Doyle Quotes

Doyle: It's not like you have a signal folks can shine in the sky whenever you need help, right?

Doyle: I got something that'll boost your spirits. Why don't you put it on, and here, I'll stake ya. It'll be fun!

Doyle: Don't worry. When Angel's finished with this case, I guarantee you'll be wanting to jump off a bridge again.

Doyle: Well, she thinks that you're insensitive, and not to bring up the irony, but consider the source.

Doyle: Not a lot of things make me shudder. But this guy? Crawling around under the covers? At least it was just his hands down there.... I wish I hadn't even thought that.

Doyle: Well the things you learn. I had no idea Angel was Queen of the Winter Ball.

Doyle: Harry says I should mix with other demons. I'll mix! (SMASH)

Doyle: It was in some sort of factory. I thought it tasted like salt. Could've been the margarita.

Doyle: The good fight, yeah? You never know until you've been tested. I get that now.

Doyle: Left you with a bit of craving, didn't it? Let me tell you something, pal. That craving's gonna grow. And one day soon, one of those helpless victims that you don't really care about is gonna look way too appetizing to turn down. And you'll figure, "Hey, what's one against all I've saved? Might as well eat them. Still ahead by the numbers.

Doyle: Well, I like the place. Not much of a view, but it's got a nice Batcave sort of an air to it.

Doyle: High school's over, bud. You gotta make with the grown-up talk now.

Doyle: I get visions, which is to say great, splittin' migraines that come with pictures. A name, a face. I don't know who sends them. I just know whoever sends them is more powerful than me or you and they're just trying to make things right.

Doyle: You need to champ people up a little more casual like, you know? "What's your name? How's life treatin you? What's that, you say? Minions from hell getting you down?"

Doyle: Well, if it's a fight they want... can't someone else give it to 'em? Just seems unfair, you know? You gotta save all the helpless-types around here, and now you gotta fight the Apocalypse as well?

Doyle: The idea of sudden family obligations with guys who looked like big, blue pin-cushions... it was just a little too much to take right then.

Doyle: Once upon a time there was a vampire. And he was the meanest vampire in all the land. All the other vampires were afraid of him, he was such a bastard. Then one day he's cursed by gypsies. They restore his human soul. And all of a sudden he's mad with guilt... it's a fairly dull tale. It needs a little sex is my feeling. So, sure enough, enter the girl. Pretty little blonde thing, Vampire Slayer by trade, and our vampire fell madly in love with her. Eventually the two of them get fleshy with one another. The technical term is "perfect happiness." But when our boy gets there, he goes bad again. So when he gets his soul back for a second time, he figures he can't be anywhere near Miss-Young-Puppy-Eyes without endangering them both. So, what does he do? He takes off. Goes to L.A. to fight evil and atone for his crimes. He's a shadow. A faceless champion of the hapless human race.

Doyle: Think of it, man, poolside tanning, bargain matinees, plus I know a couple of strip clubs that have a fabulous luncheon buffet. ...I've heard.

Doyle: I bet he's out hangin'-ten right now, out on the sandy shore at Malibu. Wind in his hair, bikini babes a-whistlin'.

Doyle: He likes playing the hero. Walking off into the dark, his long coat flowing behind him in that mysterious and attractive way.

Doyle: Protect and serve. It's entirely my bag.

Doyle: Protecting young women such as yourself? Yeah, there've been four. And three of them are very much alive.

Doyle: (about Cordelia) She's really something, isn't she? It's like wrestling a tiger just to get to know her.

Doyle: (re: his life story) Quite a tale it is, too. Full of ribald adventure and beautiful damsels with loose morals...

Doyle: What about friendship and family and all the things that are priceless like they say in that credit card commercial?

Doyle: I don't see Angel putting on tights. ...Oh, now I do and it's really disturbing.

Doyle: It's not all about fighting and gadgets and such. It's about reaching out to people. Showing them that there's love and hope still left in this world.

Doyle: Is that it? Am I done?

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