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::James Walkswithwind::

::Sands of Time Series::






Sandy Places in the Skin


Xander gets out of his house just in time.



Sandy Places in the Heart


Xander adjusts, has help, has un-help, and basically tries to carry on. Note: Co-written with Wolfling



Sandy Places on the Ground


Xander's junior year. More Spike, more Giles, more everything.Note:Co-Written With Wolfling



Sandy Places in the Soul


Following the death of his father, Xander is faced with a difficult choice. Or several. Note: Co-written with Wolfing


Sandy Places Overseas PG-13 Xander and Giles visit England. None finished
Sandy Places In the Shadows  NC-17 It's almost graduation. The Scooby gang looks forward to graduating, Ascending Mayors, and surviving long enough to pick a path for the future. None finished
Sandy Places Among the Angels NC-17 Xander has moved to Los Angeles to go to school none Unfinished
Small Fry PG-13 The gang touch something they really should have left alone. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Son of Small Fry R The Scooby Gang has recovered from touching the thing they shouldn't have touched, and they touch it again. This time on purpose. Sequel to Small Fry. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
A Part of This Complete Breakfast Nc-17 Just another lazy morning with Xander and Spike... Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished

::Domestic Piranhas::

Title Rating Summary Spoiler Status
Bewildered PG-13 Spike. Darkness. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Another Fine Mess NC-17 Spike and Xander are trapped in the dark. Things happen. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Sticky Situations PG-13 Spike looks for his sock. Stuff happens. A 'missing adventure.' Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Reindeer Games R Spike and Xander are sitting on the couch. Things happen. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Toothpaste R Xander and Spike go shopping. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Me Xander, You Spike R Spike and Xander go to the movies. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Not For Public Consumption R Wesley, Angel, and Gunn play in the pool. Morons happen. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Salad Days NC-17 Spike asks Xander a question. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Why I Should Never Have Left England, By Rupert Giles R Giles, Wesley, and Xander get drunk. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Consumer Affairs NC-17 Angel, Gunn, and Wesley go shopping. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Best Laid Plans of Spike and Men R Xander and Spike try to plan their honeymoon, so stuff can happen. Co-written with Mad Poetess  none finished
Wild Thing R Spike and Xander get fitted for tuxes. Stuff happens Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Lost In Translation R Wesley gets pissed off. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Bachelor Party R Xander and Spike throw, see title. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
Nice Day For A Wet Wedding R Spike and Xander have one. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess
none finished
The Morning After R There has to be one, and Angel has it. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
The Honeymooners NC-17 Spike and Xander go off on their abba-dabba honeymoon. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
And Truth In Every Shepherd's Tongue NC-17 Wesley sends a letter from England. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished
A Gauntlet With A Gift In It NC-17 Xander redeems a gift certificate. Stuff happens. Co-written with Mad Poetess none finished