The Bitter Suite

This remarkable episode is aptly named, as it gives a worth conclusion to the Rift saga.

The Bitter Suite is very emotional on a whole lot of levels, and serves as an exceptional hour of television.

How did Joxer get to stay at the Amazon village? What makes him so special?

There are some interesting ironies in the way Xena and Gabrielle deal with their grief:

1. Xena seeks solace
Gabrielle seeks the company of others
2. Xena cries out in pain
Gabrielle holds it all inside.
3. Xena puts on more clothes
Gabrielle takes her clothes off

I absolutely LOVE Xena's line to Ares, "My son is dead, you soulless bastard."

But why in the world would she ever listen to Ares' suggestions? I guess she is that far gone in her grief.

I don't care what anyone says, Gabrielle did NOT have to go to Britannia. She went of her own free will, and as much as some seem to want to blame Xena, it isn't her fault.

When Xena rides into the Amazon village, it's as if they've been waiting for her attack. There didn't seem to be any question as to whether or not Xena was going to ride in angrily.

Ephiny tries to approach Xena in a peaceful manner, and gets a broken arm for her troubles.

I like Joxer, and know he means well, but he couldn't have come out of that hut carrying Gabrielle at any worse time!

Wow…Xena nearly chakrams Joxer and Gabrielle…only Ephiny's quick thinking was able to stop her!

And promptly gets smacked for her trouble!

But Xena is not to be deterred, and the Gabdrag is officially on.

It is extremely brutal, as Gabrielle is dragged through dirt, grass, water, fire pit, over rocks.

Xena chuckles gleefully the whole time. It's as if all her senses have left her except the thirst for revenge.

I think it's important to note that she is NOT riding Argo.

Back to Xena's glee, she even has her tongue stuck out between her teeth as she finally dismounts the horse.

And then she looks SO predatory when she finally faces Gabrielle.

If it hadn't been for Solan, Gabrielle's actions would have killed both her and Xena.

Callisto kisses Xena to wake her up in Illusia. Hmmm…

And it wasn't to give her mouth-to-mouth, either!

I've read many different articles on what all the symbolism in this episode means, and it's reference to Taoism and Tarot Cards. To be honest, it's all Greek to me, but from what I've read, the producers did an amazing job.

I just know it's colorful.

Xena's guides through Illusia are Ares and Callisto. Gabrielle gets…Joxer.

Callisto's "squat walk" is not very ladylike!

But she sure seemed like a happy little camper as she played with Xena.

Why does Xena have a golden pot on her head?

Xena even gets a lap dance from Callisto!

Xena seems to be enjoying the show Callisto puts on.

When Callisto says, "I never betrayed you…that was…Gabrielle…" a shot of the bard comes up near the wheel of fate. Gabrielle looks beautiful and innocent in the shot, even more so than usual.

Joxer looked kind of charming when he was acting as Gabrielle's guide.

Love Gabrielle's line, "Dead…naked heroes."

I love the Army's whole presentation to Xena…very cool!

Great lyrics, "You've not lived till you've been gored by Xena."

Ares should wear harem pants more often…Yummy!

Gabrielle and Xena both lose their clothes a lot in this one.

More great lyrics…"Words of wisdom Ares said, When in battle keep your head."

The music for Potodeia is a wonderful contrast compared to the army's music.

And what lyrics, 'We love peace…with the ducks and goats and sheep."

Meanwhile, Xena's crew is singing, "We love war, doesn't matter what it's for."

Gabs seems to get right into the swing of things…It takes Xena a while longer, but she does as well.

What is Cyrene in Potodeia…I swear she's in the crowd scene! There's even a brief close-up of her.

What's up with Gabrielle's very bad wig? Ick!

I dunno why, but Joxer's blue lips when he checks Gabbers for breathing always makes me smile.

I LOVE Xena's dress for her tango with Ares. Notice the dress has an exoskeleton on it.

"Come Melt Into Me" Kevin Smith has a wonderful voice, and the dance scene with him and Lucy is fantastic!

When Callisto sings "Let Go," Xena drops Ares' hand very fast.

Gotta love Ares' line…"Nothing more to be said…Ding dong, the bitch is dead."

I adore Xena's trying to be nonchalant about killing Gabrielle. She puts a hand on her hip trying to look all innocent and it's hysterically funny!

Xena's defense? "I didn't kill you…I killed an illusion." Yeah, sure, Xena.

The big arguments in the Hall of Echoes were Xena's complaint that Gabrielle took too long to make a decision, and Gabrielle's complaint that Xena blamed her for everything.

Lucy's eyes in the Hall of Echoes are even more striking than usual.

That wig on Gabs' has got to go!

I hate the singing voice for Gabrielle! Couldn't they have found someone who sounded more like Renee?

Xena is in a hat way too much in this one.

During the Hall Scene, Lucy resembles Meg Foster a lot.

Gabrielle is the first to point blame in the first song she and Xena sing. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around.

Gabrielle accuses Xena "because you had to carry out your vengeful little plan." To what she was referring? Xena's going after Hercules? That was hardly a "little plan"!

The height difference between Lucy and Renee is very much in evidence when they stand toe to toe and yell at each other.

I really, really feel sorry for Gabrielle when she starts screaming "Not again", when the fire grabs her and starts dragging her.

I've read a lot of negative comments about the "Hate" song. It IS pretty Dr. Seussy in nature, but I don't mind it much.

The villains in the song were Caesar, Callisto, Ares, and Krafstarr. I guess that's whom the producers considered the "big four".

Xena and Gabrielle both look SO different with those black pupils!

Xena is about to get her legs crushed by Evil Gabrielle, but doesn't even notice as she is MUCH more concerned about the real Gabrielle's fate.

"Hearts are Hurting" is the duet where Xena and Gabrielle finally make amends, and it is WONDERFUL to witness.

Xena is leaning on Gabs for support as the leave the altar area. There's a switch!

Gabs was pretty sharp to recognize Solan so quickly. All she could see was a silhouette.

I feel sorry for Xena having to come clean for the lie about Ming T'ien. Gabrielle was still harboring a lie about whey she went to Chin, and she was allowed to pass through.

And it makes me furious when Gabrielle gets all pissy over Xena's lie. How dare she throw a fit when her actions during the Rift were far worse? I know, I know, that will make the Gab fans mad, but that's exactly the way I feel.

It's good to see Xena and Gabs finally smiling again as Lucy sings the final song. Xena's "Forgive Me" song is my favorite of all, and is poignant and beautifully done.

Gabrielle tears up during the song, and then manages to smile through her tears for an enchanting effect.

The scene where Xena finally gets to hold Solan is heart tugging…and long overdue. Then when Solan is suddenly Gabrielle, and the two of them are on the beach, you can tell Xena is taken aback by the change.

Was the ending homage to the romantic scene in From Here to Eternity intentional? Probably.

And finally, and I am not the only one who hears this…but if you turn the volume on your TV way up, at the very end of the episode, you can hear what sounds like Xena saying "Will you marry me?" Listen for it, and you'll hear what I mean.

The Soundtrack for the Bitter Suite includes patches of dialogue from the episode, as well as all the terrific songs. It is easy to get the vivid images of the episode in my head whenever I listen to it. I listen to it a lot.

Here is Gary's take on The Bitter Suite:

This is the second part of Xena and Gabrielle's struggle with their friendship and love.

The story opens with Gabby in the Amazon village in the purification hut. She has been there for three days,and Joxer is there waiting for her. Callisto appears in Gabby's mind and tells her that it was Xena who forced her into the mess. Meanwhile,Ares tells Xena that it was Gabby who was the cause of the problems.

Xena rides into the Amazons' village demanding Gabby. Ephiny and the Amazons resist,while Joxer carries Gabby out of the hut. He rushes to fight Xena,but she knocks him down and uses her whip to yank Gabby off her feet. She is then dragged behind Argo in a horrifying manner,thru flames,fire,water,rocks,the hard ground.She is barely alive when Xena gets off Argo to release Gabby. She picks her up and is about to throw her over a waterfall to her death. Gabby kicks Xena in the head at the last minute,and stands up---a ghastly sight,with blood and torn flesh.

Xena flashes an evil grin and Gabby screams,"I hate you!" and tackles Xena,with both of them going over the cliff.

They are drowning,and Callisto picks up Xena,and Joxer picks up Gabby.They were underwater and not moving,so they must have drowned.

The girls were revived by Cal and Joxer in separate scenes,each being told why they were there.

The place is Illusia,and Cal says lies can be truth and truth can be lies. Xena is led to Ares' stronghold,and this mostly musical episode has the warriors sing Xena's praises. Meanwhile,Gabby is at Potadiea,with the villagers singing about Gabby and Hope.Gabby is given a scythe to kill Xena with. Ares gives Xena a sword.

The girls meet,and with a brief struggle,Xena kills Gabby with the sword. Cal asks if Xena got what she wanted. The door opens,and it is Gabby---alive. Xena killed an illusion.

They are then transported to an abandoned palace where their voices are drowned by their echoes. The songs come next,with Xena and Gabby telling how each other is to blame for the mess,and Solon's death.

They then are grabbed by Dahak's flame and are dragged to the tomb where a figure in a robe is waiting.Also are Ares,Callisto,Caesar,Khraftstar,a Gabby double and Xena double,but with dark eyes.

Xena and Gabby realize that hate is making everything worse,so they sing that they are sorry--the other characters explode and the girls are free. They go to a small waterfall. Gabby can pass thru,but Xena is burned,and cannot get thru.The hooded figure is Ming T'ien,who laughs at her.Xena now says that she killed him. Gabby says Xena lied to her.

Xena then sees Solon,and sings a dual song to Gabby and Solon,saying she is sorry for ruining everything...that she lied and tried to kill Gabby and that she was not a mother to Solon.Xena wanted to protect Gabby...but was wrong to lie.

Solon brought them there,but we never find out how.

Ming T'ien explodes,freeing Xena...she can now pass thru the waterfall,and is back in her regular outfit. She hugs Solon,and then it is really Gabby she is hugging,outside in the open,and free at a beach.

This episode had many songs which told the story of revenge,love,hate,and forgiveness. A masterpiece.

I really hated Xena during the Gabdrag,and couldn't believe she would do that to her friend,considering it was Hope who did the killing with Cal's help.It goes to show what fine actresses they all are.

Season 3