Ghosts in the Smoke Part 40

Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely characters, Aaron Sorkin and his friends do.

Sam and Josh are caught in a hotel fire.

Spoilers: Everything up through The Leadership Breakfast (set two days later)

Archive: Anywhere you want, just please e-mail me

Ghosts in the Smoke

By Mer

Part 40

D.C. Hilton

“For the life of me, I still can’t believe that they survived in there for what two, three hours?” Fire Investigator James Smith said to his partner Steve White.

The two men were surveying the fragile remains of the D.C. Hilton. Most of the right side of the building was gone but the left side where Josh and Sam were trapped remained. It was still amazing that they could survive for a few hours in the conditions they did.

“You know, I think that they were meant to be trapped in this stairwell.” Steve replied as he gestured to the stairwell were Sam and Josh had been trapped.

“What do you mean by that?” James asked.

“Look here, doesn’t that look like bomb residue?” Steve said as he picked up a piece of the rubble and held it out for James to see.

“I guess it could be. But isn't that a little far-fetched? I mean we already know that the initial fire was result of a small bomb, but to have more than one bomb? That kind of seems impossible.” James stated with a slight shrug.

“I know but hear me out on this. Okay here is my theory.” Steve said as he pulled out a map that they had drawn of the hotel.

“Go on, I’m listening.” James replied.

“Okay they were here in this room when the smoke alarms went off. The fire was right here.” Steve said as he pointed a floor up and at the other end from where Josh and Sam were.

“Yeah, go on.” James replied.

“They go to that stairwell and proceed to walk down the steps when all of a sudden the stairwell collapses. Now if the fire is over here and barely beginning to spread, how can the stairwell here collapse?” Steve asked.

“Good point.” James murmured.

“I believe that they were meant to be trapped in that stairwell. I think that one of them tripped a wire that set off a mild explosion. Mild because the damage was minimal but heavy enough to block the top entrance.” Steve theorized.

“So how did the bottom entrance get blocked, I mean there shouldn't have been that much debris, especially since the wall just crumbled in on itself. What caused the blockage?” James asked.

“That has to have been planned to. There was no way that all that rubble came from the first explosion. I think that there was a second explosion triggered by the first one.” Steve replied.

“Whoever set the fire and tried to trap them had no idea that this building was so up and beyond the fire code. The fire was a slow burning fire. Granted it caused a lot of smoke and was hard as hell for the firefighters to put out but it spread very slowly. And one of the two explosions must have knocked that hole in the wall that provided them with enough fresh air.” James stated.

“Yeah and for a majority of the time most of the smoke that they were getting was being filtered down from the top of the building so it wasn’t blowing directly at them. It wasn’t until much later that the smoke they were breathing in was coming from above them.” Steve replied.

“So that’s how they stayed alive then huh? Wow that seems like something fresh out of a conspiracy movie. Boy were they ever lucky?” James asked amazed.

“It appears that way. They weren't supposed to survive the fire; they were supposed to die horrible deaths. Whoever did this must really have a big score to settle. ” Steve replied.

“So you do you think that we ought to tell the reporters that the fire was started intentionally?” James asked.

“Yeah, but we had better leave out the two explosions part. That information should only go to the White House and to the police.” Steve replied.

“True. Did you hear that neither one of them is doing very well. The word on the grapevine is that this conspiracy has spread to the hospital as well." James stated.

"It's a damn shame too, I doubt that I would have had it in me to fight to survive for as long as they did. I mean knowing that the only way out was to jump a few stories down. I think I probably would've jumped." Steve replied.

"You're telling me." James replied.

"We had better go and talk to the firefighters that were here. Maybe they can fill us in on anything that we missed." Steve suggested.

"Good idea. I still think that your theory is right on target." James replied.

"The only problem is trying to figure out what's next in line to kill them." Steve replied bitterly.

Dr. Bleuer's/Alicia's House

"Alicia, how could you have been so stupid?" Michael exclaimed once she let him in the door. "Poisoning them with a drug after they didn't die in the fire. Don't you know how bad that makes me look? Lucky for you they are only in coma's."

"I was just trying to finish what you started." Alicia shot back.

"How did you get a hold of a drug that powerful anyway?" Michael asked angrily.

"Sergi has his ways." Alicia replied sweetly.

"You are trying to get me killed aren't you?" Michael demanded.

"What do you mean? They said that if you…" Alicia began but was cut off.

"I meant by the President. Do you know that I could be brought up on treason charges if they ever put all the pieces together? Not to mention the fact that I could get the chair for first-degree murder! Oh and I doubt my little Russian friends are going to appreciate what transpired. Hard to use them as back up weapons if they are in coma's!" Michael replied.

"You are the one who started working for the Russians as a spy in the first place. I can't help it if you were stupid enough to double cross them." Alicia answered.

"I wasn't just a spy for the Russian's Alicia, I was a spy for a Russian terrorist group that your loving husband was also involved with." Michael replied crossly.

"Oh and so now this is Sergi's fault that I had to complete the job that you had left unfinished." Alicia replied.

"Alicia, these two men never deserved to be placed in the position that I placed them in because of something that I screwed up on." Michael replied.

"But you said that you wanted them both dead. You said with them gone you could get back to visions you had." Alicia reminded him.

"I meant figuratively." Michael replied.

"Huh?" Alicia asked dumbfounded.

"They advised the president to veto the bill that I desperately needed to appease the Russian's. I was angry with them that night. I never meant for it to happen." Michael replied.

"Yeah well you went along with the plan didn't you? I mean wasn't it your idea to trap them in the stairwell. It was your idea to egg Sam on in your meeting. It was…" Alicia replied.

"You know that they are going to link the two of us together right? I mean how can they not, everyone just met you a few weeks ago, and now you are running around playing Dr. Death?" Michael replied.

"Hey this was all your idea. When did you get a conscious anyway? I mean if you had never taken those shady campaign contributions from that group in the first place nothing would've have happened. But you did and then you got greedy. You used them and any normal person would've figured out that you would have to repay them sooner or later. And then instead of just refunding their money you tried to gamble it, in hopes of making enough so that giving the money back wouldn't hurt you. This is all your fault Michael." Alicia replied.

"Sure blame this all on me." Michael replied.

"So how has your lovely wife Karen taken to the news that you used her charity as part of a set up?" Alicia asked.

"Karen doesn't know about that." Michael protested.

"Oh really? Charity scam critically injures 2 White House Employees, yeah Michael she has no idea." Alicia replied sarcastically.

"Okay so I admit my logic is a little flawed there. But you had no right to pretend to be a doctor and to try and kill two people you don't even know. Oh and what did you mean by the message that you got the first lady hook, line, and sinker? How deep did you take this?" Michael asked angrily.

"She bought in to my being a doctor act, that's all." Alicia replied.

"How did you get her to do that?" Michael asked throwing his hands up.

"I occupied someone's real office who just happened to be on sabbatical. But I vanished when I found out the office was being cleaned out. Trust me I left no traces of myself. Both men shall be permanently messed up if not killed by the poison." Alicia laughed.

Georgetown Hospital-Sam's Room

"That is the mysterious Dr. Bleuer? How the hell can that be?" C.J. exclaimed.

"I don't know, but I think the authorities are going to be interested in this." Toby replied.

"How did she pretend to be like a doctor so efficiently?" C.J. asked.

"Well, she didn't really fool us. You stay here and guard Sam, I'm going reveal her identity in hopes of figuring out what the hell happened." Toby replied.


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