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Interview With an Author

Name(or nickname that you write under): ~*Mystra*~ , I also write under the pseudonym ~Dove with a partner, but most people haven't figured that out yet.
Website name and URL if you have one: Its being designed and built by a fabulous goddess named Jeannette. Once its up and running, I will announce it.
How long you've been writing: October actually makes it a year. I can't believe it, its flown by.
What universes you write for besides Buffy and Angel: None yet, although I've been playing around with Highlander elements and enjoy reading Roswell, X files and La Femme Nikita. So at this point, anything is possible in the near future.
Your favorite BtVS/Angel couples to write for: Willow/Angel, of course. I also really enjoy writing Cordy/Spike, I think those two would have the most amazing chemistry. I play around with lots of pairings for my secondary characters, and see what sticks.
Your favorite BtVS/Angel character to write for: Definitely Angel. I really enjoy trying to delve into his mind. He's a dark, conflicted character with a lot of inner turmoil. I also love writing for Willow, although in general I do end up expanding her character to showcase more of the strong, courageous girl I perceive in her underused character on the show.
Your favorite genre (romance, action, angst, etc): I love romance, its what I started out writing and is still a lot of fun. However, in general these days I enjoy writing romantic action fics. LOL! Romance with plot!
Where else your work is archived at: So many places I find a new one everyday. LOL! Willow's Lil Secret, Willow's Angel, Soulmate's Til the End of Time, Fanfic for an Angel, etc., etc.
A short personal bio, and anything else you'd like to add: Writing is something I've done on and off throughout my entire life, but usually only for my own enjoyment. Then I got a computer and all that changed.
In RL I'm an assistant buyer for a department store in NYC. I live in Connecticut currently. The name Mystra is one I've loved for some time and picked up from an ex-boyfriend's Dungeon and Dragon books. Mystra is a goddess of magic and mystery. LOL! I just recently turned 25 on July 17. I actually do have quite an avid interest in the occult, wicca, magic and other things that go bump in the night.
I'm a member of many lists and online communities. I'm the second childe in the TiF RPG. I am a member of the Candy Orgy. I am the Muse of Wickedness. Well that's me in a nutshell. ;) *webmistress's note: that's gotta be a really tiny nutshell, Mystie!*