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"We all have pain. Look we understand! Your an elderly gay man, with a poochie tummy and an unappealing personality. Why wouldn't you be in pain?

[Grace gets off the elevator on Will's floor and goes over to Jack, who's wiping down the "table" outside his door.] Grace: Jack, have you seen Will? I've been trying him for a couple days and he hasn't returned my calls
Jack: Yeah, I think he's home
Grace: He didn't go to work? Is he all right? Is his ankle worse?
Jack: Grace, I'm trying to run a business!

"Will, let me show you something, it's not going to be pretty [walks Will over to the mirror] C'mon man..look at yourself, now look at me. I am adorable. Now back to you, you look awful!

Grace: Oh my God pick up the glass! Wipe down the ring!
Jack: First he sees The Ring! And then we die!

"It's a good old-fashioned folding party. It was Grace's idea! Take her, she has funny genitals!"

"Wow Karen, you're like a female Jesus!"