Shuis Heaven

"The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth"~~William Shakespeare

Character Stats: Luis

Character Stats: Sheridan

McKenzie Pictures

Galen Pictures

**Newly updated**Fan fic! Post Your Own and Read What Others Have Written!

The Love Test: Don't Worry, It's Not the Love Noodle.

Awards I've Won

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Shuis Heaven Web Board!

Don't Get All the Soap Magazines? Read all the Shuis articles and see the pictures here!

My Shuis Slideshows!

Screencaps From Bermuda

Passions Wallpaper- A Shuis Heaven Original!

Passions Poll
What do you think about Brian and Sheridan/Beth and Luis
Boo! I hate it! Shuis forever!
I wish Shuis were together, but at least they're happy
It's alright as long as they're both happy
They kind of make cute couples...
I LOVE the new couples!
I don't care about Shuis, they've been apart too long
The show sucks so much without Shuis, I quit watching

Current results
Alxnet Free Web Tools

Great Shuis Sites

The Best Sheridan and Luis club on the web!
The Official Passions site-Great for finding all the newest Shuis updates!
McKenzie Westmore's official website!
Galen Gering's official website!
TONS of Passions Top 10 Lists-A Must See!!!
Missed an episode? Here's a Site for Complete Recaps!
A Peek Into Passions~A Great Passions Site for All Fans!

Click the picture to see some of my favorite Shuis pictures!

Click the picture to go to more Shuis pictures!

Click the picture to see pics from the Shuis double wedding!

This page is my way of paying tribute to the couple I love the most-Luis and Sheridan! These pictures are from various websites, mostly from the Luis and Sheridan club at Yahoo! that is linked above (It's a great site, and I encourage all Shuis fans to join!). I didn't take them myself or make them, but I'm not trying to turn a profit, and I am a poor college student, so don't waste your time sueing me. And I'm not affiliated with NBC, Passions, JER, McKenzie Westmore, Galen Gering, or anyone else who would have a reason to sue me, although I really wish that I was. If any of these pics are from your site and you don't want them up, e-mail me, and I'll be happy to take them down. If you want to use any of the images I made (you'll know them because they have my website in the corner!), just e-mail me, and tell me where you're putting them. I'd be happy to share. Thanks for visiting!

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Last edited: June 5, 2002