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Having trouble with a file in Krammars Delicious Mystery Trivia? This Frequently Asked Question can probably help you out!

Q. I downloaded the file but nothing happened?
This is very common, you probably hit the OPEN button when you downloaded the file, since this file is a EXE, most computers will not open it directly from the site. Please try this.

The Correct Download Method
Go to the download page.
Click the Start button.

Click Save. You should see a screen much like below.

Click Save so it saves to your desktop. If the default place is not your desktop, go to where
it says Save In (drop down) and select desktop. Click save.

This is the transfer window, you should see something like this.
Make sure the
() checkbox is unchecked. Disregard any
numbers in the picture above.

This is to show that the download is OVER, COMPLETED AND DONE.
When the download is over, click the OPEN button.

Minimize Your Window so you can see your desktop.

Click the icon that looks like the one above!

Q: Where should I install Krammars Delicious Mystery Trivia?
It automatically installs this to this directory C:/Krammars/.

Q: How do I uninstall Krammars Delicious Mystery Trivia?
A: Go to My computer

Click C:/

Double click Krammars

Click the following button.

It should now be removed from your pc.

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(35% belongs to the stockholders!)