Ghosts in the Smoke Part 17

Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely characters, Aaron Sorkin and his friends do.

Sam and Josh are caught in a hotel fire.

Spoilers: Everything up through The Leadership Breakfast (set two days later)

Archive: Anywhere you want, just please e-mail me

Ghosts in the Smoke

By Mer

Part 17

Georgetown Hospital-Sam’s Room

“I bet you think that you are safe now because you got out of the fire.” The voice taunted.

“I’m not am I?” Sam replied with touch of sarcasm in his voice.

“No, your friend is still going to die.” The voice answered matter-of-factly.

“Toby said that they got him out. He’s in the hospital he’s going to be fine.” Sam protested.

“People die in hospital’s all of the time Sam, or don’t you remember?” The voice asked coldly.

“Of course I know that people die in hospitals...wait a minute, I think I know who you are.” Sam said as if a light bulb had just gone off in his brain.

“Correction, you knew who I was.” The voice snapped.

“You are Mark aren’t you?” Sam asked.

“No, my name was Matt! I used to be your best friend how could you forget my name?” The voice demanded angrily.

“You were until you slept with my girlfriend and you got her pregnant.” Sam replied.

“Sammy, your still hung up over that little bitch? Janet, well to put it mildly, she was a slut! After she slept with everyone on the sports teams her only logical step was to start banging people on the debate team.” Matt replied.

“I never banged her. I loved her.” Sam answered softly.

“Then you are about the only one who didn’t.” Matt laughed.

“What are you doing here anyway? I haven’t thought about you in what seventeen, eighteen years.” Sam asked.

“Yeah but you still feel guilty about my death.” Matt replied.

“You drove drunk to Prom. It’s not my fault that you got in a car accident. It’s not my fault that you died.” Sam protested.

“Yeah but you were also at that party. You could’ve stopped me but you didn’t because you were mad at me.” Matt responded.

“You stopped being human to me the junior year.” Sam retorted.

“Oh and what about little Janet? You hated me for sleeping with her but you never blamed her. How could you let her get into the car?” Matt asked.

“I made a mistake.” Sam admitted.

“Yeah and while Janet and I were burning to death in that car, you were kicking back and having a jolly ole time at the Prom.” Matt sneered.

“Matt, I didn’t kill you, you did. You are the one who drove drunk. You are the one who hit that stupid power pole. Why the hell are you bothering me?” Sam demanded.

“Because I was your best friend once and because I know that your other best friend is about to join me. Just wait until I tell him about the real Sam Seaborn.” Matt laughed.

“Josh is a fighter. He’s not going to give up that easily.” Sam protested.

“Yeah whatever you say. Josh’s spirit is weak, he’s ready to give up. He thinks you hate him remember? Besides, your delirious from the infection, I mean it’s not like you can help him anyway. When he dies he will die without you by his side. He will die and he will destroy your world. You owe everything to him.” Matt said.

“That maybe true but Josh isn’t going to die. I won’t let him. I even pretended to be his sister so that he would stay alive.” Sam shot back.

“Joanie, yeah she’s a really nice chick. You really should come and meet her sometime. She's a little jealous that you got to her brother first mind you, but I’m sure you’ll be forgiven once he dies way before you do.” Matt smirked.

“Just leave me alone. Josh is not going to die! I won’t let him. I promised him that he would be okay.” Sam protested angrily.

“I guess that means you shouldn’t make any promises that you can’t keep then huh?” Matt asked.

“I’m not going to break that promise!” Sam yelled.

“Sam calm down. I’m right here, just calm down.” Toby said as he tried to shake Sam awake.

Sam’s eyes burst open and he shot upright on the bed. He felt some resistance from the I.V. as he tried to jump up out of the bed. Toby struggled to contain him. Sam scratched wildly at Toby’s arms.

“It was just a dream Sam.” Toby soothed.

“Josh isn’t going to die. He just can’t.” Sam sobbed.

“They are doing their best to save him.” Toby replied.

“Matt, I’m not going to let you have him! Donna would be destroyed too.” Sam yelled.

Toby began to look at Sam skeptically. He had gone down to get a cup of coffee with Leo and to check on everyone else. When he came back some twenty minutes later, he heard the tail end of what he assumed was some kind of nightmare that Sam was having. He could understand the Josh references but who the hell was Matt?

“Sam, please calm down. It’s not Matt, it’s me Toby.” Toby soothed.

“Toby?” Sam asked in a voice that was almost a whisper

“Yeah, it’s me Toby.” Toby replied as Sam sunk back down on the bed in shame.

Georgetown Hospital-Operating Room

“Hi Joanie, you came back to see me after all?” Josh asked in an excited voice.

“Yes Josh.” Joanie answered quietly.

“Why are you so sad? It’s so good to talk to you again. All my life there has been so many things that I’ve wanted to say to you.” Josh stated.

“Josh.” Joanie said softly.

“Joanie, you aren’t still mad at me for thinking that Sam was you are you? I’m really sorry about that. I hope you were listening to what I told him. I hope you know that I never meant to let you die that night. I never meant to let you die.” Josh said and his voice cracked a little.
“I know Josh.” Joanie soothed.

“Good. Joanie what happened to Sam? Where is he?” Josh asked.

“In his room I would suppose.” Joanie responded.

“Remind me that I need to thank him. I think he promised to get me out. I mean my mind is a little hazy, but I could swear that he promised me that we were going to be alright.” Josh replied.

“Josh, would you please shut up for a minute?” Joanie asked.

“Joanie what’s wrong?” Josh asked, taken back by her tone.

“Why do you think I’m really able to talk you this time?” Joanie asked in a soft voice.

“I don’t know, maybe because I was trying to talk to you earlier but...” Josh began.

“For someone who is as smart as you are, you are really dumb you know?” Joanie snapped.

“Joanie, why are you here then?” Josh asked.

“I’m here to take you home.” Joanie replied.

“That’s good, because you know Donna is probably already going to kill me. See I promised that I wouldn’t mess up her date tonight and I’m sure that the fire messed it up. She’s going to be really mad and I need to get a little sleep before I have to face her in the morning.” Josh answered.

“I didn’t mean that home.” Joanie replied.

“What are you talking about? Why can’t I go to my apartment? Like I said Donna’s going to be mad at me and Leo hates it if I’m late. And if I don’t leave soon, I’m going to oversleep and then I will have to face the wrath of both of them. Believe me, it’s not a pretty sight to have both of them mad at you at the same time.” Josh replied.

“I forgot that you also banged your head too.” Joanie muttered.

“Hey what is that supposed to mean?” Josh asked.

“I’m not taking you home as in your apartment. I’m taking you home, as in taking you up to heaven with me.” Joanie replied.

“Oh.” Josh replied.

“That’s all you have to say?” Joanie asked.

“I can’t go yet.” Josh protested.

“I’m sorry Josh.” Joanie whispered.

“I don’t want to go. Please don’t make me.” Josh pleaded.

“It’s not up to me Josh.” Joanie whispered.

“We’re losing him.” A doctor yelled out.

“Clear.” Another doctor stated.


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