Mortal Beloved

I love the way Gabrielle chooses NOT to argue, when Xena tells her to stay behind at the tavern while she goes on a ghost hunt. Even Xena seems a little spooked at first, by the ghostly apparation.

Xena draws her is she planning on fighting a ghost with it?

I really expected for Xena to give Gabrielle a goodbye hug before she dove into the water. Or at least, Gabbers could have given her a pat on the shoulder, considering the danger of the mission. It was dangerous enough for Gabs to have tears in her eyes.

In her voluminous saddlebags, Xena has obviously been carrying a bathing suit. It actually has a couple little pieces of blue decoration on the front of it. What's with the accompanying arm band? And why don't we ever see the swim suit again? Xena will go swimming plenty of times in the show, but this is the only time she wore the suit.

I love the fact that Xena isn't intimidated by Cheron. She gets right up in his yucky face as she banters with him. Their conversations always make me laugh.

The water surrounding Cheron's boat sure wsn't very deep, judging from how far his pole went into the water. (That didn't come out the way I intended!) In fact, if there was indeed water, it could only have been a couple inches deep. I suppose the water of the river Styx (is that what river this was?) would have been detrimental to Xena's health however.

I am not even going to consider the logistics of Hades and Tartarus VS. the Lucifer, Mephistopholes, and God issues of later seasons. It makes my head hurt, and I don't like having a headache when I watch Xena. he the first recorded serial killer? Or the origin of the Boogie Man?

Xena says she broke her "little" neck...does she say that to insinuate she's weak? I've never been able to quite figure that statement out.

I like Xena's delivery on "He might have even heard you call him a 'sicko'."

Should Marcus have been put with the wicked when he died? Considering the circumstances of his death, and the fact that he was asking Xena if he had done a good deed right before he died, I think Hades should have put him with the good. Hades was WAY too non-challant about Marcus's judgement.

Why does Adamintius look half-rotted? No one else in Tartarus did. He does a great Vincent Price impersonation!

And for that matter, what gives Adamintius the ability to smell mortality? He seems to be the only one who can do that.

And what exactly does mortality smell like anyone? Heh heh.

"I might be dead, but I'm not gonna let you mutilate me without a fight." That woman sure has spunk!

Gabrielle exhibits a great deal of patience as she sits at the water's edge. I would have thought she would have used the time to write in her scrolls.

Just curious, is the Helmet of Invisibility really supposed to be an item the mythological Hades possessed? I'd love to have one of those!

Nifty effects on the Harpies!

Marcus didn't look like he had lost weight to me. I guess Xena has a better memory than I do.

Seeing Hades depressed is very disconcerting. I'd hate to think what he does when he's in a bad mood! Seeing Hades without hair gel is pretty frightening too!

Gabbers does a decent job with Adamintius, at least for a while. Her skills are definitely improving!

When Xena sees Adamintius move in on Gabs, she just yells "Nooo!"...and stands there. Of course, I know she's waiting for the commercial break, but why would she just stand there?

I love the way Gabs wants Xena to be proud of her for bloodying Antamintius's nose. She is so eager to please the Warrior Princess, like a cat bringing its master a dead mouse.

I love both the line, and Gabs's staggered delivery on it when the bard says, "Oh, I've heard so much about you. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet when you were killed. You're dead!"

Xena says Adamintius's bleeding has slowed to a few drops. It looked like there was a lot more than a few drops on the ground to me. And she also says the trail leads out of the forest. So why does Marcus say there's none up ahead? The dialogue just doesn't make sense.

Xena actually tucks Gabrielle into bed...that's just too sweet!

I gotta admit, Xena and Marcus make a striking couple.

I think it's significant that Xena says she was giving up on love. Did she mean romantic love or all kinds of love?

Did Xena and Marcus really make love right next to Gabrielle? Apparently just boggles my perverted my mind. I wonder if, in Ulysses, when Xena comments Gabs doesn't sleep as soundly as she thought, she was thinking of this incident?

Ceremonial bathing? Is that legitimate or was it made up for this episode?

Antamintius does have a deadly (ooo...sorry...) sense of humor. "I hate jugglers. Be glad you're not a mime."

The father of the bride is wearing an exceptionally dumb hat, even in the dumb hat annals of the Xenaverse.

The father wants to know what her daughter is supposed to do. Xena replies, "She should stay here in her quarters.:" "Quarters"? That seems like an odd choice of words.

Why is there always a full moon on Xena? Come to think of it, there's always a full moon in Xena fan fiction too.

The first time I watched this episode, I could tell the bathing bride wasn't Xena. The legs were wrong, and the veiled woman was too short.

Why didn't the bathing beauty take her shoes off before putting her feet in the water?

It was pretty clever of Xena to throw the blanket over Adamintius, but if his clothing disappeared when he put on the helmet, why didn't the blanket disappear as well?

Xena and Marcus's kiss and embrace at the wter's edge, with the dirge playing in the background is so tragic!

l'd swear though, I'd love to watch an entire hour of the Xena and Cheron show. Their dialogue is one of the very best things about this episode.

"The Hanging Garden of Disgusting Diseases"? Hysterical!

I also love noting similarities and homages to Indiana Jones, and Xena's line, "I've got a bad feeling about this" is an example of one.

Xena even has on swimming shoes! Very odd, although they're kind of cool.

Hades is such a wuss. You'd think a guy with his position and duties would be a little more assertive.

Absolutely...without a of the most horrifying moments EVER on XWP is watching Xena kiss and stab Marus in the same breath. I don't know how she had the courage to do that, but it truly shocked me!

Very nice acting by Lucy after Xena's stabbed Marcus. The knife drop gets me every time.

I'd like Xena to be my lawyer. Her passionate plea for Marcus was very effective!

I noticed every time Xena and Marcus kiss, Xena gets her nose mashed. Just thought I'd point that out.

Xena is more than just a little shook up at the end of the episode. It's good to see she's finally beginning to show some of her strong emotions and feelings to Gabrielle. The bard does a great job comforting her.

All in all, this is a very sad episode, and one that's hard for me to watch, although I do like Marcus. He'll be mentioned again during the run of the serious, and it's obvious why.

And here are Gary's thoughts on Mortal Beloved:

This episode was along the lines of the "original" XENA series' intention,namely the Greek gods and the almost surreal aspect of many of the shows.Xena is seen as a self-sacrificing heroine,and had a more human personality(and in love),versus the god-killer type we saw in MOTHERHOOD.

The show opens with a young woman seeing a ghost and then running to a tavern where Xena and Gabby are. She tells the tale,and Xena goes out to see for herself,telling Gabby to stay put,as she usually says to her in so many of the first season episodes.

Xena meets the ghost,who is Marcus,whom we saw in THE PATH NOT TAKEN. He says that a bad dead guy,Adaminius(Ad) stole Hades' Helmet of Invisibility,and Tartaras and The Elysian Fields are in turmoil. The good and bad have exchanged places and the bad rule.Ad runs the show,with the ability to strike without being seen.

Xena learns from Marcus before he is dragged away that she can enter Tartaras by going to an entrance under a lake. She tells Gabby to wait for her ashore,and Xena dives in.

She emerges(dry now) at Charon's boat dock. He cannot believe she is alive,but he is aware that everything is upside-down in the afterlife,and accepts Xena's tale. He wants a coin next time for the boat-ride(but never collects it,when she and Marcus take a trip on the boat the next time).

She sees Marcus and they go to the Ely. Fields. There is chaos,with the thugs fighting. Someone tosses a jug of booze at Xena,who hooks it to her belt clip.This comes in handy twice later.

Ad appears,after Xena meets Toxius,whom she killed in Death in Chains. The new ruler,Ad,smells the fact that Xena is alive...she denies it and says they should fight for the helmet.Why should Ad have it? With the ensuing fight,Xena and Marcus escape to find their way to Hades' castle,guarded by Harpies.The woman with "many skills" doesn't know what they are. There is a fight with the critters,and Xena blows fire with the booze and a torch,killing the first Harpy. They then go to see Hades. He is "nearly powerless" without the helmet,and says that if Ad went back to earth,he will be mortal again,and can be killed. Marcus is given two days' life to aid Xena to get back the helmet. Xena wants Marcus to be allowed in the E.Fields as a reward. Hades agrees.

Back on shore,Ad sees Gabby waiting. He likes to murder young girls,especially those who are about to be married. Gabby fights him with her staff,but is knocked out. As Ad is ready to kill ger,Xena and Marcus come ashore,and they fight the invisible foe,wounding him slightly. Ad escapes,and is on his way to a festival to kill a new bride. How he knows this is anybody's guess. Gabby is all right,and says she gave Ad a good nosebleed. The three follow Ad,and come upon some peasants who were beaten up by Ad. They tell Xena about the wedding festival,and the three go on.

That night,they have to camp,and Xena and Marcus apparently have sex,the first and only time we see Xena doing that in the entire series,starting from Sins of the Past. Back-stories do not count.

At the village,they see that Ad has done some dirty tricks,and the three know he is around,waiting for the chance to kill the bride.

Xena tells the girl's father that she will pose as the bride at the ceremonial bathing ritual,and that the bride should remain at home. Of course,they know Ad hears this,and he leaves the house to plan the murder.

That night,the bride (we think it is Xena)goes to the water to bathe. Ad sneaks in the bride's room and finds that it is Xena in the bed. They fight,and Xena tosses a blanket on him,outlining his shape. She kills him and gets the helmet.

Gabby,again,has to wait,and Xena and Marcus go to Tartaras. Again,we see Charon,who is puzzled why two live people want to go to Tartaras. Anyway,he is amusing in a gross way,and Xena and Marcus go to Hades' castle.First tho,Xena must kill the second Harpy,again by dumping booze on it and setting it on fire. She appears to Hades and says she has the helmet,but wants his word that Marcus will be in the E. Fields forever if she gives the helmet back. He agrees,and Marcus takes off the helmet,revealing his presence. He had told Xena that if he had kept the helmet,he could have stayed alive,but knew it would be wrong. Xena explains this to Hades,and wants him to give another judgement. She then kisses Marcus,and kills him with a daggar during the kiss. She pleads with Hades to keep his word.

At the end,Hades,Xena,and Marcus are in the E. Fields,and the pact is sealed. Marcus will be there forever.

Xena comes back to Gabby who was waiting for her like a faithful dog.

Notes: Gabby,aside from a fight with Ad,didn't have much to do except worry and wait for Xena a few times.

Xena,in the beginning,had to try to save "the man I love". In The Path Not Taken,there is only the reference that Marcus and Xena were in the same gang once,and hinted a bit of a "relationship"....maybe!Where did the "love" come from since that episode?

Hades is careless with his powerful helmet. It is like Ares,who if losing his sword,loses his godlike powers,as in Ten Little Warlords.

Also,why is it that Xena is able to come and go so easily in the afterlife worlds,when nobody else is able? I still she is part god,since she can do those amazing jumps and other superhuman acts.

Season 1