Nick's Saga

Parts 6-8

by nlindabrit





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.




Part 6 -- The Quest for Nick

(Meanwhile...back at the ranch...Victoria worries and Heath does all the work! Until Counselor Barkley's urgent telegram summons the Barkley matriarch and Heath to San Francisco)

The first peal of thunder, preceded by a brilliant and prolonged flash of lightning, exploded over Sky meadow, too far away from the ranch house to disturb the sleepers within. However, the second peal of thunder boomed almost directly above the white mansion and it's reverberations rattled every window and door. Heavy rain beat against the windows and flash after flash of lightning illuminated the angry storm.

Victoria Barkley sighed and glanced at the clock on the mantelpiece, it was almost 4am, she had not been sleeping anyway, indeed it was months now since she had enjoyed a good night's sleep. Her troubles weighed too heavily upon her heart to permit her to rest properly. She pushed back her bedclothes and arose, running a hand through her crisp silver hair and wrapping herself in a warm robe for the fire had died away to nothing in the chill pre-dawn.

She heard the stealthy opening and closing of a bedroom door and sighed again as she sat before her dressing table mirror, rather mechanically tidying her hair. It was Heath of course, up before it was even light, trying to run this ranch single-handed in the continuing and prolonged absence of Nick, his older brother. Victoria admired the quiet fair-haired young man for his determination to keep things together and running smoothly but he was driving himself impossibly hard, indeed driving himself into the ground! Victoria knew that he was strong, fit and healthy, but no man could work day and night, seven days a week for this length of time, without it's taking a terrible toll on him.

Her heart went out to this son who was not a son, but whom she loved as dearly as the sons to whom she had given birth. He had unshaken faith in his brother Nick, he simply carried on coping with all the burdens of running the ranch and never complained as the days of Nick's absence lengthened first into weeks and then into months. Sudden tears sprang to Victoria's eyes and her gaze went to the collection of family photographs on the table beside her bed. The portrait of Nick was one of her favourites of her second son. He was dressed for a party, tall and handsome in his dress clothes, laughing into the camera, his clear confident gaze serene and happy. Three months, he had been missing now for three months and where he was or how he was, his mother did not know.

With every day of Nick's absence from home Victoria's anxiety increased. She knew her turbulent son better than almost anyone and she knew how much his home meant to Nick Barkley. He had once, as a boy, entertained the notion of becoming a sea captain, a career that would have taken him away from the Valley he loved. His father Tom Barkley had demonstrated his faith in Nick and instead of leaving, Nick had made the choice that instead of a maritime career he would instead run the Barkley ranch and since making that choice his whole being had been centred on this valley and his home. His mother knew how deeply attached to this place her Nick was and that was why his prolonged absence troubled her so very much.

Since the day of his hurried departure three months previously, no word had been received from Nick at all. At first this had not worried Victoria, Nick hated writing letters and any telegrams he ever sent were terse and to the point. This continuing silence was troubling though, he must know that the whole family were anxious about him and his failure to communicate gave his mother the gravest fears that harm had come to him. For the hundredth time since he went away Victoria wished she knew more about the reason for Nick's sudden departure! She had questioned poor Heath, who was the only person who knew anything at all about it, over and over again but there was little he could tell her. She knew that Jarrod had also questioned Heath, intensely and to the point where she feared another falling out between her eldest son and one of his siblings. Heath had commanded her admiration and her respect though, he had answered both Jarrod's and her own enquiries with kindness and exemplary patience but he could only tell his mother and brother the little that he knew.

The day of the huge quarrel between Jarrod and Nick, which involved the sale of a particular piece of Barkley land, Nick had gotten very hot about Jarrod's wanting to include this land in a complex deal he had brought about. Heath had wondered why Nick was so dead against it but as was usual when such matters arose, he had sided with his rancher brother in the dispute. High words had passed between Jarrod and Nick and the lawyer, weary after a long day in court had tongue-lashed Nick for his intransigence. He had also intimated that it would be easier to manage the complex Barkley business affairs without the interference of the rancher brothers. Heath had not taken offence, he had too much respect for Jarrod's shrewdness and knowledge of business matters. Nick however had seen red and yelling at the top of his considerable voice had given Jarrod to understand that he could run the ranch and everything else on his own from now on! He had then stormed out, leaving a rather stunned Jarrod staring after him.

Nick had not returned to his home and the next day he had ridden out of Stockton without taking leave of Victoria or Jarrod and without telling Heath anything about his destination or purpose, besides the bare facts that he was going to Mexico to help a friend. That had been over three months ago and no word of Nick or from Nick had been received since. It was all very unsatisfactory, Victoria and Jarrod had both cudgeled their brains but neither could think of any Mexican friend of Nick's aside from Mariano and tentative enquiries had established that the mysterious telegram had not come from him.

As the period of Nick's absence lengthened, Victoria's anxieties and fears for his welfare increased too. She had shared these fears with Heath and he had done what he could to re-assure her. She had acknowledged that Nick was a tough man, well capable of dealing with almost any eventuality but as time wore on, her doubts and fears could not help but grow. She would have liked to discuss it all with Jarrod of course. For many years past she had relied upon the cool good sense of her eldest son and few indeed were the problems that Counselor Jarrod Barkley could not solve. This subject however was in Jarrod's opinion beyond his power to resolve, because he believed that he was the cause of Nick's departure from his home.

It was true that the two oldest Barkley brothers had quarreled very bitterly, but it was far from the first time that they had differed as to the way forward for the Barkley ranch and businesses, such arguments were indeed commonplace. True, this one had been very heated and both men had said things they ought not to have said, but Victoria could not, would not believe that Nick had gone away for any such reason. She sighed again and brushed away a long slow tear as it rolled down her cheek, Jarrod believed it though. He was absolutely convinced that he had driven Nick away and nothing his mother or anyone else could say would dissuade him from this conviction.

To talk about the matter to him, only added to Jarrod's deep distress and so Victoria did not have her chief confidante to disclose her doubts and fears to. She jumped slightly as there came a gentle knock and Silas came quietly in with her tea. She bent a mock frown on him, "what are you doing up so early and how did you know I would be up?"

He didn't bother answering her just smiled his understanding and poured out the tea. He too found sleep elusive in the absence of his beloved Nick, though he shared Heath's view that no disaster had befallen Nick.

"Has Heath had any breakfast?" Victoria sought to distract herself from larger problems with more practical concerns.

"I sent it out with him, if he's not too darned tired to eat it!"

His mistress nodded, "I know Silas I know, we can't go on any longer like this, I'll talk to Jarrod about getting some help for Heath."

The wise eyes of the servant looked into her own, "that won't be an easy conversation Ma'am!"

"I know, but it has to be done." Her decision made her feel a little better, it was not much but taking any action at all was better than this interminable waiting around!

In the event, Victoria was denied an opportunity to discuss Heath's difficulties with her eldest son because Jarrod left rather suddenly for San Francisco, ostensibly to clear up some outstanding work. Victoria was deeply worried about her son, the quarrel with Nick, the worst that the two brothers had ever had, seemed to have wounded Jarrod to the core. He could not be convinced that he had not driven his brother away from home. His mother had done her best to persuade him otherwise but she knew that hard set to the lawyer's mouth and wisely forbore to press the issue. Jarrod needed distraction from his troubles and Victoria understood why Jarrod's wife Sarah had urged him to go to San Francisco, knowing that he would be able to lose himself, at least to some extent, in his business.

The two women had discussed the matter in Sarah's sun-filled garden, she sat pouring tea for her mother-in-law as Victoria nursed Baby Jack, peacefully dozing in her lap. This first and much- loved grandchild was a considerable comfort to the troubled Barkley matriarch and Sarah had tenderly placed him in Victoria's arms almost the moment she had arrived. Victoria spoke of Jarrod's unshakeable conviction that he was the cause of Nick's disappearance and Sarah shook her head.

"It's no use Victoria, he won't listen to reason, in fact he won't listen at all! I can't even talk to him about it any more. I'm afraid there is only one person who can convince him and that's the man we all want to find!"

Victoria nodded, "yes, you're right of course, Nick has to be the one to re-assure Jarrod, that is, if you and I are right and Jarrod has nothing to do with it."

Sarah's voice was firm, "we are right Victoria, never doubt it."

Her certainty was convincing and Victoria rallied herself, "yes Sarah, you're right and I'm letting things affect my nerves," she made a valiant attempt to smile and said in a stronger voice, "just you wait until I get my hands on Nick! I don't care if he is six foot three, I can still spank him!"

Victoria had promised Silas that she would speak to Jarrod about help for his younger brother but knew that she could not wait for Jarrod's return to find some way to assist the over-burdened Heath and with the brisk decisiveness that characterized her she took action! Consequently when a very weary Heath Barkley rode in that afternoon, having been in the saddle since before dawn, he found his mother seated at the big desk in the Barkley library putting the finishing touches to the mountain of paperwork that he had come home to do. He was too tired to protest and thanked her warmly for her help. His quiet sincerity brought tears to Victoria's eyes and she cupped a loving hand to his cheek, "no Darling, thank you! For everything, all your hard work and most of all for your faith in your brother!"

A shadow crossed Heath's handsome face, "I do have faith in Nick Mother, I have faith in Jarrod too and I don't buy this notion Jarrod's got into his head that he's the cause of Nick's absence."

His mother shook her head, "neither do I Heath, neither do I!"

The fair-haired rancher put his hands on the slender Barkley matriarch's shoulders, "I think the time has come Mother, I've been holding the fort here, trying to keep it all together for Nick, but I think I have to leave now, I have to find out what's become of Nick, for all our sakes not just his!"

Victoria nodded through her tears, "yes Heath, oh yes please! Find your brother and bring him home, I beg of you, just bring him home!"

As things turned out, Heath never got the chance to ride out in search of Nick because the next day brought Jarrod's telegram from San Francisco and both Victoria and Heath were shaken both by what the lawyer had to say and by his uncharacteristic manner, for he sounded almost distraught and it was hard to make sense of the incoherent details in the wire. As far as they could tell, Jarrod had been having some dealings with youngest brother Eugene and had managed to quarrel with him even more violently than he had with Nick a few months before. It seemed that Gene had to all intents and purposes run away and Jarrod was proposing to follow him, but what neither Heath nor Victoria could comprehend were the repeated references to Nick in the telegram.

"I cannot make this out!" Victoria shook her head, "I can't decide if Nick was in San Francisco too and Jarrod has seen him, or Gene knows where Nick is and has run away to him, but if that's the case, where is Nick and how did Gene know where to find him?"

Heath shook his head, "I don't know Mother but this telegram worries me, Jarrod sounds..." he didn't finish his thought but his mother understood him, "I have to go to San Francisco Heath, at once!"

Heath was firm, "no Mother, WE have to go."

"What about the ranch Heath?"

"Damn the ranch!"

Accordingly, mother and son lost no time in travelling to San Francisco, sped on their way by a desperately worried Sarah and they went at once to Jarrod's law office but he wasn't there, nor had his secretary seen him for a couple of days. Both worried sick, Heath and Victoria made their way to the elegant apartment Jarrod maintained in the city and here at last they ran him to ground. The lawyer looked terrible, his eyes were red-rimmed from lack of sleep and though he was washed, shaved and wearing a clean shirt, it was clear to his mother and brother that he had not eaten or slept in far too long. He greeted them calmly but it was an unnatural, almost despairing calm, born of despair and Victoria lost no time in getting the facts out of her distressed son. She and Heath coaxed Jarrod into eating something and they managed to get some hot coffee into him too. After which Jarrod was able to give them a fairly rational account of recent events.

It seemed that Jarrod had arrived at his city pied a terre to find his youngest brother and a few of his more dissolute college friends in residence. Gene was, of course, supposed to be hard at work at his studies at Berkeley University but the previous winter had been studded with incidents of bad behaviour and neglect of his work on the part of the youngest Barkley and there had been several readings of the riot act for him from both Jarrod and Nick. This latest stunt apparently involved a prolonged gambling spree and the group of young men had been living it up in San Francisco for a few days when Jarrod caught up with them.

Jarrod lost no time in throwing the rest of Gene's cronies out and lost no time either in telling his youngest brother what he thought of him! Victoria could sense from the little Jarrod told her that it has been a most bitter altercation and it seemed Gene had said some deeply hurtful things to his eldest brother. Chief amongst which had been the accusation that Jarrod had driven Nick away from the ranch and the life he loved. The mother could see how it had happened, Gene, no doubt burning with shame at his own misdeeds and resenting Jarrod's stern lecture had said the one thing he knew would wound his brother the most. The lawyer's haggard face and trembling voice told Victoria and Heath that Gene's accusation had cut Jarrod to the quick and that he absolutely believed it to be the truth.

It seemed that after the argument Gene had stormed away and Jarrod had been trying ever since to find him, so far completely without success. Heath had remarked to Jarrod that Gene's actions seemed untypical and Jarrod had admitted that the boy had seemed odd, not his usual sunny self at all. Heath had gently suggested that perhaps Jarrod was getting it all out of proportion and he had been touched by the haunting sadness in Jarrod's eyes as the lawyer quietly replied, "no Heath, I'm afraid that I have now succeeded in driving another of my brothers away from his family, I guess there's only you left to go!"

Heath laid a gentle hand on the troubled older man's shoulder, "I'm not going anywhere Jarrod and when I catch up with Nick and Gene I'm gonna teach them both a lesson for upsetting you this way!"

His quiet certainty re-assured not only Jarrod but Victoria as well and the trio settled down with a fresh pot of coffee to hear the rest of Jarrod's narrative. The lawyer drank his coffee and told his mother and brother what had happened the previous day.

"I didn't have a clue where to start looking for Gene but I ran into a business associate of mine who knows him and he told me he had just seen the boy down at the railroad stockyard."

Heath and Victoria exchanged startled glances, but neither interrupted and Jarrod went on, "I couldn't imagine what the boy might be doing there but of course I went to find him," he broke off and a dark shadow of memory crossed his face. When he spoke again his voice was tightly controlled although the other two could hear the emotion throbbing in his words, "I didn't find Eugene, there was no sign of him anywhere...but I did see Nick."

Victoria and Heath were stunned by this revelation and the Barkley matriarch couldn't keep herself from asking eagerly, "did you talk to Nick Jarrod, is he all right?"

Jarrod shook his head, I didn't talk to him Mother, he was too far away and he didn't see me, I only saw him for a minute or two." He stopped, looking away from his relatives, clearly distressed and then went on in a sad low tone, "he was working on the cattle cars, unloading stock."

Now the mother understood her eldest son's anguish, indeed she shared it, Nick Barkley, the proud son of a proud father, a rich young rancher, reduced to working as a stockyard cattle drover! What in the world could have brought her middle son to such a pass?

It was Heath who asked the obvious question, "Jarrod are you sure it was Nick?"

Jarrod smiled faintly, "well he was stripped to the waist, filthy dirty and his hair was plastered with sweat and grime but, yes Heath it was Nick beyond a doubt."

Heath nodded, Jarrod was sure, no doubt about it! He shook his head, "I can't understand it though, did you check it all out?"

He already knew that Jarrod would have done so and the lawyer had confirmed it was so. He had enquired at the stockyard offices but there was no record of Nick being employed there and no- one seemed to know him. Of Gene, Jarrod had gained no information either, it seemed the trail had gone completely cold.

Victoria was deeply upset by Jarrod's news of Nick and was silent, lost in her own rather uncomfortable thoughts. She listened though as Heath and Jarrod talked the matter over and she was grateful to Heath for his gentle, intelligent probing, as he quietly questioned his eldest brother.

"So you asked at the offices, but there was no record of Nick hiring on at the stockyards as a hand?"

"No, none at all."

"Well then Jarrod, it's obvious that Nick wasn't working as a hand, whatever it may have looked like."

There was an arrested expression in Jarrod's troubled blue eyes, "I guess not, but what else could he have been doing Heath?"

"I don't rightly know, but he could have had his reasons, maybe something to do with his mystery friend. Tell me Jarrod, did you check on Nick's bank account like you mentioned in your wire?"

Jarrod nodded, as Nick's attorney it had been a simple matter for him to make the necessary enquiries, "yes, I don't know exactly what Nick's been up to but his bank balance has been depleted massively over the three months since he left home."

Heath smiled slightly, "well I guess that squashes your theory that he was hiring on as a hand then!"

Jarrod's face was bleak, "I suppose so Heath, but it doesn't make me feel any better, if Nick's found it necessary to dip so deeply into his personal fortune it can only mean that he doesn't intend to return home."

Victoria's head came up, "I can't believe that Jarrod! I won't believe it. I don't know any more than either of you what Nick is up to, but I do know my son. It isn't in him to leave his home, to leave his mother without a word, not for good anyway." She broke off as tears choked her voice, before steadying herself to say firmly to Jarrod and Heath, "our course is plain to see, we have to find both Nick and Eugene as soon as possible, this mystery has gone on long enough!"



Part 7A -- Brothers

(Nick has enough on his hands trying to save the Del Rio estancia from ruin, the last thing he needs is the eruption into his life of his pesky baby brother Eugene!)

As the train made it's way to San Francisco, both Nick and Carlos had time to reflect on the events of the recent past, there was quite a lot to think about, that was for sure! Nick thought about his wife, they had been married for only a few weeks and this was the second time he had found it necessary to leave her to attend to some pressing business. He hated being away from Dominica, he was very happy in his marriage and asked nothing better than to spend the rest of his days by her side. A wry smile played about Nick's handsome mouth, for he was under no illusions about Dominica, she was a free spirit and due to the fact that her late father had spoiled her rotten, she didn't take easily to being thwarted. Nick was a few years older than his bride and had sufficient experience to control the worst of her moods, but the little vixen had the devil of a temper and life promised to be anything but dull in the years to come!

Nick smiled into the distance as he looked through the train window, Dominica was pure gold though, naughty and tiresome at times maybe, but she had a warm, loving heart. When the wagons arrived at the Mission, bearing their pathetic cargo of humanity from the Circus of Human Despair, both Dominica and Adrienne had been there, ready and willing to help the Sisters care for the weary and sick people who so desperately needed help. Nick had seen many instances of the kind good nature of both girls and had marveled at the tireless and selfless way both women worked with the sick and needy.

Nick had seen the poor two-headed being, Katya, shyly fingering the rich shawl Dominica wore and had been unsurprised when his bride instantly placed it around the shoulders of Katya, who weakly protested before eagerly accepting the first really lovely thing she had ever owned.

No, spoilt and feisty she certainly was but Dominica Del Rio had a real feeling for people and she worked hard over the next couple of weeks assisting Nick to provide what help was needed for the wretched show-folk. In the case of some, hardly any help was required, a few dollars and a train ticket here, a warm set of clothes and a job there. Others, were clearly so sick or aged that they would never leave the care of the Sisters at the Mission. Nick's own involvement took the form of digging deep into his own finances to bankroll the needs of his new protégés.

Dominica had accepted the presence in Nick's life of the tortured and abused boy Marric with an equanimity that had taken Nick by surprise. He vividly remembered the incredulous grief and fury of his eldest brother's wife, Sarah, when Jarrod had brought Danny Mathews home, as his ward and adopted child. That had been different of course, Sarah was still suffering from the loss of her baby daughter Martha and saw Jarrod's action as a betrayal of trust and a denial of her rights as his partner in life. Dominica had reacted very differently, stroking Nick's face when he tried to apologize for not consulting her before taking responsibility for Marric. "You have a big heart Querido Mio, there is enough room in it for that poor little boy as well as me." He had caught her in his arms, grateful for her tolerance and for her willingness to let him nurture the child.

Nick frowned into the gathering darkness, wondering if his wife and the rest of those at the estancia would be able to contain Marric until he and Carlos could return with the cattle needed to fulfill Don Miguel' Nick's commitment to the Mexican Army. Nick was too honest not to admit to himself that he was now fully standing in his late father-in-law's boots. He was now the Patrone of the Del Rio estancia and if it gave him a pang to think of leaving the ranch he had grown up on, he was not a man to shirk his responsibilities and he knew that his destiny now lay in Mexico with his wife and also with little Marric, the child who needed all the love a warm-hearted man could lavish on him.

He had made a good start with the boy and Marric had tried hard too. It was no easy thing though, to overcome the cruel training and brain-washing of Zelda and the child still had a tendency to panic and bite anyone close to him if things got confused or difficult. Particularly, he could not be trusted with women, another legacy from Zelda. Which put Nick in a dilemma about the trip to San Francisco for the cattle. He needed to go with Carlos, not that he didn't trust his foreman, they had established a real friendship these last weeks. It was more the compelling need to fulfill the Army contract. This was far from the best time to be buying cattle, Nick's considerable reputation and personal presence was necessary if they were going to get the animals they required.

Nick had sat little Marric down and carefully explained why he had to leave for a while. He could still hear the boy's hysterical weeping, as he clung, blind with tears to the man who had so rapidly become his talisman. "No! No, please Patrone, don't leave me, don't leave me please!"

Nick had held him, rocking away the boy's deep distress and talking gently, he had explained that it would only be for a little while and soon he would be back home with his boy again. It had been no easy matter to pacify the desperate child but eventually Marric had calmed down and paid attention as Nick explained how things were going to be until he got home again.

Nick had thought long and hard about Marric, he would have liked to bring the boy with him but he was weak and ill and didn't need a tiring journey. It was proving difficult to get the boy to eat or drink enough and it was clearly better he should remain quietly at the estancia until Nick returned. Which created a problem, because Marric could not be trusted alone with women, at least not yet. His tendency to fly at anything or anyone he perceived as a threat, sinking his powerful teeth into his victims made him a dangerous charge for anyone and Nick was rightly concerned about his wife Dominica and Adrienne her companion and friend.

So Nick decided to confine Marric to his bedroom for the duration of the trip and told his new little son of his decision. Long slow tears rolled down the boy's thin face and he hung his head, scarlet with shame, whispering, "I understand Patrone...I...I'll try to be a good boy."

Nick cuddled him, speaking to the top of the boy's fair head, "now we talked about this, no-one is blaming you for the way you sometimes act and it will all be all right one day, but we have to deal with the way things are now. Which means you have to stay in your room until I get home, will you do that for me Soldier?"

"Yes Patrone...I mean Papa, I'll be good."

Nick felt terrible about it though, it seemed to him that Marric had simply exchanged one jailer for another. Admittedly there was no comparison between his devoted care and the sadistic cruelty of Zelda, no comparison either between the comfortable room the boy had in the estancia house and the trailer cum cage carpeted with filthy straw that had once been his home. Still, thought Nick, a prison is a prison, I'm going to make sure I don't have to leave that boy again, at least not until he can be trusted not to bite any more. It was amazing to Nick, the completeness of his relationship with his little protégé, the bond had been forged between them right there in that hellish camp, a bond which would never break, they were in effect father and son. It had not been planned or in any way intended, it had simply happened.

Thanks to the intelligence and wisdom of the old man, Professor Rakovsky, Marric was not uneducated, he knew the difference between right and wrong and Nick was confident that he was not irreclaimable. The boy was capable of affection, he only had to see Nick to run to him, covering his adopted father's face with warm kisses, gratefully lapping up all the caresses that Nick gave him. Nick was good with kids, he always had been and he lavished affection on the maltreated boy at every opportunity. Knowing instinctively that this kind of demonstrative love could hopefully cure the boy of the traits engendered in him by the cruelties of his past life.

Almost as much as Nick was missing Dominica, he was missing young Marric too, amazing perhaps when two weeks ago he had not known of the child's existence, it didn't seem amazing to Nick, just natural, it was the way things were.

Carlos had his own thoughts to occupy him, things at the estancia had been bad for so long that it was hard to accept that there might be light at the end of the tunnel. He personally had borne many of the worries and burdens of the estate alone, trying to spare the ailing Don Miguel as much anxiety and exertion as he possibly could. Consequently, he felt weary and tired in spirit, but the appearance on the scene of the ebullient rancher from California had breathed a spark of new life into the whole estancia it seemed. Nick had quickly won the friendship of his foreman and Carlos had known that he could trust this man and work with him, so perhaps if they could meet their Army contract there was still hope for the future.

Carlos had known nothing but trouble and hardship in recent years, the untimely death of his parents had saddled him with the care of his three very young brothers. It had been a second marriage for Carlos's father, hence the great age difference between him and the younger boys, he was old enough to be their father, and being a father was not something that Carlos had ever wanted to be. He ruled all three younger brothers with a rod of iron and knew that he commanded their respect, he was not perhaps as kind as he could be, but he was doing his best and could do no better. He couldn't help wondering what the long term future held for him personally. At first, he had been sure that Nick Barkley would carry his bride off back to his own ranch in California, then with the death of Don Miguel, Nick had assumed the ownership of the estancia and anyone could see that he was starting to like his role there. He had hinted that he might leave and let Carlos run the place, a plan which appealed to Castillo very much indeed. Since then, matters had changed somewhat, since the liberation of the circus, Nick had adopted both the wolf-boy Marric and the tiny crippled girl who had no name at all. It was beginning to look less and less likely that Nick and his makeshift family would ever leave the Del Rio estancia. Carlos wondered how that might affect his own position, then dismissed the longer term future from his mind, there were more immediate matters to be addressed, there was a herd to buy and ship to Santa Alva, he would concentrate on that and let the farther future take care of itself. He studied Nick Barkley's strong handsome profile for a moment and smiled inwardly, saying to himself, I can trust this man, there is nothing to fear.

Their business prospered, Nick's contacts built up over the long years he had been in charge of the Barkley ranch proved very useful. Despite the fact that most of the post round-up sales were well and truly over, Nick and Carlos still managed to put together a respectable herd. There was no doubt that they could fulfill their contract now, though Carlos still wondered how they would be able to re-establish their own herd on the estancia. Nick did not share those doubts, he grinned at his foreman, "no need to worry about that! My brother Heath breeds the best cattle in California, but don't you tell him I said that! He'll give us exactly what we want!"

Carlos hid his thoughts behind a bland smile, so, my question is answered, Patrone intends to stay in Mexico. Ah well, a man could do worse for a boss, I shall do well enough with him.

They worked like demons, Patrone and foreman, both stripped to the waist and sweating alongside their men as they loaded the cattle for the journey back to Mexico. Nick noticed how hard Castillo worked beside him, he noticed the sterling efforts of his men, he noticed the quality of the beasts he had purchased, what he failed to notice was the rigid figure of his eldest brother, watching him in shocked disbelief across the bustling stockyard. As the last of the unwilling cattle were driven up the ramp and into the cattle trucks, Nick brushed his unruly hair out of his eyes and wiped his sweating face with his bandana. He grinned at Carlos as his foreman handed him his shirt, "thanks Carlos, a job well done!"

"There is little time before the train leaves Nick."

Nick was flushed with their success thus far and laughed exuberantly, "relax will you? I have a feeling that from now on everything is going to go my way!"

The two men made their way behind the cattle-cars to the front portion of the train, Nick talking all the way, trying to rub some of his own optimism off on Castillo. He saw that Carlos was staring intently ahead and demanded, "hey Carlos, are you listening to me?"

Castillo glanced at him, "I beg your pardon, no, I was wondering what that boy is doing there, he looks...I don't know...he looks pretty sick!"

Nick looked in the direction of Castillo's pointing finger, the boy staggering ahead of them did indeed look sick, he also looked vaguely familiar to Nick, although he could only see the rear view of the lurching figure. As they watched, the boy lost his precarious balance and crashed heavily against the train tracks. The two men started toward him and as they did so, the reeling figure somehow manage to get back on his legs and lurched doggedly forward again.

Carlos was first to reach the boy, grasping his elbow and enquiring kindly, "are you sick, let us help you?"

The boy shook himself free angrily and nearly fell again, snarling at Carlos, "let me be, I...don't need any help!"

Nick was level with them now and gaped at the unexpected sight of his sibling, "what the hell are you doing here Boy?"

Gene's fever-bright eyes blinked uncomprehendingly at Nick for a second then as he recognized his elder brother, the youngest Barkley glared then giggled, "same as you Nick! I'm running away from Jarrod."

Nick grasped Gene's arm in a painful grip, "none of your back talk little brother! Why aren't you at college?"

"Why aren't you running the ranch?"

Nick shook Eugene like a rat, "your next smart remark is gonna be your last Boy!"

"Go to hell Nick! I told that dictator Jarrod he couldn't run my life and neither can you, let me be!"

Carlos intervened, "with respect Nick, there is no point in you arguing with him, I think he has a bad fever!"

Nick put a hand to Gene's head, "you're right, he's burning up!"

At that point, Gene's eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out, Nick had to move fast to scoop him up before he hit the tracks. The rancher stood looking worriedly at the inert body in his arms, "For crying out loud! What the heck am I going to do with him?"

Carlos had been looking at the youthful fever victim in some surprise, "this is Heath?"

Nick grinned, "no! This is my baby brother Eugene, he should be in college right now, not drifting around this place! I wonder what in the world he's been doing? He looks awful!"

Carlos smiled, "apparently he is running away from someone called Jarrod?"

"My eldest brother, the world's most pig-headed lawyer!"

Carlos glanced at his pocket-watch, "we have only minutes before the train Nick," he said apologetically.

Nick stood irresolute, torn between his new responsibilities and his older ties of family, "I can't leave him Carlos, look at him!"

The Mexican grinned, "well Patrone, he said he wants to run away, so why don't you let him?"


"He is full of fever but I do not think he has any serious disease, why not take him with us?"

"To Mexico?" Thundered Nick, "I can't kidnap my kid brother and take him to Mexico?"

Carlos shrugged, "very well what do you wish then? Am I to take the herd and leave you here?"

Nick thought of little Marric, "no, I promised...I have to get on that train with you Carlos!"

He stood thinking for a moment and all at once his face split in a broad grin, he looked at Castillo, "Carlos, you are a genius!"

"I am Patrone?"

"Yep, it's high time I made contact with my folks anyway and if this brat has fallen out with Jarrod maybe I can make the peace between them and maybe that'll help me and Jarrod to resolve our own differences. We'll take him with us!"

Ten minutes later, the train pulled out of the stockyard, carrying the new Del Rio herd, the Patrone of the Del Rio estancia, his foreman and his men and his comatose younger brother Eugene Barkley.

When Gene came out of the deep swoon that his fever had induced, his first thought was that he must be on a train, for that was what the rocking motion felt like and there were besides, all the familiar train sounds and smells too. He knew of course that it was ridiculous, he couldn't be on a train, any more than he had seen his big brother Nick at...where had he been? He couldn't remember, indeed he couldn't think at all. Anyway it was absurd, he was not on any train and he had not encountered Nick. Or had he? As consciousness returned and sharpened, so his memory awoke again and with a rush of emotions, chief amongst which were shame and guilt, Gene remembered his contretemps with his eldest brother and guardian. The painful and demeaning encounter with Jarrod had most definitely taken place, so had he also met elder brother Nick in the flesh as well?

Gingerly Gene sat up, clasping a hand to his aching forehead as the world seemed to reel about him. Then he managed to focus his blurred gaze and stared disbelievingly out of the window at the night-time landscape drifting past. He was on a train, it was no dream, then it was all true! Not only had he been caught misbehaving by Jarrod, he had indeed met Nick in the San Francisco railyards, the real Nick, not a dream! Gene's brain was not so fuzzy that he couldn't deduce that if he was now taking a train journey, then he must be doing it in big brother Nick's company.

Gene looked around the private rail-car he was in, it was comfortably appointed and except for himself, it was currently deserted. He was relieved in a way, the last thing his aching head needed was a thunderously angry Nick Barkley tearing into him right now. The idea of a furious Nick led his wandering thoughts back to Jarrod and in his mind he heard again the lawyer's coldly angry and contemptuous speech. Gene didn't hate Jarrod for those words of condemnation, he was only too well aware that his conduct more than merited the reproof. No, it was not Jarrod's words to him that distressed Gene, rather it was what he himself had said to Jarrod.

Involuntarily, Gene's pale blue eyes, so like Audra's and Heath's, filled with tears. His sister was only a year older than Gene, but in all her life she had never behaved half as badly as he had. Even though she had a reputation as a wildcat, she hadn't given their eldest brother and guardian half as much trouble as Gene and the boy knew it. His other brothers Nick and Heath, they were respected men, highly thought of by all who knew them. Gene's thoughts turned inward upon himself, me? What the heck are people going to think of a waster like me? Heath has only been a member of this family for three years, God how fast that's gone by! People look up to Heath already. When he first arrived, I treated him like dirt and he? He was so kind, showed such patience with me, he makes me ashamed, or he would if I even knew what shame was any more.

Tears rolled down the boy's face, weak as he was from fever, he was unable to check his emotions. How could he have done it? He had promised Jarrod he would return to Berkeley and buckle down to his studies and he had broken his word. He had abused Jarrod's trust by invading the privacy of his San Francisco apartment and he had reneged on his promise by gambling again. Worst of all, he had said the most vicious thing he could think of to his guardian. Throwing at Jarrod the accusation that he was a dictator and had driven Nick away from the ranch. Gene didn't believe this for a second but he knew fine well that Jarrod did, so to have leveled such a charge at the lawyer was a massive betrayal of a man that Gene had always loved. Gene didn't even want to think about Nick's likely reaction when he heard what the youngest Barkley brother had done. His anger about that would eclipse even his anger at Gene's other misdemeanours and Gene didn't relish having to confess all to Nick in due course, though he was determined to do so, knowing it was the right thing to do.

Eventually, the door opened and Nick entered, accompanied by a Mexican man and a soberly dressed gentleman carrying a medical bag. "Awake at last little brother? This is Doctor Haines, he's travelling as a passenger on this train and he's kindly agreed to look you over." Nick frowned worriedly, evidently the boy had been crying.

Gene scowled, "I don't need a doctor," he murmured defensively.

"You'll do as you're told!"

Gene submitted to Doctor Haines examination and the elderly physician was able to assure Nick that his young brother stood in no danger. "I don't doubt this young man feels rather sorry for himself, he's had a pretty nasty fever but I'd say all he needs now is rest and quiet." He turned to Gene, "by the looks of you, you've been doing some fast living young feller, you need what my English father would have called a repairing lease!"

Gene regarded the doctor with silent resentment and Doctor Haines laughed, turning again to Nick. Nick insisted on paying him for his trouble and the two men shook hands and parted amicably.

Nick introduced Carlos to Eugene who barely acknowledged him, glancing at his employer's grim face, the Mexican quietly left the brothers alone together. Gene waited for an explosion of wrath from Nick but none was forthcoming. The rancher had every intention of extracting his kid brother's story from him but he could see that now was not the time. There were huge dark smudges of exhaustion under the boy's eyes and his tear-stained face told it's tale as well. So instead of playing the heavy father, Nick treated Eugene very much as he would have done a decade ago when he and Jarrod had tried hard, to fill the huge gap left in Gene and Audra's lives by the death of Tom Barkley.

Speaking softly, Nick pushed Gene gently back against the cushions, "I think you need to get some rest Kiddo, lay back and try to sleep now."

His anger would have provoked Gene into sullen resentfulness, but this kindness unmanned him and again he wept bitterly. Nick covered him with a blanket and sat beside his young brother, gently patting his shoulder until the weeping passed and the boy slid into a sleep of exhaustion. The rancher's face was grave, what in Hades had the boy been up to and why was he so upset about it? One thing was certain, whatever new responsibilities were waiting for Nick in Mexico, he had to help his troubled sibling as well.



Part 7B


The next time Gene awoke, Nick was still in the rail-car with him, sitting on the opposite side, his long legs stretched out before him and his arms folded. He was dozing and Gene sat up quietly and swung his legs to the floor, not wishful to awaken his formidable elder brother just yet. He saw a carafe of water on a table in the corner of the car and went to get a drink. He drained his first glass of water thirstily and poured another, drinking this one more slowly. The water made him feel a little better and he sat down opposite Nick again and tried to force his tired and muzzy brain to think. Earlier, he had found it hard to remember much, but now his memory was functioning with almost painful clarity and he could, without effort, recall every word of his shattering interview with Jarrod and the full circumstances of his meeting with Nick. None of what he remembered did anything to boost his self-esteem, which had never been lower than at this moment.

Had he really intended to run away from his oldest brother and guardian Jarrod? Run away for good that is? Gene didn't really know the answer to this question. He had been angry, more with himself than with Jarrod, for he was an honest young man and knew how deeply he was in the wrong and he had stormed away in a temper. But now? Gloomily, Gene faced what he saw to be the truth, his conduct had been such that he had sacrificed any right to call himself a Barkley. He could do his family no greater favour than to leave and disgrace them no longer.

That was not going to happen though, Gene knew that with certainty, for the simple reason that Nick would not let him do any such thing. He regarded the slumbering figure opposite him with enormous affection, there was an age gap of eleven years between them and Gene had adored Nick from his earliest days. Nick was the manly big brother who had taught him to fish, shoot, ride and swim. He had also taught him to fight, to believe in himself and to be honest. He treated Gene with a sort of benevolent bullying, much the same way as he treated Heath Barkley, his hectoring and authoritative manner, concealing his deep regard for both his younger brothers. Except that his manner didn't really conceal it, for Gene and Heath both knew how great a place they occupied in Nick Barkley's warm heart.

Gene had always looked up to Nick, not with the degree of respectful awe that he looked up to Jarrod, but as someone he could always approach and confide in. Nick possessed a hot temper and a mighty voice, he was capable of delivering lectures every bit as stern as Jarrod's and like Jarrod he had occasionally had to discipline his younger sibling. But Nick understood all of Gene's youthful follies and was not above rescuing him from some of them. He would listen and sometimes sympathize and he would unfailingly help Gene to the best of his ability.

The excellent understanding between Nick and Eugene Barkley had been somewhat dented by the inclusion in the family of Heath Barkley. The good relations between Nick and Heath had been far from instantaneous but it seemed soon enough to Gene that Nick and Heath became friends as well as brothers. A process hastened by the close nature of their working lives and their shared interests and enthusiasms. At a time in his life when he was already uncertain of the future and unsure of himself, Gene saw his own role in Nick's life taken from him by a comparative stranger. From the first, Gene treated Heath with outright hostility and he strained every nerve to provoke the new member of the family into a confrontation.

Heath absolutely refused to oblige him, tolerating a good deal of disrespect from Gene until one evening when Eugene forcefully declared his implacable hatred for Heath. Heath's commendable patience had snapped at last, not loudly and aggressively as Nick's would have done. Rather it had been a cold, quiet anger, more akin to Jarrod's manner. Heath had jabbed Eugene in the shoulder and said quietly, "no, you don't hate me Boy, because you don't even know me! At least get to know me, find out who I am before hating me. Then, fine, have it your own way, I can live without your good opinion!"

Gene smiled into the distance as he recalled this confrontation, Heath had challenged him to go away to the Barkley hunting lodge, just the two of them. They had done so and it had proved to be a turning point. Heath made no special attempt to win his younger sibling over, it had just gradually begun to happen. They stayed at the lodge for a couple of weeks, during which time they fished and hunted together and did a whole lot of talking. It cleared the air between them and Gene offered Heath a sincere apology for his previous behaviour. They rode home together in quietly contented companionship and Gene swiftly realized that he had found a new friend. For, unlike Nick or Jarrod, Heath had never had to play the mentor to Gene, which made their relationship refreshingly different.

Studying the sleeping Nick, Gene acknowledged that for him and Nick though, Heath's arrival had altered everything. He was no longer Nick's younger brother, now he was his baby brother and all of the things he had once imagined he would do with Nick, Heath did instead. Heath and Nick ran the ranch together, Gene had always thought it would be he and Nick who did that. Even when he lifted his aspirations beyond the horizons of the Barkley ranch, first wanting to be a lawyer like Jarrod, then opting for medicine instead, he had somehow believed he could still have this close companionship with Nick. But now, it was Heath who was Nick's close friend and confidante, which Gene no longer resented, even if it did sadden him.

Gene thought with dread of the coming conversation that he knew he must have with Nick. How could he begin to explain his recent actions, when he barely understood them himself? How could he ever expect either Nick or Jarrod to understand or forgive him? Wearily he concluded that forgiveness was a thing he didn't deserve, he would have to run away again, this time from Nick. He went to the door of the rail car and softly turned the handle. It squeaked protestingly, causing Gene to glance worriedly at Nick, but the rancher slept on and Gene made good his escape softly shutting the door behind him.

Eugene stood on the balcony of the rail-car, trying to assess the speed of the train and to judge the type of country through which it was passing. A voice intruded on his thoughts, "I fear that if you jump, you will break at least one of your arms!"

Gene looked over his shoulder into the wise eyes of Carlos Castillo. "I wasn't going..." His denial died on his lips as he perceived the friendly understanding in the Mexican's face. Gene smiled faintly, "well, it sort of seemed like a good idea for a second, I guess it isn't though huh?"

"Definitely not, you are feeling low and that's not surprising, the fever you had was pretty bad I think. How do you feel now?"

"Better, although I seem as weak as a cat!"

"That is normal too, you will take a more optimistic view of life in a day or two my friend."

Gene sighed, "I doubt it," he answered with quiet sadness.

Eugene stood staring into the night for a minute and then remembered his manners, "I'm sorry Senor, I know my brother introduced you to me, but I can't remember your name."

The older man smiled and extended his hand, "I am Carlos Castillo, foreman of the Del Rio estancia, near Santa Alva in Mexico."

The two men shook hands and Gene frowned, "Santa Alva? that where we're going Senor Castillo?"

"Please, call me Carlos, yes, we have to get this herd to our pastures as soon as possible. Then when the beasts are rested, we have to drive them to the Army barracks at San Cristobel to fulfill our contract." Carlos smiled, "that is why Nick had to kidnap you out of the stockyard, there was no time to return you to your other is it not?"

The mention of Jarrod clouded Gene's amiable expression, "yes," he answered in a subdued voice, "Jarrod is my eldest brother and also he is my guardian. I...well I let him down...again! We...we quarreled and I...well I guess I ran away from him."

Carlos grinned, "but perhaps you did not intend to run as far as Mexico?"

Gene grinned back, "no, not quite that far!"

Carlos thought he had established a certain amount of trust between himself and the troubled young man, "forgive me for asking you this, Eugene, may I use your given name by the way?"

"Please do, though I prefer Gene, ask me anything you want Carlos."

"Gracias, were you going to run away from Nick too? Did I stop you jumping off the train?"

Gene shrugged, "I honestly don't know. Everything just hopeless. I haven't got a prayer of explaining myself to Nick or to Jarrod and when he finds out what I said to Jarrod...well, Nick is going to kill me Carlos, you can count on that!"

Carlos looked at the youngest Barkley brother, a nice boy, he thought, troubled but decent. Perhaps I can help him to face up to his difficulties. He slipped a friendly arm around Gene's shoulders, "come, you should eat something and it grows chilly out here. We will find you some food and if you feel like it, you can tell me all about it. I have younger brothers myself, three of them! You'll find I'm a good listener."

Gene felt comforted by the Mexican's quiet friendliness and he sensed that this was a man he could talk to. For reasons he couldn't quite explain Gene suddenly thought that maybe things were not as dark as he had imagined. He smiled waveringly at Carlos, "it isn't a very edifying tale Carlos, I'm not proud of my actions."

The Mexican urged him into the warmth of the next rail-car, "come my young friend, food first, then we'll talk.

Carlos succeeded in persuading Gene into eating some food and then lent a sympathetic ear to the tale the youngest Barkley brother told him. It got a trifle tangled in places but Carlos felt he got the main details. He sensed too that simply unburdening himself had helped the troubled young man a great deal. He recommended Gene to refresh himself with a wash and then try to sleep again, offering it as his opinion that things would look a deal less black in the morning.

Castillo returned to the private car, where Nick had just woken up. "Carlos, where's that pesky brat of a brother of mine gotten to now?"

"He's washing up, I fed him and lent him a friendly ear, he's just been telling me all his troubles."

Nick frowned and his voice was hostile, "I don't need any help in taking care of my own family!"

Carlos spoke quietly, "if I have offended you Nick, then I apologize, my only purpose was to try and help."

Nick's expression lightened at once, "forgive me Carlos, it's me who owes you an apology, truth is I'm kind of worried about that boy, he was mighty upset last night."

Carlos nodded, "he thinks his actions are such that neither you nor Jarrod will ever forgive him, I have advised him to sleep and see if things look less bleak tomorrow."

"Gracias Carlos, I'm grateful."

The Mexican smiled, "de nada Nick, I will say good night."

When Gene entered the rail-car, Nick was pouring two glasses of brandy. He greeted his sheepish looking younger brother calmly, "fancy a night-cap or are you sick of this stuff?"

Gene tried to smile, "what did the Doc say? That I'd been doing some fast living? Well he was right! Still, I could use a little Dutch courage right now."

Nick handed him a drink, "to face me? Well now, I've taken a strap to you a time or two and I guess my lectures are pretty near as good as Jarrod's. But I don't believe either one of us has ever given you cause to be afraid of facing us."

Gene smiled, "no, never," he said simply. He sat wearily on the bench seat, "I'm not afraid to tell you Nick, just...just ashamed. You have no idea how badly I've behaved, but trust me, it's bad!"

Nick sat beside his youngest brother, "I gathered that from how you were a little earlier," he said gently.

Gene looked sideways at him, "I'm sorry about that Nick."

"Don't be! Big brothers kind of like being needed from time to time you know."

Gene smiled waveringly, "what I need Nick is a damn good whipping!"

Nick grinned back at him, "well hell Kid! I can do that for you!"

Gene had to laugh but it was a laugh that broke in the middle and at once Nick slipped a sympathetic arm around him. "Listen Son, you're tired and so am I, what do you say we save this conversation for tomorrow? We'll be home then and we can talk in peace and privacy."

"Suits me Nick, er...did you say we'd be home?"

Nick laughed self consciously, "yeah, well I haven't quite figured out where home is for me any more, but I'm working on it."

Gene's voice was diffident, "if...if Jarrod decides to wash his hands of me, maybe...maybe I could stay with you?"

"That's enough of that kind of talk, everything'll work out, you'll see. Now come on Boy! Time to sleep."

With gentle pressure, Nick pushed Gene down onto the bench and covered him with a blanket.

Gene felt immeasurably cheered, both by the conversation with Carlos, during which he had bared his soul and by Nick's unexpected gentleness. He slid into the most restful sleep he had managed to have in recent months.

Nick didn't sleep at all, he lay unmoving in the darkness, his mind in turmoil. What the heck had that boy been up to? Why did he think he'd burnt his bridges with Jarrod and what could Nick himself do about it all? Nick sighed, at least the boy's fever had waned and though he was weak, he should soon be feeling a whole lot better. Still, thought Nick, I can't abduct him and not let them know at home! Poor mother must have been worried sick about me as it is, I can't leave her in suspense about Gene too.

Nick faced the fact that, despite all that had happened in the relatively short period of time since he left his home, he had been remiss in not contacting the ranch before now. His thoughts turned on the Barkley family, especially his beloved mother and the ranch in California he loved so deeply. Not for the first time, Nick wondered what the future held for him, where his destiny lay, in California or in Mexico? He shrugged off these abstract matters and focused instead on the more practical aspects of his situation.

It seemed to Nick that his first job was to get the Del Rio herd safely to its pasture, then head home to the estancia. Was the estancia home now? He was inclined to think it was, however big a gap that left in his heart. After all, he had responsibilities, a new wife and a makeshift little family now too! So, head home and check up on Dominica and poor little Marric. On the way he would send a wire to tell his mother where he and Eugene both were. He hadn't a hope of penning her a coherent letter to tell her everything that happened! He would let her come in answer to his wire, he was pretty sure Jarrod would come too. It would be easier to explain if they were face to face, no letter, even one from a much better correspondent than Nick could possibly do his adventures justice!

Nick had no fear that his mother would not like her newest daughter-in-law. Victoria Barkley was a shrewd judge of character and she would see, just as Nick himself had done, that beneath her spoilt nature and hot temper, Dominica had a good heart. Nick eagerly looked forward to introducing the two women to each other. He viewed Counselor Barkley's appearance on the scene almost as eagerly. He bore Jarrod no ill will over the Soreback meadow deal and wanted to help heal whatever rift there was between Eugene and his guardian. As he slipped at last into his sleep, Nick felt a keen anticipation for the arrival of his family, he had already been parted from them for far too long!



Part 8 -- A Mexican Homecoming

(Nick is glad to be back with his wife and his new son but his good humour evaporates when Eugene confesses and there is Marric's behaviour to contend with too!)

With the herd turned out on the Del Rio pastures to recover from the journey, Nick was content to leave Carlos in charge and he and Eugene rode for the Del Rio house. Gene was still weak and more than a little confused about exactly what his big brother's role at the estancia was. Nick did his best to fill his brother in, with the result that Gene became more muddled than ever and contracted a blinding head-ache into the bargain. By the time they reached the courtyard and dismounted, handing their horses over to the waiting grooms, Gene was swaying on his feet. Despite the fact that it was deep in the Fall now, the weather was still sultry and the journey had taken a toll on the youngest Barkley brother. He was grateful for the cool dimness of the wide entrance hall and let Nick help him take off his coat.

There was a commotion on the stairs and Gene could only gape as a lovely young Mexican woman came down at the run, to cast herself into Nick's waiting arms, exclaiming and crying, "Nick! Oh Querido Mio, you are back!"

Nick caught her in his arms, swinging her up and kissing her at length, without embarrassment. Setting her down on her feet again, Nick turned to his bemused brother. "Eugene, this is Dominica, my wife! Darling, this sorry sight is my youngest brother Eugene, he's had a fever and he needs rest."

Dominica was delighted to meet her new ‘hermano', she kissed him, causing him to flush scarlet and urged him to come into the comfortable living room and be seated.

"Nicholas, how did you come to meet your brother? No, never mind, you can tell me later! He needs a cool drink and some rest as you said. I will prepare a room for him."  She was gone, with a dazzling smile for her admiring young brother-in-law and another ecstatic kiss for her husband.

Nick grinned at Gene, "I guess you're not the only one with some explaining to do Little Brother!"

"She's beautiful Nick! I can see what delayed you in Mexico."

"Oh, you haven't heard the half of it yet!!" Nick broke off looking at the deep cleft between Gene's eyes, "your head aching Brat?"

Gene pressed a hand to his temple, "it sure is!"

Nick smiled, "Adrienne'll sort that out for you, she makes this thing...a tisane I think she calls it. Works like magic, you'll feel better in no time."

Fighting a wave of nausea induced by the pain behind his eyes, Gene could only hope that Nick was right! Vaguely he wondered who Adrienne might be, the Mexican wife was called Dominica so this was someone else?

Adrienne entered the room a short time later, bearing her famous tisane in a steaming glass. She let Nick introduce her to Eugene and then ruthlessly excluded him from the room, telling him firmly that his incessant talking was making his brother's head-ache worse! "Anyway Nick, Dominica wishes to talk to you, to tell you about Marric...there has been some trouble, Dominica will explain." She closed the door on Nick's protests and gently persuaded Gene to drink the potion, which he did, mainly to please her. The French girl's soft beauty had not dazzled him quite as much as Dominic's vivacity had, but he thought she was lovely too and the drink tasted very like the ginger tea that Silas used to give him when he was a child and felt sick.

Adrienne prepared a light meal for Gene and gently bullied him into eating it, then she led him upstairs to a comfortable bedroom, ensured he had everything that he needed before leaving him to sleep. Gene sat wearily down on the bed, resting his aching head in his hand, he felt sick at heart, so much seemed to be happening, yet he still had not had that necessary talk with Nick, neither did he know if Nick had contacted them all at home yet. He looked at the soft white pillow and decided to follow Adrienne's advice. He undressed and clambered gratefully into the cosy bed, his head was still hurting but less than before. Evidently Adrienne's tisane was as good as Nick said it was. The ginger drink had quelled his nausea too and within a minute he was sound asleep.

Nick laughingly allowed Adrienne to shut him out of the living room and went in search of his wife to hear the tale of Marric's doings. Dominica asked him if he had let his family know about Eugene. "Yes, yes, that's all taken care of and I'll tell you later how I came to kidnap Gene, but first tell me what's been going on here with the boy."

Dominica's anxious eyes searched his face, "first you must promise me, not to be angry with him, poor little boy, it's not his fault!"

Nick frowned with sudden anxiety, "what the devil's been happening here Dominica?"

He looked very stern and she grasped his arm with both hands, "promise me Nicholas, you must promise me!"

His own hand came up to cover hers and he felt the thickness of a bandage beneath her sleeve. With gentle strength he removed her hand from his arm and gently unbuttoned her cuff. Pulling the dressing away, his frown grew blacker as he saw the savage bite marks on her tender flesh.

"Did Marric do this?" Even as he asked the question, Nick already knew the answer and turning away from his wife he headed for the stairs. With a sob of fright, Dominica pursued him, clinging to his arm and pleading with him as she tried to stop him, "please Nick, please listen to me! It's my fault, you told me to stay away from him, you mustn't blame him...Please!"

With barely repressed anger, Nick shook off her restraining hand and mounted the stairs, two at a time.

He grasped the handle of Marric's bedroom door, but it would not turn, it was clearly locked from the inside. Nick raised his powerful voice, "Marric? Marric! Open this door, right now!" He waited, but there was no sound from within so Nick set his muscular shoulder to the door and burst it open with one mighty shove. He entered the room slamming the door shut again behind him. At first glance the room appeared to be unoccupied, but as his angry hazel eyes adjusted to the gloom, Nick could see that there was a small huddled shape cowering in the corner farthest from the door. He strode to the window, dragging back the heavy drapes to let in the afternoon sunlight and turned away from the window to confront the boy. What he saw held him transfixed with horror for a second before he crying out the boy's name in an anguished voice as he rushed to Marric's aid.

The slender figure on the floor crouched miserably away from the sound of Nick's voice, he was dressed only in his nightshirt and once again, as it had been the first time Nick laid eyes on him, his head was encased from the neck up in the brutal iron mask of Zelda's making. His wrath forgotten, Nick tore the mask from Marric's head, fumbling over the clasp which held it shut because his hands were trembling with distress. He gathered up the skeletally thin boy and carried him over to the bed, dragging the quilt free to wrap it around the cold child. He sat down on the bed, with Marric tenderly cradled in his arms and tried to control his teeming emotions as he smoothed back the boy's sweat-soaked hair and softly uttered his name.

"Marric? Can you hear me Boy?"

The boy nodded and hid his face in Nick's shirt-front.

"Who did this to you Son?"

Marric forced an answer between his parched lips, " was me."

"You? Tell me why Marric."

Marric lifted his pale, distraught face and glanced toward the bedroom door as it opened to reveal the tautly anxious figure of Dominica. He turned from her to look into Nick's concerned face and sadly whispered, "I...I hurt her." His green eyes were wet with tears and large drops were rolling down his face. Nick tenderly wiped them away and held the boy close, "you didn't mean to, I know you didn't mean to, don't cry Son, everything will be all right."

Dominica said softly, "I will go and fetch him some water and food," and she gathered up her skirts and ran to the stairs. Nick cradled the sobbing boy in his arms, his heart bursting with love for this tormented and tortured little child. When Dominica returned, she set down the tray with the water carafe and a bowl of hot food and obedient to the signal in Nick's eyes, she went quietly away, softly closing the door behind her.

Nick gently compelled Marric to sip a little water, though he had to overcome the boy's reluctance to do so.

"Put...put the mask back on," whispered Marric sadly.


"Because I'm bad, I'm a little wolf."

"No, you're not a wolf, you're a boy, and more than that you're a good boy."

"I bit Dominica, she only wanted to feed me and I hurt her!"

"I know Son, but it's all right, she doesn't blame you and neither do I."

"You do, you do, you were angry, I heard you yell," Marric sobbed.

Nick smiled at him, "I wasn't angry with you Son, I can promise you that, it was myself I was mad at."

Marric looked doubtfully up at him and once more Nick tenderly wiped away the teardrops rolling down the child's thin little face. "I never should have left you, if I'd been here none of this would have happened," he explained.

Marric wrapped his scrawny arms tightly around Nick's neck, "I did try to be good, it was an accident, I was...dreaming, I do that sometimes. She woke me up and I..." He broke off again as fresh sobs shook him and Nick held the thin figure close, soothing him until the weeping passed.

"How did you get the mask Son?"

"I went back to the camp and found it," came the subdued reply.

"Marric, I told you to stay in this room until I came home," Nick reminded his son in a gently stern tone.

Marric hung his head, "I know, but I wanted to show you I was sorry."

"By putting that dreadful thing on yourself? Listen to me Son, from time to time, we all of us do wrong things. If you ever do a wrong thing and I think you need punishment, then you'll get it, but it won't ever be something to fear, I can promise you that. Now I want you to make me a promise, will you do that?"

"Yes Sir!"

"I want you to promise me that you won't harm yourself this way again, will you promise me that?"

Yes Patrone...I mean Papa, I promise."

"That's my good boy, let's try a little more water now huh?"

When Marric had drunk some more water and eaten a little food, Nick tucked him back into bed and stayed beside the boy, until he had slipped into an exhausted sleep. He stood up and crossed the room to where the iron mask still lay on the carpet. Picking it up, Nick softly left the room, taking the hateful object with him. He had already decided that as soon as Marric was well enough, he would let the boy watch as it was smashed into pieces and melted in the blacksmith's forge.

Downstairs, Nick inspected his wife's arm, the bite was a savage one, very deep and ragged, but it looked clean and uninfected at least. Dominica was apologetic, "forgive me Nick! I know you said we should let Jim take his food in to him, but the Professor is ill and Jim scarcely leaves his side. So we did it, Adrienne and me. Marric was so good, you would have been proud of him, he gave us no trouble at all. Then two nights was an evil dream he was having, he screamed so dreadfully, I couldn't bear to let him suffer, I woke him. The bite was an instinctive reaction, like a trapped animal."

"I understand Darling," smiled Nick, caressing her cheek, "I blame myself for leaving him here, I shouldn't have done it."

Dominica stamped her foot, "but no Nicholas, I will not permit you to say that! You went to get the herd and save this estancia, everything you have done has been for my family, you have been so wonderful." She clung to him, "I love you so much Nick, I am so grateful to you."

Nick caught his wife in his arms, bending his head to lock his lips to hers in a fervent kiss. "I've missed you Querida, you don't know how much!"

Her brown eyes sparkled, "so, show me how much Nicholas!"

When Eugene awoke he felt refreshed and mercifully free from the vicious head-ache that had plagued him for days. He sat up rubbing his eyes, it was almost dark, so it had to be early evening. He hoped he hadn't missed dinner, he was ravenously hungry, a nice feeling, because for the past few weeks he had not had any appetite at all. He washed and dressed in clean clothes, wondering where they had come from, for he had brought nothing with him. They weren't Nick's that was certain, his older brother was a good eight inches taller than he was. A smiling maid-servant entered the room, after knocking, "good evening Senor, do you require anything?"

"No thank haven't missed dinner have I?"

"No Senor, you have plenty of time, the Patrone is downstairs in his study if you wish to speak with him."

"Gracias," murmured Gene, thinking to himself that talking to Nick was just about the last thing he wished to do. Still it had to be done sometime, perhaps it would be best to get it over with.

He came down the long curving staircase, with its pretty wrought iron balustrade and was met at the bottom by Luis, the butler. Luis bowed courteously and indicated the door of Nick's study to Eugene. The youngest Barkley brother hesitated on the threshold, drew a determined breath, grasped the door-handle and strode resolutely into the lion's den to meet his fate.

Nick glanced up from his desk and smiled, getting to his feet and coming over to his brother to clap him on the shoulder, "well now, you look a whole lot better than you did this morning Kid!"

"I feel much better now, Adrienne is it? Well that...that thing of hers is magical stuff."

"Her tisane? Yeah, it's pretty good isn't it?"

Gene's face was sombre, "I need to talk to you Nick, there...there are things I need to say."

Nick's voice was hearty, "oh now look here Gene, I know you've been kicking over the traces but there's no need for that long face! I'm too damn pleased to see you to get hot about anything, believe me."

Gene shook his head, "you don't know what I've done yet Nick!"

Gene's confession was a lengthy one, he told his brother everything, all the details of his misdeeds, including the huge gambling debts he had run up earlier in the year and which Jarrod had settled. He was not surprised that this part of the story was new to Nick and when his brother demanded to know why Jarrod had not mentioned this, he smiled at Nick. "He didn't tell you because he knew you'd hit the roof! He made me promise that I would stop gambling, settled the debts and left it at that."

Nick's frown was grim, "and you've repaid him by breaking your word, abusing his trust and trespassing in his city place!"

Gene flushed scarlet, "I know how badly I've let Jarrod down Nick, you don't need to spell it out!"

"Seems to me that's exactly what I do need to do! Jarrod doesn't deserve this from you Boy. He's done his best to raise you since Father died and it seems to me you owe him rather more than behaving so...damned ungratefully!"

"I'm well aware of that Nick!"

"Oh are you? You hide it pretty well Boy I must say!"

Nick was growing angrier by the second and with a sinking heart, Gene faced him and said, before you get good and mad, you may as well know that I haven't told you the worst part yet.

Nick's hot hazel eyes scoured his younger brother's face, "you already told me about your fight with Jarrod in San Francisco."

"I didn't tell you what I said to him when I stormed out, "answered Gene quietly.

Nick folded his arms and glared at Gene, "so, get on with it then!"

"I...I told him he was a dictator and that he had driven you away from the ranch and...and now he was doing the same to me."

Nick burst out laughing, "is that all? Well what's the problem? There's no way Jarrod's gonna pay any heed to a dumb remark like that!"

Jarrod turned impatiently away from Nick, bringing his fist crashing down on Nick's desk, "you don't understand Nick! You don't know! Audra wrote me, it seems Jarrod has taken a notion into his head that he did drive you away and no-one can talk him out of it. didn't see his face when I said it. I couldn't have hurt him more if I'd shot him! I...I don't think he'll ever forgive me."

Nick was struggling to come to terms with what Gene was telling him, "how could he? How could Jarrod possibly think that I let him drive me out? It's ridiculous, are you sure Audra got this right?"

"I'm certain Nick."

Nick strode restlessly to the window and wheeled back to his brother again, "no wonder you were so upset," he said in an ominously quiet voice, "you deserve to be flogged!"

"I know it Nick, I can only say I'm sorry and that I'll try to make amends."

The older brother's finger was pointed at his face, "a promise you better try damned hard to keep Eugene!"

"Yes Sir."

Dinner was a merry affair, Nick sat at the head of the table with Gene on his left and Marric on his right, although the child spent most of his time sitting on Nick's lap. Marric didn't really eat meals as such, he was not used to eating regularly and it was a struggle for him. Nick fed him bits and pieces and to please the man he was rapidly beginning to worship, the boy did his best to swallow these. Gene was seated opposite to Adrienne and thanked her for her medicinal drink, warmly praising its beneficial effects. He thought she was a lovely girl and felt sincerely for her situation, Nick having told him about Jai and Adrienne's illegitimate daughter Missy.

Gene couldn't stop looking at the lively and beautiful Dominica. He had been amazed to hear that Nick was married, but the more he saw and heard of her, the more Gene could understand why Nick had chosen her to be his wife. She was as spirited as one of Nick's famous horses and so vivacious that Gene could readily comprehend Nick's desire to marry her. He could well imagine that theirs would be a stormy union, but no-one who knew Nick as well as Gene did could doubt that the rancher was happy with his choice.

Gene smiled at Nick, who do I have to thank for the clothes Nick?"

Carlos seated next to him laughed, "they are the clothes of my brother Raoul, if you need more, you must dress Mexican style I'm afraid."

Little Marric peeped shyly at Gene, "the Mexican clothes are nice," he whispered.

Gene smiled warmly at him, "they sure are! You look real smart in yours Marric."

The green eyes glowed with delight, "I do?"

Carlos explained, "luckily I had my youngest brother Tomas's clothes saved from his boyhood. Marric likes the silver buttons on the legs of his britches and the short jacket, don't you Marric?"

Marric nodded gravely, "but not the sombrero," he answered firmly.

Nick laughed and dropped a kiss on the boy's head, "no, we had to send fifty miles to buy you a hat like your Pa's didn't we Soldier?"

If Gene was surprised at hearing Nick openly refer to himself as the child's adoptive father, he hid it well. He was grateful to Nick for his comparative forbearance about Gene's past conduct, He knew that soon he would have to face eldest brother Jarrod and a plan to engage Nick's help in that reconciliation was slowly forming in Eugene's brain.

Gene had a sudden anxious thought, "er...Nick? You did wire the folks at home didn't you?"

Nick laughed, slapping him on the shoulder, "relax Brat! I wired from Coalhuo as we passed through this morning."

Gene was relieved, "I guess that was kind of complicated big brother! I mean, there was a heck of a lot to tell them right?"

Nick smiled serenely, "no problem, I think I covered all the important details, we can fill in the blanks when they get here."

Gene's blue eyes met Nick's frankly, "you think Jarrod will come with Mother?"

"Not a doubt of it," Nick assured him.

Gene smiled around the table, "I guess there are still quite a lot of blanks for you to fill in for me Nick!"

His big brother did his best to comply, assisted by the others around the table, they talked of the summons from Don Miguel, of the herd, of Nick's courtship of Dominica, of the abortive search for the lost Mormons, of Jai and the second desperate trip to San Francisco. The only subject glossed over was the rescue of Marric and the rest of the people freed from the clutches of Zelda. When Gene casually mentioned it, Marric buried his face in Nick's shirt-front, shaking with distress and at once the rancher wrapped soothing arms about his small figure. "Sshh now Soldier, you're safe at home with your Pa now, remember?"

It went to Eugene's heart to see the eager assent of the boy as he covered his new father's face in kisses. Obedient to the signal in Nick's hazel eyes, Gene made no further reference to Marric's past in the boy's presence. When he had been brought more or less up to date with all Nick's adventures, Gene succumbed to a hearty fit of laughter, shaking his head, he grinned at Nick. "How long is it since you left California Nick?"

"I don't know, about three months I guess."

It seemed like kind of a long time to me, but considering everything that's happened to you in that time, it doesn't seem so long after all does it?"

Everyone around the table joined in the laughter and the meal was finished in an atmosphere of great good humour.

When they all went upstairs to turn in that night, Eugene knew an impulse to confide his idea to Nick, but on reflection decided to wait until next day. He would think over his plan, before springing on Nick a notion which the rancher might find difficult to accept. Gene slept well and woke early the next day, he washed and dressed quickly and went downstairs, confident that Nick would already be up and about, for Nick always arose at the crack of dawn. The youngest Barkley brother was right, Nick was up, breakfasted and outside sitting on the rim of the marble fountain drinking his coffee. He greeted Gene with some surprise, "well you're up mighty early! I expected you to sleep in a bit. You feeling all right today are you?"

"Yes, I feel fine, thanks Nick. I was hoping there was something I could do to help out around here."

"Oh, I don't know about that, you were a pretty sick boy you know, I think you should take it easy until Mother gets here." He grinned at Gene, "as it is she's gonna have my hide for kidnapping you!"

Gene returned the grin, but perfunctorily and Nick looked narrowly at him. "All right Kid, let's have it!"

"Have what Nick?"

"Don't play your tricks off on me Brat, I know you far too well, what's on your mind?"

Gene dipped his hand into the sparkling pool of water, "Mother may be mad at you for bringing me to Mexico Nick, but that's nothing to the way Jarrod must feel about...about what I've done."

Nick's voice was quietly sympathetic, "you and Jarrod have some fences to mend, but you and I both know our brother, he's not the man to hold a grudge and if you talk to him the way you've talked to me, tell him honestly how you feel, you know he'll forgive you."

Gene's honest eyes met Nick's, "that's just it Nick, I need to talk to Jarrod, there's a lot I have to get straight with him and it's not going to be easy. What I don't need is anything else getting in the way."

Nick frowned, "I'm not sure I follow you Son."

Gene looked uncertainly at his elder brother, "I've been thinking about it Nick and...and I've come up with something...a plan...which...well, I think it might make the whole thing with Jarrod a lot easier."

Nick was deeply suspicious, "Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like your plan one little bit?"

Gene was frank, "you won't like it Nick, but I want you to do as I ask, I...I need you to!"

Ten minutes later, Gene was still trying to convince Nick to go along with his plan. The two brothers were in the barn, which was private enough. It was still early and there were no hands about as yet. Nick was pacing about, arms tightly folded, a deep frown creasing his brow as he listened to his youngest brother explain himself. Gene stood by the tack table, holding in his hand the whip that Nick had wielded to such good effect during the rescue of Marric from the circus.

Nick stopped pacing, "you're not making any sense you know! You say you want me to whip you, so Jarrod doesn't have to."

"That isn't quite what I.."

"When you know perfectly well that Jarrod wouldn't dream of whipping you himself anyway!"

"I never said he would I just..."

"In fact, if I do that to you, after you've been so ill and all, the person Jarrod is likely to take a whip to is me!"

Gene sighed, "Nick I told you my reasons, I need to have a heart to heart with Jarrod. I've treated him very badly and if I'm to have a hope of explaining myself to him, he and I need to talk very deeply. There is little or no excuse for my past conduct and I deserve to be punished for it. I I need that punishment to be over and done with before Jarrod gets here. Because if he has to be my mentor, fulfill his role as my guardian, then all that is going to get in the way and I don't want that!"

"Yeah but a whipping?" Nick's angry voice exploded into the quiet barn, "that isn't a form of punishment Jarrod would ever consider appropriate and you know it!"

Gene grinned at him, "you would though! You told me yesterday that I deserved to be flogged, remember?"

Nick glared at him and answered in a growl, "quit backing me into a corner, I may have said it, but I had no intention of actually doing it!"

Gene's smile was full of affection, "I know that, but I truly believe that you should and I'm counting on you to do it Nick...for me."

"Well you can forget it! There is no chance whatever of me taking a whip to you, do you understand Eugene? No chance at all!"



