Donna Quotes Season 2

In the Shadow of Two Gunman Part 2

"Okay, when I said I graduated, I may have been overstating a little?"

"Look. I think I might be good at this. I think you might find me valuable."


"I'm perfectly serious, Toby. He's recovering from an attempted murder. He's suppose to be resting and I don't want people going over there getting him fuhtushed."

"Maybe if you hadn't said the rules were dumb"

"I said I'd let you outside if you'd stop talking about being an outdoorsman and if you stopped talking about Theoretical Physics."

And It's Surely To Their Credit

"Did you hear me say "don't shout"?"

"I'm saying, it's the end of the week. He gets a little punchy."

"Welcome to the White House. My name is Donnatella Moss. I work here in the West Wing as an assistant to Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua Lyman. Which, I guess, makes me Deputy, Deputy Chief of Staff."


"We have colonized Puerto Rico and they will rise up against us."

"Precedent. The mother’s milk of you know, making your point and being right."


"I anticipate your every need"

"They called me ten minutes ago, Josh, don't be a yutz."

"You're a very powerful and a very handsome man."

"You can take your Pablo Casals, you can keep your Rostopovich, I say Yo-Yo Ma rules."


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