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  Welcome to a Behind the Scenes look at Hope Island.

  In May 1999 - Lions Gate Television started production on Hope Island. It was filmed at Britannia Beach, BC, Canada. The initial order of 13 one-hour episodes was later expanded to 22 one-hour episodes - a full season.

  "When a TV Series production moves into the middle of a small town for an extended period of time it very often will result in disruption and complaints from local residents. This was not the case with "Hope Island" at Britannia Beach - just the opposite. Employment opportunities were created; communication with the community was excellent; and improvements to buildings, roads and the community ball field will be a positive legacy. This fortunate experience hasn't just happened, it has taken considerable effort on the part of all Hope Island personnel who have been very aware of the impact on the community and have gone out of their way to act responsibly and flexibly." - British Columbia Museum of Mining Website

  The crew wrapped principle photography on December 17th 1999, and bid their sad good-byes to cast, crew and support staff, and returned to Los Angeles just to finalize post production and pack up the office for the season. Sad to say, the show was later cancelled much to the surprise of the cast and crew.

  Please enjoy this Behind the Scenes look at the making of Hope Island.


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