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Super Trivia

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Site News

March 1, 2002
The new site design is here! In honor of Simpsonland's first full year I have a new site design! In two days is the big first anniversary!! Hope you enjoy the design!

February 28, 2002
Super Hard trivia is here!! This trivia consists of eight questions that can only be answered by mega Simpsons fans. Click HERE to test your Simpsons knowledge!

Also I am still deciding on a weekly trivia contest but the future is looking bright!!

February 26, 2002
Here's another Idea. I can set up a new "User submitted" trivia section where you give me several questions. I'm toying around with Java Script and this would fit perfectly with it! If you want to give me a trivia question just e-mail it!

The trivia that once was the "super hard" trivia is now the regular hard trivia. Soon I will have a new trivia that is much harder, or possibly a weekly trvia thing. Let me know! I also plan to bring in some more interactive stuff, example some polls or a trivia game where every week your scores are posted and they continue to add up. Send feedback on some of these ideas!

Simpsonland Poll
Should I have a weekly trivia competition where you get points and compete with other users and would you participate?

Yes, but I wouldn't participate
Yes, I would participate.

View Results

Site Owner
Tom Ward