Ghosts in the Smoke Part 9

Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely characters, Aaron Sorkin and his friends do.

Sam and Josh are caught in a hotel fire.

Spoilers: Everything up through The Leadership Breakfast (set two days later)

Archive: Anywhere you want, just please e-mail me

Ghosts in the Smoke

By Mer

Part 9

Outside the D.C. Hilton

“They didn’t listen to me did they? And now they are probably trapped in there.” Fire Chief Davis muttered.

“We don’t know that.” Another firefighter replied.

“It’s Kenny and Jason, come on now you know them and their record. Try reaching them on the radio Hal.” Fire Chief Davis ordered.

“Kenny, Jason are you guys okay?” Hal said into the radio.

“Um…” Came Jason’s cracked response.

“Damn, static.” Fire Chief Davis muttered.

“I didn’t hear you, are you both okay?” Hal asked again.

“Yeah.” Jason replied, his response a little clearer.

“Did you find them?” Hal asked.

“Yes, we found them.” Jason replied slowly.

“Are they still alive?” Hal asked.

“Yes.” Jason replied softly.

“How are they?” Hal asked.

“They are both injured. But also one of them is in shock and appears to be unconscious, the other one is babbling.” Jason replied.

“Can you get back out?” Hal asked.

“There is a small hole but it’s not big enough. Send someone else up to remove the debris from the other side.” Jason replied.

“We will try.” Hal replied and then he turned to Fire Chief Davis.

“I told you that they were trapped.” He said throwing his hands up in disgust.

“They were just doing what you told them to do.” Hal countered.

“I know I know. And they wouldn’t have had to play heroes if the people trapped weren’t from the White House.” Fire Chief Davis yelled.

“So are you saying that we would’ve stopped if it were for a normal citizen?” Hal asked.

“I’m saying that we wouldn’t be on every freaking news channel if it were normal citizens.” Fire Chief Davis replied gesturing to all of the reporters.

“You realize that this outburst is being taped right?” Hal whispered.

“Right now I couldn’t give a damn whether or not it’s being broadcast in every country. Gather Kyle, Jimmy, and Steve and send them up. The fire has got to be practically on top of them.” Fire Chief Davis replied.

“Okay.” Hal replied. “Chief to you think that they have a chance?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know.” He replied.

“Guys, hang in there we are going to do everything we can to get you out.” Hal said into the radio.

“Just hurry.” Jason replied.

“I would if I could.” Chief Davis muttered.

Press Room

“As of right now Josh and Sam are still trapped. We haven’t heard any word on their condition, so all we can do is wait.” C.J. said softly.

“C.J. is it true that they were in that section that just collapsed?” Steve asked.

“I’m not one hundred percent certain but I believe that is where they said they were.” C.J. replied.

“Is there anyway that they could’ve survived that?” Danny asked.

“I have no idea, I’m not the collapsed building expert. I do know that the firefighters have worked hard to free them.” C.J. said solemnly.

“C.J. are you aware that the Fire Chief is saying that the firefighters are only risking their lives because Sam and Josh are White House employees?” A reporter named Mike asked

“Mike, I don’t believe that is what he said. I think what he said was that their moves wouldn’t be so closely scrutinized if White House employees weren’t trapped. You’ve all seen it on television; they are surrounded by news crews. They don’t really have any breathing room.” C.J. replied.

“But C.J…” Mike protested.

“Mike they are firefighters, they are just doing their jobs. They aren’t used to all of this coverage. How would you like it if some of your men died on National Television?” C.J. asked her voice shaking a little.

“Well…” Mike stuttered.

“My point exactly.” C.J. replied.

“C.J. so does the White House have anyone in mind to replace them with?” A reporter named Marian asked.

“Can we see if there is a chance that they will make it out before we go and give their jobs away?” C.J. asked her eyes flashing with anger.

“It was just a question.” Marian replied.

“Yeah well it was a heartless one. I’m done here.” C.J. said her voice turning to ice, as she left the podium.

D.C. Hilton

“What’s wrong, why isn’t he waking up?” Sam asked pulling his mask off.

“We don’t know.” Kenny replied gently.

“This is all of my fault.” Sam cried.

“Yeah but he’s a terrible friend to you, he deserves this.” The voice responded.

“Not you again. I thought I told you to shut up!” Sam screamed.

“Does he have a head injury that we are missing?” Jason asked.

“I don’t know.” Kenny replied trying to examine Sam’s head.

“They think you are crazy.” The voice taunted.

“I am crazy, otherwise why would I still be talking to you?” Sam asked.

“Here put the mask back on.” Kenny urged.

Sam snatched the mask and put it back on. He wasn’t crazy, he couldn’t be. Someone was trying to talk to him. Someone was taunting him, he just didn’t know who. They had to believe him.

“See your best friend is going to die on you and then you will be left with all of that guilt. What a good friend to have huh?” The voice taunted.

“Shut up.” Sam muttered.

“How poetic he’s going to die in a fire too. Guess that means you will have to learn how to deal with the guilt. Every time you walk by his office, or every time you talk to his replacement you are going to be reminded that your best friend died and you didn’t. This is all of your fault.” The voice taunted.

“He’s not going to die.” Sam whispered.

He looked over at Josh and he tried to shake him. He got no response. Sam knew that Josh was already feeling bad because he had thought Sam was yelling at him. He tried to shake him even harder.

Josh’s eyes fluttered open and Sam breathed in a small sigh of relief. But the look on Josh’s face became one of sheer horror. Sam watched as Josh tried to recoil away from him.

“See now look what you’ve done he hates you.” The voice screamed.

Kenny noticed the panicked look on Josh’s face and he placed a reassuring hand on his good shoulder. Josh relaxed a little bit. Sam felt a knife go through his chest after he saw that. The voice was right Josh did hate him.

“This is all my fault. This is all my fault.” Sam chanted.

“I’m sure that your friend is just scared. Everything will be all right.” Kenny tried.

“I’m the horrible friend, you hear me, and I’m the horrible friend!” Sam screamed.

“Is there anyway we can get him to shut up? He’s pretty delirious.” Jason asked.

“His ranting is a good thing. I’m surprised they both haven’t succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning; they were exposed to the smoke for a long time.” Kenny replied.

“I am a horrible friend!” Sam continued to scream.

“I liked it better when Joanie was here.” Josh muttered.

“Who’s Joanie?” Kenny asked.

“Maybe it’s best if we don’t wait around to find out.” Jason said as he noticed the hole was starting to get larger, and the flames were inching closer and closer.


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