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Home of Will Town & Chill Town


9/9/06: MIKE BOOGIE in the F2. Have to hope Boogie takes it home for CHILLTOWN. Loved his last phone call when Will wasn't there. Too bad Will was voted out. Bad and dumb move by Janelle. But, GO BOOGIE!

Updated Again August Twenty, Two Thousand and Six! Guess that it is a time for a revival. CHILLTOWN is in power again. If you have been watching Will and CHILLTOWN in the Big Brother All Stars House, you have been treated to wonderful fun time.

Let's go WILL. Win this thing. ALL STARS You are still DA MAN! Hope to have some new pictures up in the future.

Updated November First, Two Thousand and Two!

Thank you for visiting Will Town and Chill Town home page.This site is for fans of Will Kirby (winner of BB2), Chill Town, and BB2. ChillTown consists of Will Kirby, Shannon Dragoo, Mike Malin (Boogie), Ian Kirby (Will's brother) and Ophelia the pot-bellied (Belly) pig (not everybody knows that Will had a secret alliance with the Ophelia).And fans of Chill Town are the cool Chill Towners. Hope to have more add to this site in the future. So please site back and enjoy the additions. This is a work in progress. Thank you!
