X-Files Official Magazine-August 2002
In His Own Words

Having thoroughly entertained us for two years onthe X-Files, Robert Patrick's stint as special Agent John Doggett has come to an end. Ian spelling chats to the acclaimed actor his experiences.

While it took some time for Agent Doggett to earn the trust and respect of his new partener Agent Scully, it didn't take long for X-philes everywhere to warm to the new X-Files addition, Robert Patrick. The experienced actor soon proved that he was a worthy addition to the series, and it wasn't long befor this character received more of the spotlight in such Season Eight episodes as "Via negativa" and "The Gift".

The X-Files Magazine caught up with Patrick just a short time after Chris Carter went public avout the show's end. As one might expect, the actor mixed stoicism with humor and a bracing sense of fatalism while discussing the show's fortune, Doggett's development and his own future.

MAG : How did you feel when Chris told you that he was closing shop ?

RP : I was short of surprised because I really kind of thought we were going to stick it out. I really thought we had some of the best shows coming up.

It must have been frustrating in that you were probably just hitting your stride on the show, getting comfortable with the character and the pace of production.

It is frustrating. I'm sorry it's over. I wish it were still going.

What have you made of the experience of being on The X-Files ?

I've had a great experience doing this show. It's been wonderful being able to work every day. I love to act. I show up and do my thing and I've just had a great time doing it. Doggett's a great character. It's great writing, a great crew, and a great cast. It's been a wonderful experience. I'm so lucky to be able to say that I wanted to do television and to have this be my first opportunity as a lead in a one-hour drama. This is a very rate show. I don't think there will be another show like this around for a while.

Chris Carter has said that he was concerned that you and Annabeth Gish might somehow feel responsible for the show ending. Do you ?

You know what ? He did mention that to me. I don't. I would have if they stopped the show at the end of last season, but we ended last season and were on such a high notte. The ratings were good last season and I felt like my mission was accomplished. I really appreciated him being worried about me for that reason, but I don't feel responsible. I think I did the work. I'M proud of the work I did. I know that I stayed focussed and did what I wanted to do, which was focus on the work. And the rest of it, I really don't have any control over that. But I do have any control over that. But I do have control over what goes on between "Action" and "Cut", and I know I was there.

What was the fan reaction initially, when you came on board ?

Initially they weren't too excited about a new guy doing the show and they weren't too excited about me. But they are now, and they like Doggett, thank God.

Is that gratifying to you ?

That's very gratifying, yes it is. It's a tough enough profession to deal eith the rejection from people you're trying to get jobs from, but to have the fans reject you, too, would... boy, that's got to be devastating. The actors's ego is so fragile.

Some people assumed that you were brought in to replace David Duchovny. Did you ever think of it that way ?

I never replaced David. That was never the object. I was new character that was brought on the show and I did the jod that was asked of me, which was to be John Doggett. I did it and David has not been replaced because he's back, he's here. He's Mulder and I'm John Doggett.

Have you shot the final episode yet and worked with David again ?

No, we're like three or four episodes away. I did a lot of stuff with David last year, in the final episode of last year, and we had a ball. We had a lot of fun. We get along great. I knew we'd get along great when he knocked on my trailer door one day and said, "Let's go play stickball." And I knew his wife (Tea Leoni). I met her back in 1991 or 1992 and my wife and she got along. We knew Tea socially. It was only a matter of time before I met David.

Take us though Doggett's arc over the past season-plus that you've played him. Who was he when he started and what have we learned along the way ?

He's pretty much what Chris said he was, which was a kind of a by-the-book guy. He's got his honor. He's got his code. He's got his honor. He's got charcter and he's a good dude... I got to tell you, they wrote a great character and it's been fun playing a guy that loves America, loves his jod, believes in his country, and believes in going the right thing. You know he's got a lot of virtue and a lot of codes he lives by. I think it's a throwback character, a really interesting character.

Is there anything in particular that you'd like to see resolved in terms of Doggett - his part or his relationships - befor thay call "Cut" that last time in just a few weeks ?

Well, some of the stuff that I wanted [involved] the death of Doggett's son. That's been the big driving focus - what actually happened to my son ? - and that is going to air. I think Doggett would like to see those that are involved in the conspiracies within the F.B.I. exposed and he'd probably like to confront them. I think he'd be happy about that. And I, like the fans, would probably like to see Mulder and Scully get together, be together.

And what about the Doggett-Reyes relationship ? What sort of closure would you like to see there ?

We get married, have children and live happily ever after. I don't know. I don't really think about that. Whatever they want to do.

What surprised you most about working with Gillian Anderson ?

That she's able to be very focused and dedicated to the work after this amount of time. She's a hard worker and she's amazing to watch. She's also a lot of fun. I hang out with her socially and she gets along great with my wife. I think she's a great lady.

Do your kids play with Gillian's daugther on the set ?

My five-year-old daughter often plays with Piper, yeah. My little boy's only 20 mouths old and they have a lot of fun. They'll be here tonight. They usually come on Friday nights. That's family night and they come and hang out in my trailer and we walk around and get cookies and my daugther puts headsets on and watches takes. Sometimes the director says, "What do you think ? Was that a good one ?" and she'll say, "I liked it" and "My daddy was good."

Which X-Files episodes have you been most pleased with ?

Most of the ones that involve my caracter. (Laughs). The ones that feature me, that allow me to flex my muscles as an actor. "John Doe." "Via Negativa." I enjoyed those.

Did you notice a big bump in the recognition level as a result of you being on The X-Files ?

I have one of those faces. I go out and people recognize me from Terminator 2 and then from when I did The Sopranos. Now it's The X-Files. That's just part of being an actor. It's fun to have people recognize you and recognize you for your work. It's more fun when they recognize you for obscure films. Like, "Hey, was that you in Copland, with the mustache ?" "Yeah, that's me." I pride myself on being a chameleon and I think there's a lot of work out there that I've done that people don't recognize me.

What kind of person do you imagine is the average X-Files fan ?

I've met them in all shapes and sizes. I meet all sorts of people. I'm amazed at who are X-Files fans who love the show.

How interested would you be in appearing in the next X-Files feature ?

The X-Files movie ? I'd be very interested. I'd have to read it and see if I'd be interested in doing it.

Doggett, if he's not exactly a believer at this point, has at least become less skeptical about and more open to the possible existence of alien life and paranormal phenomena. Are you a believer ?

I'm open to anything if you can prove it. I'm kind of like Doggett. I'm very similar to that. I've got to see it to believe it.

What's the first thing you're going to do when you finish with The X-Files ?

Oh, I'll probably make an appointement to see my doctor and get a physical. I'll go to the dentist. I've got to move out of my house. I'm doing some construction on that. I'll propably spend some time with my kids. I'll be riding my Harley a lot. But I'll also be looking for a gig. And I'm excited about what that may be because I don't know what it is.

Chris Carter has said that for the low, low price of $49.95 you could keep your F.B.I. badge. Would you cough up the money ?

Sure, I'd give him $49.95. Absolutely.

Would you ever consider taking Doggett out on the convention circuit ?

I'm actually thinking I could do a double bill kind of thing. I could show up in the T2 outfit and start opening some supermarkets and stuff like that, little bowling alleys and things of that nature. Car lots, I could do that. I've always got that to fall back on ! And I've got John Doggett. I'd throw on a suit, put on a badge. Maybe I could be working for Cerritos Auto Square before you know it.

You're joking, but ...

I swear to God, I've been doing this so long and I never worry about work. I'm really blessed that way and I'm very grateful and I've never had to worry about where the gigs are going to come from. This is not something I take for granted. It's not a birthright. This is a privilege, to be able to act. It's a great way to make a living. There are a lot worse jobs. So all this stuff about "Where's your next gig?" doesn't have that big an effect on me.

So what is next for you ? Where does Robert Patrick go from here ?

I'm looking to do whatever's good at this point. I've been doing this for 17 years, so if it's a film, if it's TV, if I could afford to do theater now, I would be open to it. It's really a question of all those things. It's like, "What's the best opportunity financially ? Can I hold out and do something that I really want to do ?" All of those elements are involved, so I'm just putitng it out there that I'm looking for some good dialogue.