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Rachel Green


Here is the all new Rachel Green Trivia quiz! All you have to do is write down your answers on a separate sheet, and when you are finished, click on the SEND QUIZ ANSWERS! link and type them in the box. I know this process is kind of annoying, but it was the easiest way for me to make sure I could grade them all and send awards to those who earn them! So if you get 8 or more right, you will be sent an award to display on your site! So good luck and come back soon for more new character quizzes!

1) What is Rachel's favorite Phoebe song?

2) What is Rachel's middle name?

3) What was the name of the man who Rachel left at the altar?

4) From what company did Rachel loose a job in TOW all the poker?

5)What does Rachel have tattooed on her left hip?

6) What is Rachel's favorite movie?

7) Which flavor of juice did Rachel pick in TOW Ross and Rachel you know...?

8) What high school did Rachel attend with both Monica and Ross?

9) What was the name of her prom date in high school?

10) What body part does Rachel have a fear of being touched?

EXTRA CREDIT: What is Rachel's dad's favorite drink?

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