Ghosts in the Smoke Part 12

Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely characters, AaronSorkin and his friends do.

Sam and Josh are caught in a hotel fire.

Spoilers: Everything up through The Leadership Breakfast(set two days later)

Archive: Anywhere you want, just please e-mail me

Ghosts in the Smoke

By Mer

Part 12

Georgetown Hospital-Waiting Room

Toby paced around the waiting room that a nurse had directed him shortly after the elevator ride up to the Operating Room with Sam. Toby was still a little shaken by the look of Sams leg and the way that Sam was acting. Sam had kept calling out for Josh and Toby was of no comfort to him.

A tingle went down Toby's spine once he remembered the last time he had been in a waiting room, but that was at a different hospital. This time it was different though. This time he wasn't here because of some wacko gunmen, this time he was here because of a mere wire. A mere wire that chose that night to short out was the cause of all of this.

Toby continued to pace around the room. He remembered that at least the last time there has been some other noise in the room. He thought that he was going to go crazy from the silence. So he began to look around the room for some kind of distractions.

There was a television in the room and he decided that he needed to turn it on as a distraction. Unfortunately he was bombarded with a story on Sam. That wasn't exactly the thing he needed but he felt compelled to leave it on. He felt bad that he didn't know more about Sam. However a conversation they had earlier that day came back to him.

"I still would rather be here with you tonight."Sam had complained.

"Which reminds me, you had better get back to work.If I have to work so do you." Toby remembered saying.

Sam had been trying to get him talk to Leo, but he had refused. Toby suddenly felt really guilty. If he had gone to talk to Leo he probably would've given Leo some very good reasons not to send them, and Leo would've at least had second thoughts. But he didn't and Sam could lose his leg because of it.

Toby tried to watch the special on Sam again but he couldn't focus on it. He had made a promise after Josh's ordeal that he would try to bring down the wall that he had built around himself. But it was obvious that he had failed yet again. Sam was like a kid brother to him and yet there had been nothing he could do to comfort him in his time of need. Even a delirious Sam knew better than to open up to Toby.

Toby got up from the chair he had sat down in and he began to pace around the room again. He needed to talk to someone but no one was around. He cursed at the television set as if someone would just come through it. But once he realized that they weren't going to he changed the channel and saw that C.J. was doing a press conference.

The Press Room

"As you know Sam has been rescued from the fire. He was rushed to Georgetown University Hospital where he is now undergoing surgery to repair a badly broken leg. There is some concern that his leg might have to be amputated, but that is only as a last result. He is also suffering from smoke inhalation." C.J. began.

"C.J. why was Sam yelling out those crazy things when they loaded him into an ambulance?" Danny asked.

"Danny, I think it is pretty obvious to everyone here that Iam not a doctor. I have no medical expertise to answer that question." C.J.replied.

"Okay, so why do you guess he was saying that? I mean with your best non-medical opinion voice and all." Danny asked.

"I don't know. Im sure he was pretty traumatized; I knowthat I sure as hell would be. Maybe it was the smoke or something. Guys pleasedont write a story based on what Sam was mumbling. I think it was prettyobvious that he wasn't very coherent at the time." C.J. begged.

"C.J. has there been any word on why Josh wasn't broughtright out after Sam?" Steve asked.

"Yes, apparently there was another cave-in or whatever they are calling it and the exit was deemed unsafe. They are working right now to find another way out." C.J. replied.

"Any word on why they haven't jumped out of the building onto the mat that they have set up?" Steve asked.

"No, I don't know anything about that." C.J. replied.

"C.J. do you know what Josh's condition is? I mean did Sam say anything?" A reporter named Stephanie asked.

"Not as far as I know. The fire department hasnt really been forth coming with that information." C.J. replied.

"C.J. how long is Sam's surgery scheduled to take?" A reporter named Kevin asked.

"I think it started about twenty minutes ago and they said it could take a few hour depending on how extensive the damage is. But I don't think a set time was given." C.J. replied.

"C.J. what has the President's reaction been to this situation?" Danny asked.

"He is naturally worried about both of them. Once the hospital is deemed safe I believe he is on his way over there, despite Ron Butterfields objections." C.J. said trying to joke a little.

The Oval Office

"Mr. President, sir you can't go to the hospital." Ron objected.

"Why not?" President Bartlet demanded.

"Because it will take some time to secure the area, we need to do..." Ron began.

"A member of my staff is having surgery in where he could lose his leg. I think that is a big deal. I think that I should show my support." Jed demanded.

"Ron, he wanted to go to the hotel, I think this is the least that he could do." Leo tried to interject.

"There are certain protocols and procedures that we have to follow in order to keep you safe, Mr. President." Ron protested.

"When I was shot didn't procedure get thrown out the window?" Jed asked.

"No, we evacuated what we had to in order to make sure that the bullet wasnt going to kill you." Ron answered.

"Then can't you do the same thing now?" Jed asked.

"You weren't shot!" Ron protested.

"I know that and I thank god for that. But Sam could lose his leg! He could lose his leg! I think that I ought to be there for him incase that does happen. He's like a son to me. I'm not asking to be taken to the scene of the fire where another adopted son of mine is trapped in a fire. I'm asking to be allowed to go to a hospital. A place where sick people are, I highly doubt that someone will be there who wants to kill me. And even if they do try at least I will already be at the hospital." Jed protested.

"Okay, fine, just give us a half-hour. Can you live with that?" Ron asked.

"Yes." Leo replied for him.

"Leo, do you think my request is that far fetched?" Jed asked.

"No, I think it's perfectly alright. I just think that there are certain procedures that need to be followed to keep you safe. Ron was just doing his job." Leo defended.

"I know but then again so were Sam and Josh." Jed replied crossly.

"You know I can't un-send them to the hotel just like I can't undo what Sam said to make me made enough to send them." Leo replied.

"I know. I know." Jed replied.


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