Reason's Why West Wing Fans Should Like Sports Night

On Sports Night Casey’s ex-wife was named Lisa and who was mad about some career decisions Casey made.
On The West Wing Sam’s ex-fiancee was named Lisa, who got mad at Sam for quitting his job at a prestigious law firm to join the Bartlet campaign.

On Sports Night Casey is believed to have spent the night in his office.
On The West Wing Sam has spent the night in Toby’s office.

On Sports Night Danny believed he was the cause of his brother’s death
On The West Wing Josh believed he was the cause of his sister’s death

On Sports Night Danny thinks we should legalize marijuana.
On The West Wing the Surgeon General has the same idea.

On Sports Night Casey thought Isaac was motioning to give him a hug
On The West Wing Josh thought the same thing of Leo

On Sports Night Jeremy wrote letters to his sister Louise
On The West Wing Josh, C.J. and Sam wrote letters to family members

On Sports Night two main characters, Danny and Jeremy are Jewish
On The West Wing two main characters, Josh and Toby are Jewish

On Sports Night Danny had an older brother David
On The West Wing Toby has an older brother David

On Sports Night there was a heating problem in the studio
On The West Wing there was a heating problem in the White House

On Sports Night Dana accidentally set fire to her trash can
On The West Wing Toby has set fire to his trash can

On Sports Night Danny needed to see a therapist
On The West Wing Josh and President Bartlet needed to see one as well

On Sports Night Danny and Casey were without their pants for part of two separate broadcasts, due to a wardrobe problem and as punishment the second time
On The West Wing C.J. was without her pants on Capital Beat after sitting on a bench that had been freshly painted

On Sports Night Jeremy’s father had a twenty-seven year affair with the same woman
On The West Wing Sam’s father had a twenty-eight year affair with the same woman

On Sports Night Danny had an obsession with seeing a spring training game involving a fictional major league pitcher, Orlando Rojas
On The West Wing Josh had an obsession with seeing a spring training game involving a real-life major league catcher, Mike Piazza

On Sports Night the first season finale was entitled What kind of day it’s been
On The West Wing the first season finale had the same name

On Sports Night Sam had issues with remembering Dana and Sally's name
On The West Wing Bruno had issues remembering Margaret’s name

On Sports Night Dana took her panties off at dinner in a public restaurant and then placed them in Casey’s desk
On The West Wing Donna lost her panties at a public art gallery and they were sent by messenger to Josh’s desk

On Sports Night Danny fretted because he thought he told Hillary Clinton that he opposed secular programs when he meant non-secular
On The West Wing Sam fretted because he thought he mixed up the name of a violent country with a poverty-stricken one to a lifestyle’s reporter

On Sports Night Dana asked Jeremy if he got beaten up a lot in high school
On The West Wing C.J. asked Sam if he had likewise been beaten up in high school

On Sports Night actor Joshua Malina played series regular Jeremy Goodwin
On The West Wing he plays a series regular named Will Bailey

On Sports Night Casey got in trouble with Danny for rigging the network’s on-line poll about which of them was cooler
On The West Wing Josh got in trouble with C.J. for going on a website and posting information

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