A Friend in Need Parts 1 & 2 Thoughts
I've received a lot of emails from people concerning my reviews for a Friend in Need. Most of them were as distressed as I was at the way
the episodes ended the series. A few have found a positive spin to put on the episodes, and I admire them for being able to do that. I can't though.
As hard as I've tried, I still feel a bitterness and extreme sadness that Xena's path of redemption had to end in this manner.
One person asked me which episode I liked better as a season ender...A Friend in Need or The Ides of March. In truth, if A Friend in Need
was a season ender, and not a FINALE, I would say it is the better episode. I can imagine spending a whole summer mourning the
Warrior Princess and wondering how in the world The Powers That Be are going to bring her back this time.
However, FIN was NOT a season ender. It is quite possibly the last time we will ever see Xena and Gabrielle, and what a horrible note
to have to go out on. It isn't the fact that Xena had to die. Although I don't like that idea very much, I could have accepted her death
a lot easier if her death had meant more. I understand she had to die to save 40000 souls. But in Xena's own words...the souls
couldn't enter a state of grace if their souls weren't avenged. Another person pointed out to me that "grace" and "vengeance" are two
almost opposite terms. Grace is unconditional...one doesn't have to do anything to receive it. Therefore, someone avenging them is
not helping them reach a state of grace. They can only receive that grace if the higher power allows it.
Perhaps that's nitpicking, but I think it's a valid point. I'm still very troubled with Xena's not telling Gabrielle she could be revived
until the very end, when Gabrielle is a mere seconds from reviving her. I understand Gabrielle's reactions perfectly, but would someone
please explain to me why Xena led Gabrielle to believe she was going to be saved? Don't tell me it was to get Gabrielle out of the way
while Xena fought Yodoshi, because I won't buy that...Xena had already completed Gabrielle's warrior training at the end of Part 1. Xena herself
said Gabrielle now knew everything she knew. And don't tell me she thought it would be an easier way for Gabrielle to accept her death.
That doesn't fly with me easier. If Xena had died in the first few minutes of the episode, and remained a ghost with no hope of
revival for the rest of the episode, I would have been far more accepting of the ending, and I think it would have been far
easier for the bard to accept. . But the carrot dangled before our nose
the whole time...Xena was going to see Gabrielle at Mt. Fuji...and she never gave any indication she'd be "fading" out at any time.
FIN had some wonderful images...Akemi was a person very much like Gabrielle...so much like the young bard that it opens up a whole
myriad of thoughts to me. Was Akemi the reason Xena was so reluctant to have Gabrielle as a tagalong? Was she worried about getting
her heart broken again? The actual moment where Gabrielle and Akemi met was sheer magic for me...when Xena refers to Gabrielle
as her "soulmate", there was no doubt to Akemi, or anyone else that Gabrielle was her partner of choice.
And that kiss! I have never seriously thought of Xena and Gabrielle as lovers, but that kiss made my mind reel! When Gary and I
start our point/counter points, we intend on discussing this issue, but I have always felt if Xena and Gabrielle were to have a sexual
relationship, it would be the bard that initiated it. I know that is an unpopular opinion, but the kiss in this episode lends me ammunition
in my argument. At any rate, the kiss was wonderfully done, and by far the best moment of the episode...but is almost anti-climactic
compared to what follows it.
I have been trying to think up a better ending for this episode the last few days, but the truth is, the image of Xena's beaten headless corpse
as well as her severed head just won't go away. As devastating as those images are, there are two more that are bothering me just as much.
The first is when Gabrielle is sitting, her head on Xena's shoulder, and they are both looking into the sunset. Xena's sudden dissappearance
haunts me...why did she go away at that time? The other image is from the boat...when the camera pulls away, we see Gabrielle is really
just standing there by herself...clutching the urn that holds the remains of her best friend. It is too sad...I just can't see Xena being a
"spiritual mentor" for any length of time...and if something were to develop with Renee taking over Xena's role in the world...I'm sorry,
but I don't see the ghost of Xena having much to do with it. It hurts me to think of Xena's role being reduced to the type of character
Ephiny became in Last of the Centaurs.
At the Radio and TV Museum Premiere, Rob Tapert said that the finale episode always involved Xena's dying. Very nice trick he pulled
on the fans when he promised in the Whoosh! interview that he wouldn't be killing either Xena or Gabrielle off. But that's beside the point,
I firmly believe under different circumstances, with a more valiant reason (saving Gabrielle perhaps), I could deal with Xena's death
much more positively. As it stands now, I am not happy with the finale, and it will be a long time before I work up the guts to watch it again.
I'll have more thoughts on these issues, and will appreciate any feedback, but am tired of thinking about it for now...I think I will review a happy
Here are some thoughts of others on the finale:
I found your "Scrolls" via another sight, and enjoyed both mightily. Then I wandered around, and found your FIN thoughts and those of other, like-minded individuals. After having seen the perfidious Part 2 9and having already been 'spoiled', thank-the-gods!), I 'spouted off' immediately on the Whoosh! Site, expressing my displeasure. So I haven't felt the need since then to further voice my feelings in any other public forum; most locutions of sadness, outrage, or of downright dismay that I've read served to, vicariously, satisfy any impulse I might have had to 'add to the clamor'. (: Besides, many fans elucidated viewpoints that were stated far better than I could manage (especially those that validated mine!)…Or even those that were, and still are accepting of Tapert's right to do as he pleased to/with his 'creation' (it doesn't matter if I disagree; there's no use arguing the 'points', in my estimation). Thus, in the intervening months, I've read and absorbed people's thoughts, and felt rather comforted in a shared-sorrow kind of way. As a result, I can honestly say that I am 'on the cusp' of reaching the "acceptance stage" in the grieving process. An arduous journey it's been, believe me! One of your respondents did omit "bargaining" as a part of the 'process', btw-a place where many still 'reside', I think.
However, one analogy occurs to me now, as I stumble towards regaining my equipoise, and that is that I realize I can liken my reaction to FIN (and what Tapert did) to how I feel when a musician decides to destroy his instrument at the end of a performance…(something I've only seen 'guys' do!). For while I always enjoy/ed the entertainment provided, that kind of behavior just takes/took 'the edge off' of my complete satisfaction or gratification. It's a selfish act, in my opinion. But, hey, if it 'gets him off', who am I to judge? (: Still, that kind of 'art' is hard for me to take! The need for ranting is (mosly0 gone, for me, however I do enjoy reading such informed and literate 'grapplings' on the subject, particularly of the caliber I've encountered on your site. I'm resigned to the knowledge that the world is, sadly, populated with thoughtless people who engender senseless, selfish destruction upon objects or 'instruments' of beauty, on their 'creations', which is their 'right', and which has inspired the adoration and devotion of so many… I wish I could say, as Elvis does, "I'm not angry, anymore…"-'cause I am…just a little bit…still. Argg!!! Guess I'm not completely 'healed' yet, eh? (; But I can 'see' it, in the distance, beckoning to me, that elusive 'state'…(: Oh well, I really just wanted to praise you on your site. There is much therein to digest---it's a journey of 'consumption' that I shall eagerly undertake Welcome!
Betsy from Texas
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