
Ok, it's not exactly done yet but it will be in just a few minutes. Just have to get some pictures up. ^_^

This is Serenity Wheeler (Shizuka Jonouchi). She is Joey Wheeler's younger sister by one year (I think). She is going to go blind soon without an expensive operation. That's where Joey comes in! Joey is here to save the day for Serenity!

This is Yugi Mutou, the main character. He is a regular ninth grader attending Domino High (if you call a shortness regular but I'm sure he'll get his growth splurt). His grandfather gave him the millenium puzzle which releases his yami. His grandfather got captured with Pegasus's millenium eye forcing Yugi to enter into the Duelist Kingdom to save his grandfather.

This is Yami Yugi. He was the pharaoh long ago in 5000 B.C. There were evil games played back then called Shadow Games and only Yami Yugi captured them into the millenium puzzle along with his soul. The millenium puzzle, so far that we know of, protects the wearer of fire, yami yugi(of course!), makes the wearer more taller, braver, and smarter.

This is Joey Wheeler(Katsuya Jonouchi), Yugi's best friend. He is Serenity's older brother. In the first episode, he and Tristian were Yugi's bully because of his short height. Joey and Tristian were both picked on later by a bully twice their height and Yugi comes in to be their shield. He claims they're his friends, and Tristian and Joey were both thankful. Joey if usually the funny one in the show.

Tea Gardner(Anzu Mazaki) is the biggest cheer on girl in the group. She hardly duels except when she needs to. She helped Yugi get starchips from Mai when Kaiba beat Yugi. She would do anything for her friends.

Tristian Taylor(Honda Hiroto), along with Joey, use to be Yugi's bully until Yugi shielded them from another bully. He and Tea aren't very big duelist and just cheer in the audience for their friends. But hey, the audience is a big part too if you know what I mean.

Maximillian Pegasus or Pegasus J. Crawford is the creator of Duel Monsters. He possess the millenium eye; it lets him see into other's minds and capture souls (that's all that I know of or can remember). He captured Yugi's grandpa's soul after he beat Yugi, Mokuba's as a trap for Kaiba, and Kaiba's after he beat him.

Seto Kaiba is an owner of a huge millionare company, Kaiba Corps. After his loss with Yugi, he strived to find himself (Heart of the Cards) which made his brother mad. Mokuba was his only friend he had until he met Yugi. Yugi and co. befriended Kaiba (partially I'm guessing) although Kaiba is still mean towards them.

Mokuba is Seto Kaiba's younger brother. He is a sixth grader. He doesn't see any harshness towards Kaiba. Kaiba is Mokuba's best friend and trusts in Kaiba with all his heart. He even dueled Yugi (the unbeatable, hehe, that's a good nickname) to honor hsi brother.

Mai Valentine (Mai Kujaku) is one of the world's top duelists. Unlike Yugi, Joey, and Kaiba, she duels for fashion stuff. During the show, she learns the meaning of the heart of the cards from Yugi, Joey, and the rest of the gang. She even kind of starts flirting with Joey. ^_^

Bakura is master of the millenium ring. It lets him locate other millenium items, release his yami, and trap souls (that's all I know for now!). It's strange how he and his yami are so different (He is a well behaved, innocent british boy, and his yami is a devilish...monster! sorry to all you Bakura fans! I'm just kidding!). He joins along with Yugi and the gang soon. After Yugi beats Pegasus, Bakura snatches Pegasus's millenium eye...I'm guessing it's his yami that steals it?

Grandpa Mutou is the main reason why Yugi is dueling in the first place. Yugi's grandpa taught him the heart of the cards and gave him his deck. He also gave Yugi the millenium puzzle. Yugi eventually beats Pegasus and rescues his grandpa, Kaiba, and Mokuba.

Bandit Keith is one of Yugi's rival people. He was one of the victims to witness the effect of Pegasus's millenium eye and lost to the kid, Sam, in the competition. Not much other information is known about him.

Isis Ishtar is Malik's sister. She is the oldest daughter of the Ishtar family. She owns the millenium tauk. Not much other information known.

Malik Ishtar is the owner of the milenium rod. He has the pharaoh's memories tatooed on his back. Not much other 411 known about him.

Shadi is the owner of millenium items, anhk and scale. (forgot a really big fact!). You know what I'm going to say so i won't even bother putting it up.

Adina is the female version of Mokuba. She is a princess. In Season 2, she is in the video game that Kaiba created and helps the ygo gang when they go in to save Kaiba. Very unknown.

Yu-Gi-Oh Theme Song

Episode Showtimes (Pacific Standard Time Digital Time Warner Chatsworth)

My Favorite Couples (just because you don't have the same opinion as me, don't go flaming me ok?)

Other Pictures