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The Rocky Road to Romance
GL's Phillip & Beth - Soap Opera Weekly: 2/91

The course of true love is bumpy, but for Guiding Light's Phillip and Beth it was more like hiking the Himalayas.

  • June 1983: Phillip meets an injured Beth while visiting his friend Mindy in the hospital. At their senoir prom, Phillip tells Beth he loves her, despite the fact that she's there with his best friend, Rick.
  • December 1983: The couple runs away to New York to escape Beth's stepfather, Bradley.
  • February 1984: Bradley is sent to jail for raping Beth. She and Phillip make wedding plans.
  • March 1984: The wedding is interrupted by Mindy's confession that she's pregnant with Phillip's child. Phillip marries Mindy; Beth takes an interest in gang member Lujack. Mindy miscarries.
  • May 1984: Phillip and Mindy get divorced. He tries to win Beth back, but she is already deeply involved with Lujack.
  • October 1984: Beth is blinded in an explosion, planned by Phillip, in Lujack's club.
  • December 1984: Phillip is blackmailed into marriage by India von Halkein, who knows about his involvement in the explosion. Beth regains her sight.
  • December 1985: Lujack is killed in an explosion.
  • June 1986: A reunited Phillip and Beth's wedding plans are dashed again when she is kidnapped and presumed dead.
And then...
  • September 1989: Beth (now played by Beth Chamberlin), mute and suffering from amnesia, returns to Springfield with an architect named Neil Everest.
  • December 1989: Phillip and Beth are reunited at Willow Hills Sanitarium. Phillip stops Beth's wedding to Neil; she regains her speech.
  • April 1990: Beth discovers she's pregnant.
  • June 1990: Neil is killed in an explosion that Phillip is accused of setting.
  • August 1990: Phillip fakes his death to avoid prosecution for Neil's death and moves to Capria.
  • September 1990: Beth marries Rick to avoid suspicion about their part in faking Phillip's death.
  • October 1990: Phillip returns.
  • November 1990: Beth gives birth to baby Elizabeth.
  • December 1990: Beth and Rick get divorced.
  • February 1991: Phillip and Beth finally marry!

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