Hotaru Tomoe

My fave Outer Senshi! Hotaru is a girl who gets weak easily and has the power to heal people. Many people think it's freaky so she doesn't have many/any friends. The truth is, when she is Sailor Saturn, she has the power to destroy an entire planet!

This is Hotaru Tomoe.

TYhis is Sailor Saturn.

A Little History on Hotaru/Sailor Saturn: Back on the extraodinary Moon Kingdom, Hotaru was Sailor Saturn and had been one of the senshis who had stopped the dark agents’ plan. After the Moon Kingdom was ready for the agents just incase if they striked again, the Dark Kingdom began an attack. Sailor Saturn fought hard wilst everyone else did the same. She protected as many loved ones as she could with her barrier, Silence Wall. One of the attackers shot a huge energy blast at her, making her black out for awhile, which meant her protective Silence Wall around most of the people was gone. When she awoke, she was fighting again, doing her best. When that was ovr with, she had survived. But she knew it was still not safe on the Moon. Queen Serenity knew as well, and sent Saturn to the Earth to live in a safer time period. She now lives as Hotaru Tomoe, the o jo san (daughter) of a mad scientist. She lives in the Tomoe Mansion with her o tosan (father), Professor Tomoe. She does not know who here o kasan (mother) was. All she knows now, is she lives a dark life. School is a tradegy; everybody calls her a freak or a witch. When walking through the aisles, everybody stayed far as possible from her and whispered about her while staring rudely. No one wanted to give her anything since they think she will drop it because she’s fragile, or “curse” since the believe she is a “witch”. Her memory doesn't give her the lsightest hint about being the strongest senshi, Sailor Saturn. Somewhere else, some unknown force is going to revive power she never knew she had. Soon, Hotaru met a young man who sensed her hidden power. That man was Saro, and he told a dark force about it. One night while she was sleeping, Hotaru had a very interesting dream that seemed so real. In her dream, she was given the Death Crystal and could know turn into Mistress Nine. When she awoke, she realized that wasn't just a dreaml; it truly was reality.

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