
I do believe Gabrielle could sleep through anything. And I thought I was a sound sleeper!

The guy with the knife in the throat has some impressive dental work...fillings galore!

Xena refers to "Our melon." Uh...I'm not going to go there.

When Xena is trying to save tracheotomy man in the tavern, he grabs for her hand and she holds it. If you watch closely though, it looks as if he nearly landed on another part of her anatomy.

After the brief relapse of wearing her scabbard on her side in The Titans, Xena has gone back to her over-the-shoulder look.

Xena's got very nice pink lips when she's pulling the chain to get the tablet out of the trap. It's good to know she wanted to look her best for that scene!

I love the way Xena doesn't stand a chance getting out of that tent once Gabrielle smells a shopping opportunity.

The guards in the temple were not too bright. If they were guarding the temple, shouldn't they know about all the traps?

Still, it's not like Xena to hit a trip wire. But she recovered beautifully.

Check out Lucy's hands as Xena is pulling the sword from the stone. They look extremely large in size!

I like Xena's "Just you worry about yourself!" She sounded like the Xena from the Warrior Princess trilogy.

Xena and Hercules are both way too secretive, with each other and their partners. Gabrielle and Iolas have got to be feeling left out!

Gabrielle seems to have an affinity for pitchforks during the first season!

There are some extra nice bone-crunching effects during the fight in the barn.

When did Iolas get hurt? I never saw the blow that hit him.

I hate to see Xena deal blows to guy's crotches. I dunno why; it just seems like she's fighting dirty.

The goodbye scene is very sweet, particularly between Xena and Gabrielle. I love Xena's parting wods..."Be brave." I always picture Xena as ET..."Be good."

And I absolutely adore her "Come on..." to Hercules.

Shall I even discuss the horrid eggshell men? Or the roc?'s best to let awful special effects lie.

Xena packs quite a wallop! She hits the side of the mountain...and the whole thing trembled!

And the logistics of her fall from the roc's back into Hercules' arm makes my head hurt.

Somehow, it doen't seem right seeing Gabrielle and Iolas kiss, I guess because he seems too old for her. But imagine the double dates the four of them could have!

And yes, I am very obsessed, but I get a kick out of the smile and little wave Xena gives to Hercules as she and Gabbers head off. I guess she knows the next time she'll be seeing him, it will be on HIS show.

And here's Gary's review of Prometheus:

This early episode picks up where Xena and Hercules and Iolaus meet again. The gist is this: Hera,Zeus' wife,is jealous of the human race and Prometheus' love of them. He is the Titan who gave humanity the gifts of healing and of fire.Hera chains him while he is sleeping,and the gifts slowly die away.Fire will go out and light wounds will kill people where they might not ever have done before.

The story opens with Xena and Gabby travelling and are attacked one morning by bandits. Xena as usual kicks butt,and a thrown dagger hits a fellow thug,and he goes down. Xena does the old hole-in-the-throat trick so he can breathe,and takes him to an inn. He dies suddenly,and a young boy with a cold dies,too. They hear the scream of Prometheus who is chained,and it is an eeire of the best scary sounds of the series. No special effects were needed...our imagination takes over nicely.

Xena realizes that he is chained,and knows what to do. She was told by Hercules that if Pro. was ever chained,she should go to a certain oracle and get info about how to free Pro.

She goes to the oracle,and must pass a test to see if she is worthy. She says she will die if necessary to free the Titan. She has to reach in a tunnel and drag a chain attached to a tablet with some writing on it.It is encased in a skeleton of a dinosaur-looking critter. She drags the chain,and a candle burns the rope that holds the jaws open. If it closes,Xena could lose an arm or die.She does drag it,and it closes was a ruse to test her will. I think she could have taken the slack out of the chain and pulled from outside,but that would not be exciting.

The oracle tells her there is a special sword that will cut the chains of Pro,but there is a catch.Whoever cuts the chains will die because the sword has the power to kill the user.

Enter Hercules and Iolaus: Xena and Gabby are shopping and ask directions to the mountain where Pro. is kept. Iolaus shows up...he hasn't seen Xena since they were an item in The Warrior Princess and in Unchained Heart on HERCULES. Xena tells him to stay away...Gabby asks him about being a sidekick.

Meanwhile,Xena goes to where the sword is kept and gets it,pulling it from a stone a-la King Arthur.As she emerges from the cave,she spots Hercules,and fights him with her sword. He uses a stick to defend himself before Xena escapes with the sword.Why she would chance wounding her friend with no power to heal is anybody's guess.

Later,there is a barn-fight,with the four against a bunch of thugs. Iolaus is wounded,but does not tell anyone. Later,they all go to the mountain to free Prometheus. In the cave,Hera tries to crush them with a rockslide. They escape,but Iolaus has to tell them he can't make it with his wound.

This sets the stage for the best goodbye scene ever done,in my opinion. Xena hugs Gabby and Herc. tries to encourage Iolaus...Xena and Herc. think they will not survive in their attempt to free Pro. The music is very moving,and the scene is very touching.

Xena and Herc make it to the opening at the top of the mountain. Xena knocks Herc out and takes the sword and goes to the top.

There are seven huge green eggs(looking like they are made from Styrofoam)containing Hera's guards. They fight Xena after breaking out of their shells. They make bird sounds and are tinted green. Herc gets there and fights them too,and Xena says she will deliver the freeing blow to the chains. A huge reptile-critter grabs Xena and the sword and flies off. She is carried miles above and hangs on for dear life. Herc overcomes the bad guys and Xena stabs the flying thing. It drops her,after she tosses the sword to Herc. How he can hear her at that distance is unknown.The sword falls and he deflects it with a boulder,and it cuts a chain.Pro then can break the rest of the chains and he is free,bring back fire and healing. Xena falls and is caught by Herc. Unbelievable how perfectly her fall is direcred and timed...he doesn't even have his arms dislocated with her speed and mass.

In the cave,Gabby had told a dying Iolaus about people and their search for the other half of their souls. It is a very moving scene,and nobody does it better than Gabby.

At the end,there is a second goodbye scene. Iolaus and Gabby kiss,and she looked so young and beautiful...a very tender and chaste kiss. Xena and Hercules say goodbye... Iolaus was asked by Gabby if he remembered in his delerium about the soulmate story. He asnwers no. After,he asks Herc if he believes in it...Herc looks at the departing Xena and says he knows it is true.

I hoped Gabby and Iolaus would get together during the series,but it never happened. Mostly,this episode was about sacrifice and the willingness to risk lives for each other,no matter what the consequences.

The special effects were not very good,but the story line was strong.A simple plot with great acting and directing will make it every time,I believe.

Season 1