: (Breaking the kiss.) I’ve missed these lips. <br><br> Ross: I’ve missed…you. <br><br> (They kiss again, and the screen fades black on them kissing.) <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <a name="PartFour">Part Four</a> <a href="#Top">Back to the Top</a> <br><br> [Scene: A nice looking restaurant. The gang is all there, eating breakfast.] <br><br> Monica: So…uh, Chandler and I have some news… <br><br> Rachel: Really? What? (A wink to Chandler…) <br><br> Chandler: We’re engaged! <br><br> All: Oh, my God! Congratulations! <br><br> Rachel: Well, Ross and I have some news, too. <br><br> Phoebe: What? <br><br> Ross: We got back together! <br><br> All: Oh, my God! Congratulations! <br><br> Joey: Well, Phoebe and I have some news, too! <br><br> Chandler: What? <br><br> Joey: Felicity had a girlfriend… <br><br> All: Oooohhhhh… <br><br> Joey: And Phoebe consoled me… <br><br> Phoebe: And we hooked up! <br><br> All: Oh, my God! <br><br> Chandler: I just wanna say that I love London! <br><br> Monica: Why? <br><br> Chandler: It brought us together, got us engaged, got Ross and Rachel back together, and Phoebe and Joey hooked up! London is the best thing that ever happened to any of us! <br><br> Ross: I know…well, this time it was the best thing that ever happened to me…I’m not exactly fond of the last time… <br><br> (Assorted chuckles.) <br><br> Monica: We’ve still got the rest of today and early tomorrow to spend in London! <br><br> Chandler: I know! <br><br> Ross: So, what do you guys wanna do? <br><br> Joey: Ooh! How about we go on one of those tours, ya know? <br><br> Rachel: I wanna go shopping…I need to get some stuff for tonight. (A seductive look to Ross.) <br><br> Monica: Oh, Rach? Can I come with you? Get some stuff for <i>our</i> night? <br><br> Chandler’s Inner Dialogue: <i>Yeeeesssssss! Cha-Ching! Score one for the Chan-Chan-Man!</i> <br><br> (A smile crosses Chandler’s face.) <br><br> [Scene: Monica and Rachel’s apartment. Monica and Rachel enter, carrying luggage.] <br><br> Monica: Oh, I miss London already! <br><br> Rachel: Well, I certainly had a better time this trip! <br><br> Monica: I know! I got engaged, you and Ross got back together, Joey and Phoebe hooked up…London is such a magical place, isn’t it? <br><br> Rachel: Yeah…Hey, guess what! <br><br> Monica: What? <br><br> Rachel: If I marry Ross, then you and I will be sisters-in-law! <br><br> Monica: Yeah…and if you do, Chandler will be your brother-in-law! <br><br> Rachel: Hmmm…maybe I should rethink this getting back together with Ross thing… <br><br> (Both giggle.) <br><br> (There’s a knock at the door. They both go to answer it, and there stand Ross and Chandler, each holding a single red rose.) <br><br> Chandler and Ross: Hello, ladies. <br><br> (Ross hands his rose to Rachel, and Chandler hands his rose to Monica.) <br><br> Monica: Hey, what are you guys doing here? <br><br> Chandler: We just want to spend as much time with you as we can. <br><br> Monica and Rachel: Awww…! <br><br> Ross and Chandler’s inner dialogue: (At the same time) <i>Man, I am SO gettin’ lucky tonight!</i> <br><br> [Scene: Joey and Chandler’s apartment. Joey and Phoebe are there, making out.] <br><br> (There’s soft moaning.) <br><br> Joey: Pheebs, sweetie? There’s something I need to tell you… <br><br> Phoebe: Okay, go ahead. <br><br> Joey: I love you. <br><br> Phoebe: Oh, Joey. I love you, too. <br><br> (They go back to making out.) <br><br> <br><br><br><br> <a name="Epilogue">Epilogue</a> <a href="#Top">Back to the Top</a> <br><br> Two months after they got back from London, Ross asked Rachel to marry him. She said yes. A year later, Monica and Chandler and Ross and Rachel got married in a double wedding ceremony. Rachel moved into Ross’s apartment, and Chandler moved into apartment 20. Left without a roommate, Joey asked Phoebe to move into his apartment. She agreed, and six months later, Joey proposed. Halfway through their engagement, Phoebe discovered she was pregnant. Instead of freaking out, Joey was overjoyed. Three months after their wedding, their first son was born. His name was Joseph Francis Tribbianni, Junior. They had three more kids, two more boys, then a girl. Their names were Nathan Ross Tribbianni, James Chandler Tribbianni, and Angela Jane Tribbianni. Two years after Monica and Chandler were married, Monica gave birth to their first son, Chandler Muriel Bing, Junior. A year later, she gave birth to twin girls, Charla Phoebe Bing and Leigh Anne Rachel Bing. Ross and Rachel had the most kids of all of the friends. They had two boys and three girls. The boys were named Brandon Michael Geller and Ethan Blaine Geller. The girls were Christina Louise Geller, Chasity Michelle Geller, and Kelsey Rose Geller. Six months after Ross and Rachel’s third child was born, Ross’s ex-wife, Carol and her wife, Susan got divorced. To make things easier for Ben, he moved into Ross and Rachel’s. After the divorce, Carol was so emotional, that Ross decided it would be best if Ben stayed with him and Rachel permanently. He won full custody of Ben two months later in court. Ben adjusted well to having so many brothers and sisters, and saw Carol about once a month. He even started calling Rachel “Mommy”. Although Carol didn’t like that, she understood and tried not to let it bother her. After falling into a state of depression, she committed suicide. After a year of grieving, Ben finally accepted his mother’s death. Phoebe helped him a lot during that time. She consoled him and told him things about her mother’s death. Ben started calling Phoebe every day. Phoebe refused to disclose what they talk about, because she says, “He’s coming to me and confiding his problems. I feel like it’s my duty to not share what he says.” <br><br> Anyway, everything worked out okay in the end. <br><br> <br><br><br><br> <a name="ThankYous">Thank You's!</a> <a href="#Top">Back to the Top</a> <br><br> Hope you enjoyed this series. I wanna say thank you to my hero, Adam Chase! An exec-producer and writer on one of the top shows on TV? You’re great! I’d also like to thank my trusty laptop for not breaking down on me while I was writing all of this. I wanna thank all the artists whose CDs I own, because that’s where I get my inspiration. Thanks! Thanks to my friends, for being crazy. You keep me alive. You’re all great! I wish you guys would let me talk more about Friends, but hey, I understand. Anyway, you guys drive me insane, but I love ya all! <br><br><br><br> </font></b> <center><img src="http://www.boomspeed.com/sfhelpers/sf-cursor.gif" border="0"></center><body style="cursor:url(http://www.boomspeed.com/sfhelpers/cursors/97.cur);"></body> <br><br><br><br><br><br> Got a Rant? Got a Rave? Send them to<a href="mailto:FriendsFanFicsByKaci@yahoo.com"> me</a>. </font> </body> </html>