Gilmore Girls Fan Fiction


Literati. Jess and Rory. Jory. Whatever you call it, it's wonderful. I've been a fan of Jess and Rory from the beginning, truly I have. Jess was always different around Rory. They talked. They enjoyed books. They could go to a book fair for hours and not be bored with each other. I love Jess and Rory for so many reasons. They had intelligent conversation, which is more than I can say for the Neandrathal. Sorry, Narco lovers out there. Rory went to New York to find Jess and in return Jess came home for Rory. He wanted so much to make her happy, though he usually ended screwing up. Jess really loved Rory and Rory really loved Jess. That's why they're perfect for each other.

I also liked Tristin. Of course, he's gone and I'll always hold the hope that he'll return, so I also have fan fiction including him. And I'm also a Java Junkie, so the majority of the stories I have also have Java Junkie undertones to it, so bare with it.

Literati Fan Fiction

A Fairy Tale
A Happy Ending-Sequel to A Fairy Tale
A Gilmore Valentine's
A Thousand Miles Song Fiction
Family Now
My Life
What Does it all Mean?

Trory Fan Fiction

Date Match