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Stefan Cassadine's Bio Stefan Cassadine
Stephen Nichols

Although this brooding power monger can change the fate of hundreds merely by picking up a phone, the destiny of the so-called "good" Cassadine rests in the hands of a woman even he can't control - Katherine Bell.

In 1996, Stefan offered Laura Spencer hope for the life of her daughter, Lesley Lu, in the form of her son, Nikolas.

That same year, Stefan maneuvered the closing of General Hospital as a way to force Laura to invite him and Nikolas to remain in Port Charles.

Stefan married Laura's sister-in-law, Bobbie Jones, in 1996.

To prove to Laura that he wasn't out to get her family, Stefan presented her with a gift - her mother, Lesley Webber, alive and well.

After a confrontation with Luke Spencer, Stefan fired at him - but it wasn't Luke that he hit, it was innocent Katherine Bell, to whom he became more than a little attached.

Stefan made a grand show of planning to leave Port Charles, knowing all the while that he and Nikolas weren't going anywhere. Stefan had masterminded the closing of General Hospital, and then he laid at Laura's feet a choice: She could allow him and Nikolas to remain in Port Charles - and bail out the medical facility - or she could see it shut down forever.

Later, Stefan anonymously enticed the Spencers' son, Lucky, into a dangerous computer game called Timoria - translation: atonement, the Cassadines' favorite pastime. Even after Stefan helped save Lucky from quicksand, Laura wasn't convinced of his innocence. To redeem himself in her eyes, Stefan gave Laura a gift: her mother, Lesley, who was believed to have died years ago in a car accident. When Laura went into the building where Lesley was, it exploded. Stefan had lost his beloved Lasha for good - or so he thought.

Luke and Laura had rigged the explosion to fool Stefan into thinking that she and Lesley were dead. In reality, they were just hiding out, biding their time until they could figure out what he was up to. But when Luke confronted Stefan with a gun, it seemed all too real to Stefan. Afterwards, when he heard noises, he picked up the gun and fired.

But it wasn't Luke that Stefan hit, it was Katherine Bell, Nikolas's friend. For an instant, their eyes locked, and then she fell.

Later, after Laura had returned to the realm of the living, Stefan reminded her that they shared more than friendship in Greece - implying that Nikolas may not be his nephew but his son. Laura beat a hasty retreat, leaving Stefan to obsess over his victim, the paralyzed Katherine. Much to the worry of his bride, Luke's sister, Bobbie Jones, Stefan and Katherine were forging a bond that resembled nothing so much as love. Stefan divorced Bobbie after he had found out that she had been working with Luke against him. Now it seems that nothing can stop him from pursuing Katherine

Stefan gave Katherine a crystal horse which she smashed when he finally revealed to her that he was the one who shot her. Even after she came to realize that Stefan paralyzed her, Katherine fell deeper in love with him.

Determined to keep Stefan and Katherine apart, Alexis duped Stefan into believing that Katherine was his long-lost half-sister, Natasha. Stefan broke things off with Katherine, who was shocked and heartbroken.

A short time later, Alexis' treachery was exposed and Stefan severed all ties with her. Stefan then set out to regain Katherine's love and make her a part of his life again.

In 1998, Katherine accused Stefan of being in love with Laura. On the night of the masked ball, Katherine realized that Stefan was Nikolas' father and she fell to her "death" from the parapet at Wyndemere. Stefan went on trial for Katherine's murder and told Laura to distance himself from the case as the truth about Nikolas' paternity could never be made public knowledge.

In the end, Laura couldn't bring herself to just sit back and watch Stefan be convicted of a murder she knew he didn't commit. Laura's testimony vindicated Stefan, who made it clear that he wanted Laura back in his and Nikolas's lives.

With Luke still out of town, Laura found herself more and more vulnerable to Stefan. Stefan confessed his love to Laura and they even shared a kiss. Stefan was confident that he, Laura and Nikolas would be a family one day. Nikolas was crushed when Katherine told him the truth about his paternity but soon reconciled with Stefan and Laura and was genuinely glad that Stefan was his father.

Laura and Stefan grew closer in the aftermath of Lucky's "death" and she recuperated at his country home after suffering a breakdown. Determined to get revenge on Helena, Stefan gave her poison, which resulted in her being paralyzed and unable to speak. Stefan then moved Helena to Wyndemere and played the role of the devoted, loving son while taunting her with the antidote to her condition.

Stefan was furious when Nikolas said that he was going to marry Katherine because she was pregnant with his child. On the day of the wedding, Katherine once again fell to her death from the parapet at Wyndemere and this time she stayed dead!

Stefan and Laura suspected that Helena was responsible for Katherine's death and set out to prove it. Helena was arrested for Katherine's murder and Laura was stunned when Helena said that Stefan had poisoned her. By this time, Stefan and Laura had become lovers again and Laura was horrified by Stefan's actions.

Stefan found out that Lucky was alive and set out to bring him home to Laura in order to be a hero in her eyes. Stefan's plan backfired when Luke saw Stefan's men drag Lucky away from the cabin where he was being held by Helena. Luke then mistakenly told Laura that Stefan had been responsible for Lucky's kidnapping.

Laura confronted Stefan and refused to believe his claims that he was trying to bring Lucky home to her. Laura's failure to believe him caused Stefan to wash his hands of her for good. Not one to forgive and forget, Stefan has now orchestrated his own "death" and plans to frame Luke for his "murder."

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