The Deliverer

This is the beginning of a very difficult series of episodes to watch. Some might argue it's the beginning of the Rift, but I feel it truly begins in Gabrielle's Hope. Still, this one has an uneasy cloud over it, and it isn't just centered over the temple.

I don't like Discord. Never have…never will. 'Nuff said!

Check out the very first scene with Xena and Gabrielle walking and talking about grains of sand becoming boulders. Lucy almost trips, and even appears to glance off-screen, as if wondering if she should continue the scene.

Gabrielle's logic about the sand makes sense…sort of.

Trees are bigger than huts? Not necessarily!

Gabs tells Xena, "You can be so frustrating sometimes!" So true!

Xena stops Gabrielle's forward momentum with a hand on her uh…front. When she pulls away, Gabrielle looks down her own top. Is she checking for damage?

Khrafstar…Wow! It's really hard to see Martin Csokas in there!

Did Khrafstar recognize Xena? He sure knew her hot button was Caesar, and seemed to be eyeballing her when he brought the subject up.

Xena was going to let the prisoners continue their errr…imprisonment, until Caesar's name came up. Then once again, she was freeing them so she could join their quest. Is it right for her to serve as a judge under these circumstances?

I liked the guard's comment, "Any particular reason why?" he asks, in regards to Xena's demand that they let the prisoner's go free. "Yeah," comes Xena's reply, "A whole list of 'em!"

She demonstrates the list for a few moments then, "I don't usually get to reason four, but when I do it gets real messy!" Hee hee!

Some guards these guys were! The one couldn't even get his sword drawn!

Gabrielle's comment, "You're like a who's who of warriors" is perfect! And once again, so true!

And I love her light "You might consider a refund" that she gives Khrafstar. So does he.

Gabrielle says that Xena doesn't hate Romans…just Caesar. I'm not sure if that's true…Later on in the series, Xena demonstrates her hatred for just about all things Rome.

Martin looks a lot younger as Khrafstar than he did as Borias. He's a handsome guy.

Ares makes his first appearance in this one. He materializes directly in front of Xena, and her sword is stuck right through his gut. "You wanna move that so we can talk?"

Xena's response? "Oh, I dunno. I kinda like the look of it there." She twists the sword so it makes a squishy noise.

Come to think of it, where did the sword come from? Hers was broken in the last one…do you think she carries a spare in Argo's voluminous saddlebags?

She pointedly wipes the blade off after Ares steps back, away from the weapon. Hee hee! Kind of reminds of her pulling Gabrielle's hand off him in Old Ares Had a Farm.

Ares tells Xena, "Lead your army to victory and make me proud." Xena has her back to him, and makes a face like, "Yeah, whatever…"

Boy, those men on the ship are not handling the open seas very well! They were throwing up all over the place!

Krafstarr asks Gabs when was the last time she saw love or friendship or the effect of it. She replies with a "I dunno"' Duh! What about her relationship with the Warrior Princess?!!?

It's hysterical to see how guilty Gabrielle acts when Xena enters the room. Why?

It may just be because Xena is looking very, very jealous at the scene before her eyes.

Khrafstar is very charming, no doubt about it.

Xena's boots thump awfully loud on this particular ship, which, uh…is the same ship used in all the other episodes with ships!

Xena ordered Boadicea killed! Now, there's a fact that most history books seem to leave out!

Pursuticus and Boadiceia joined forces in an effort to attack Xena, "But I defeated them." I love Lucy's delivery on that. She says it gloriously, but at the same time, her voice is full of self-loathing.

She concludes with, "So you see, I'm not the only one dealing with betrayal." Another event from her past is coming back to haunt her with guilt.

From the first time I saw this episode, I would swear Caesar's head messenger was wearing a red and white football helmet! Check it out! It distracts me no end!

Xena sees a flash and waves her sword around, then holds it steady so it will flash it return.

Who were the shore people signaling? Did they know there was a friendly boat out there?

And why did Xena wave and wave, and her sword only flash once?

Boadiceia made an impressive first appearance, roaring onto the scene in her chariot. But what a scary looking woman she was!

A curious blue light was used for the beach fight scene. It added an eerie appearance to the scene.

Love Xena and Boadiceas's first exchange:
Xena: You got my message.
Boadiceiea: Barely…you need to polish your sword.

Boadiceia goes into the battle with her sword raised, but Xena doesn't draw hers for a long time. I'm not sure what that means, but I thought I would point it out.

Boadicea's army filled up an impressive amount of countryside!

Bodecia was right when she said Xena was there because Caesar was there. But I suspect Xena was also there to make amends.

Xena tells Bodecia she's sorry about Pursuticus, but Bodecia barely acknowledges that, which causes Xena to roll her eyes in frustration. Bodecia isn't making this easy!

It's funny that Xena suddenly can't remember Khrafstar's name. She knew it earlier!

I just noticed, Meridian is the one who told Xena that Gabrielle and Khrafstar didn't return with the others.

There's no doubt that Xena is physically stronger than Bodecia. Gotta give Bodecia some credit for not backing down!

That Adam's apple release Xena does looks painful!

Xena tells Bodecia, "No, no Caesar will know she's my friend. He'll keep her alive until he can figure out how to use her against me." Does Xena know Caesar, or what?

Why didn't Xena bring Gabrielle's staff with her when she left Boadicea's tent? I would have thought she would want to take it back to the bard.

One of the Roman guards shoves Gabrielle and tells her to sit down. She retorts with "Sit on this!" but Khrafstar restrains her.

Gabrielle reacts immediately to Caesar. I'm sure she's remembering what Xena has told her, but she also finds him charismatic.

But she gives herself away when Caesar asks how Xena is, and Gabrielle replies with a questioning, "she's fine?" Khrafstar and Gabrielle caught the mistake immediately.

Then Gabs tries to recover with "She hardly knows me…She probably doesn't even know I'm gone…. I mean, she hardly knows when I'm around…In fact, she doesn't even know my name."

Xena and Boadicea are finally, grudgingly, learning to work together.

I dunno where Khraffstar's accent is from, but he doesn't sound like he's from Gaul to me!

Khrafstar and Gabrielle take each other's hands. Does Gabrielle feel something for him, or was it just a hand of comfort?

Yes, breaking Gabrielle's legs would definitely mean something to Xena!

Gabrielle is so courageous! She clenches in her teeth, hisses in her breath, and awaits the blow to her legs.

Xena almost misses the soldier's leg when she comes up from under the ground.

How long were Xena and the others hidden? Did they have any trouble getting enough oxygen?

In a very cool move, Xena throws two knives with one hand to release Gabrielle from the cross.

"Timing…we've got to work on timing." That's the second time Gabrielle has said this.

Xena releases Gabrielle in a rescue; nearly identical to the way M'Lila released her.

When Xena splits the spear in half, I don't see any splinters of wood flying loose. How did she manage to hit Caesar's hand?

He doesn't even react to the injury at first.

Xena was very much enjoying tearing up Caesar's banner and waving it at him. What a challenge!

The look on her face was almost identical to the one she had when she first saw Ulysses.

Xena's expression when she pulled Gabrielle away from Khrafstar is too funny. Very condescending and victorious!

Gabs was trying to apologize for getting captured, and Xena was just worried about what Caesar had to say.

Ironic that Xena plans on using Caesar's own Divide and Conquer strategy against him!

Did Xena not realize Gabrielle was lurking with Khrafstar and his Jawa friends outside the temple?

Xena was sure wound up over that last battle against Caesar!

She sees Ares, dismounts, and then sucks in her cheeks as she confidently strides over to see what he wants.

Ares says, "Trust me, Xena." "Based on what?" she retorts. Good point!

I can't blame Xena for not having confidence in Ares, but how would things have panned out if she had believed him?

Khrafstar's hesitance at being tied to the altar had to all be an act, but he was very convincing.

I know it was a horrible experience for her, but Gabrielle should realize she killed in self-defense. If she hadn't done something, Meridia would have cleaved her in two with a sword!

Boadicea and Xena finally make peace, and are ready to kick Caesar's ass…but more troubles arrive.

Boadicea wants to know what Xena is seeing and her response is, "I dunno, but it's centered over the temple."

That sky certainly looks menacing…nothing good can come from this!

Xena's in total denial that Gabrielle has killed. Gabrielle has to really work to convince her friend, which had to make it harder for the bard.

Dahak is going to take care of the one God of the Israelites? Sheyeah…right!

Dahak "appreciates rage", so Xena gives him some!

For a while on the altar, Gabrielle looked at peace. It's short-lived though.

Xena doesn't look too intimidated by The Deliverer.

But does she notice Gabrielle feels pain whenever she hurts The Deliverer?

Once Xena knows she can hurt TD, her whole demeanor changes.

Check out this exchange:
Xena: I thought your god was all-powerful or somethin'.
Deliverer: You can't talk about the great Dahak like that!
Xena: Great? Great at what? All I've seen is some lame attempt at a religion and some fancy fireworks!

This dialogue is too much for me…I dunno why, but it really bothers me.

We saw the exact same explosion in the last episode, The Dirty Half-Dozen. Fortresses…temples…they're all the same!

The last few moments of this episode are gut wrenching. Gabrielle is clinging to Xena for dear life.

And Xena, if possible, looks even more lost, searching around her as if she is trying to find the correct answer. Then she realizes her friend needs her, and moves to comfort Gabrielle.

Gabrielle's comment…"Everything's changed…everything" is directly from Dreamworker when Xena warned her of that very thing. Xena promises her that everything will be okay, but it's going to be a long time before that is proven true. Hold onto your hats…the Rift is about to begin!

Xena's creating Stonehenge is anticlimactic in this poignant ending. I wish it could have been used last week, when the mood was much lighter.

And what exactly happened in the battle with Caesar? Obviously, Xena wasn't around to fight it, so what happened to Boadicea and her troops?

Let's see what Gary has to say:

The Rift begins in Season 3 with this episode. We have seen Gabby becoming more reliable as a fighter and friend to Xena,and her value was increased with each show.

In this ep,however,we see Xena's blind hatred take them away to Brittania,where Xena's target is Caesar,who "betrayed" her. The opening credits had Xena's "greatest enemy" being Caesar,but I would have thought that Cortese,who killed a lot of Amphipolans and razed their village,would have been the one. He also killed Xena's brother Lyceus. Anyway,we see Ares and Discord arguing about a new evil god who will take over the whole world and kill the Greek gods unless Ares helps him come into the world. Ares is ready to betray everyone to save his own skin. Too bad he couldn't have gotten the gods together to oppose the new god.

Ares mentioned the "new metal",but we just saw it in Dirty Half-Dozen. Arees was going to give the secret to somebody,but he just did that with Agathon.

He mentions "an exceptional mortal" who will act to help Dahak,as the new god is known. We see superhuman abilities with this " mortal" at the end of the show.

Xena and Gabby see two guards holding a few British prisoners,and they are taking them back to Brittania for trial. One guy,Khraftstar,says he will never give in to Rome. Xena now fights the guards and releases the prisoners. She has no idea what they did,but meddles and lets them loose,even taking them back on board ship. K. is a priest of a "new god" and cannot say the god's name.

Xena's hate for Caesar drives her to the island,taking Gabby with her. As we all know,Gabby will not leave Xena for any reason. The girls actually looked stunned to see the prisoners at first,as if they never saw such a sight in their lives...strange.

K. says he was hired to get mercenaries for the British queen,Boadicea,who died in 62 A.D.,a lot of years after Xena supposedly met her. The RenPics timeline also has Xena meeting Sappho,a 6th century B.C. Greek lyric poetess in Many Happy Returns. Sappho must have looked a bit OLD.

Gabby tells K. that Caesar betrayed Xena...did he? Xena captured C. and held him for ransom in Destiny. She would have had him killed unless she spotted his fancy clothes. There was no mercy in her then.

When Xena has her sword thru Ares,why does she wipe it off,since there is no blood? We see her stab and slash humans all the time,and there is rarely any blood shown.

Ares wants Xena to join him again,but also wants her to deatroy the temple to tick Caesar off. Does he think this will stop Dahak,or tick HIM off,too? K hates the word "cult." He tells Gabby this as Xena walks in on them when they are talking. Xena looks a bit jealous to see them,or at least a bit miffed.

Xena admits she stole Boadicea's army and tried to have her killed. B escaped and returned to Brittania to raise another army. The Romans appear on board the ship and want the passengers to stay away from Brit...or ELSE. Xena agrees,as a ruse. She climbs the ropes....why are they always wrapped in rags? Once aloft,she waves her sword,which she had polished,and sees a flash of light ashore. This is a signal to someone who expects them. How does Xena get word ahead?

Ashore,the Romans prepare to fight Boad,who is alone in a chariot. Xena and her small crew attack the Romans,and win.What else? Boad is still angry at Xena for the past but needs her expertise in fighting Rome.

In most fights,why do armored men who get punched yell in pain,and why the tiresome tuck-and-roll as if struck by a freight train?

As the Romans retreat,Gabby and K get captured. Later they meet Caesar,who keeps saying "divide and conquer." Gabby denied that she knows Xena,and C orders her and K to be crucified so that Xena can see it.Note: How does Caesar know Gabby is Xena's friend,since he never met Gabby?

At the camp,Xena threatens Boad because Gabby was captured. How can Boad watch Gabby since Gabby is Xena's friend,who should be watching her,esp. in a battle? Why did Xena leave her alone?

Caesar:"Xena's fatal flaw is her emotion." How true.

Xena: Caesar's flaw is his belief in his destiny.

Xena wants one great battle to finally crush the Romans.Boad says she will go along with it. Xena acts superior to Boad,whom she betrayed.

C. wants the battle,too. He ties Gabby and K to crosses and wants Gabby's legs broken. The Boad people have dug holes in the ground and pop out to rescue the prisoners. A nice trick,but how is it they know WHERE and WHEN they will be crucified,and why don't the Romans notice the ground being dug up? Why didn't they trip in a hole?

C throws a javelin at Xena...she tosses the Chakram,splitting the javelin...C gets a splinter in his hand. In this ep,Xena and C never speak to each other.

Note: Since the Chakram is a long-range weapon,why doesn't Xena just hit C with it and end it all then? Instead,she tears Caesar's banner.

Gabby says there is a certain aura about C. Xena wants to capture the temple so no Romans will be at their backs. Boad and Xena do this...there were only a few Romans there anyway...not enough to be real trouble. Gabby stays there,abandoned by Xena AGAIN...K is with her,along with a bunch of hooded guys and gals. Wouldn't that get Xena suspicious?

Again,Xena sees Ares.Ares says the Greek gods are not perfect,but they are Xena's gods and are better than Dahak. How come Ares plots to help Dahak,yet still wants to kill Dahak,too?

Ares:Trust me.

Xena:Based on WHAT?

The Temple: Meridian,a cult member,tells K there have been some changes in the ceremony. He acts is all a ruse to gain Gabby's trust. The door for Dahak to enter the world must be with PURE innocent blood...namely Gabby,who has never killed. They grab K,and tie him to the altar,and Meridian is going to stab him with a knife. Gabby tries to stop her,and grabs the knife. M comes at her with a sword...she takes a swipe,misses,and tries for another. Gabby ,in self-defense,stabs her to death. Gabby is stunned and in agony over taking a life. K now reveals the truth...Gabby was set up so that she would no longer be pure...that went to Dahak,who will now impregnate her...a rape via the flames which do not burn her.

Merdian laughs as she dies,knowing Gabby was tricked into killing her.

Xena,at the battlefield,looks over towards the temple and sees clouds over it. Now she thinks Gabby could be in trouble. She leaves Boad and the army to go to Gabby. Why now? What is the evidence this time? She arrives to the deserted temple,or so she thinks. A crying Gabby says she murdered Meridian,and shows Xena the blood. Xena tries to tell her it was an accident,but NO.

Enter K...he fights Xena with superhuman feats..he has the power to toss Xena as she will have in The Debt. He later changes shape..this "mortal",as Ares calls him,and announces he is The Deliverer.He is kinda scary-looking with horns.He says Dahak will kill all gods,even the One-god too.

Gabby is suspended in the air over the lava pit/flames and Xena and K fight. There is a lot of fancy footwork,and Xena finally tosses K down the fire pit. Gabby then falls,and Xena's leap catches her.

They run out as the temple explodes. Stonehenge appears to be the ruins as the girls huddle near some rocks.

Notes: Since Khraftstar has special powers,why didn't he use them to escape from the original guards?

How does he know Xena and Gabby will come along and release them? How does he know Gabby is pure? Why is there an explosion that can kill Gabby ,after getting her pregnant?It defeats the whole purpose of the temple ceremony. Why is Gabby falling down the fire pit,since she can die,again negating the whole scheme?

Why does K say that Dahak needs XENA'S blood so that he can enter the world? It has been stated that PURE blood is needed...that isn't Xena. Also,we see in Sacrifice 2,that a LOT of villagers are needed to have their blood spilled to release this all-powerful god from the fire pit. Too many contradictions.

The best scene is where Gabby crawls to Xena in misery after killing was well-done,and nobody can do it like Renee O'Connor.

Check out Andrew's review of The Deliverer:

Xena tries to make up for betraying an old ally by going up against an even older foe, and Gabrielle encounters a wolf in sheep's clothing in the first episode of Season 3's Rift Arc.

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Xena can be WAAAY too pragmatic at times. She makes no attempt to understand Gabrielle's foray into the realm of molecular physics. Her smouldering hatred of Julius Caesar soon rears its head, however. Just the mention of his name is enough to send her off to Britannia. Xena still mistrusts Ares after the events of THE FURIES and obviously feels guilty about betraying Boadicea and Prasutagus, giving her added incentive to fight Caesar. She develops "tunnel vision", however, virtually ignoring Gabrielle as she bids to destroy her enemy. She nevertheless finds time to rescue her friend twice, first from Caesar and then from Dahak.

Gabrielle, for her part, is intrigued by Khrafstar's "One God", an early indication of her developing spirituality. She also briefly falls victim to Caesar's charisma, but quickly learns his true nature. The moment when Gabrielle loses her blood innocence is one of the most shocking of the entire series. Renee O'Connor turns in a flawless performance, showing that she can be every bit as expressive as Lucy Lawless. Gabrielle is, however, too hard on herself. Killing Meridian to defend not only her own life but that of a supposed innocent is hardly murder. Her final words to Xena, "Everything's changed...everything" echo Xena's warning to her in DREAMWORKER, also written by Steven L. Sears.

Lucy Lawless is also very convincing in these scenes. Xena can't believe that Gabrielle would deliberately kill someone, saying it must have been an accident. Khrafstar is able to goad the Warrior Princess with a reminder that her hatred of Caesar brought Gabrielle to Britannia in the first place, a fact forgotten by many fans in the light of later events. It was Xena's thirst for vengeance that led to the loss of Gabrielle's blood innocence, the birth of Hope and the death of Solan. Ultimately, Xena must bear responsibility for the Rift and its consequences.

This episode also shows up an unpleasant character trait in the Warrior Princess. Xena's judgement tends to slip where personal slights are involved. The Horde defeated her, and her determination to avenge that defeat almost cost her, Gabrielle and an Athenian garrison their lives in THE PRICE. Now her obsession with destroying Caesar causes Gabrielle untold grief and sets in motion a chain of events ending in betrayal and murder.


The references to "One God" who cannot be named are a clever piece of misdirection. They imply that Khrafstar and his followers are Judeo-Christian, and Marton Csokas is completely convincing as the duplicitous priest of Dahak. With benefit of hindsight it appears that his initial "capture" was arranged, the guards actually being fellow cultists. Gabrielle had been chosen as Dahak's sacrifice, with Caesar used as bait to ensure Xena took her to Britannia. It's actually a brilliant plan, and had me completely fooled. I honestly believed Khrafstar's "sacrifice" was the result of Meridian subverting the temple, and I was dumbstruck when I realised that Gabrielle had been the intended victim all along.

The second great guest performance comes from Jennifer Ward-Lealand as Boadicea (more properly Boudicca). She brings the Warrior Queen to life, making you feel that if the real Boudicca wasn't like this, she should have been! Just for the record, Jennifer is married to Michael "Iolaus" Hurst.

Boadicea has the best line of the episode in her initial exchange with Xena:
X: "You got my message."
B: "Barely - you need to polish your sword."
That's the kind of putdown that can only be delivered with an English accent!

Incidentally, it's a nice touch that all the Britons have English accents. I wouldn't have expected such attention to detail from Renpics. The embossed bronze breastplates worn by Boadicea and some of her warriors look suitably Celtic. By Caesar's time chain mail would have been more likely, but they could be family heirlooms. A fair number of the British warriors appear to be women - a Roman historian writing long after Caesar's time said that no two men could stand against a Celt if his wife helped him!

Karl Urban reappears as Julius Caesar, looking noticeably older than when first seen in DESTINY. Full marks to the makeup department, although he's still too young for the part - Caesar was in his mid forties at the time of his British expeditions.

Note the blue overtones in the early scenes in Britannia - possibly a reference to the British use of blue woad as war paint. The Roman tactics also look authentic. Horses won't charge a row of levelled spears, and the "testudo" (tortoise) formation was devised for protection against arrows.


Anton Bentley, who plays a Roman officer here, was first seen as Perdicas in SINS OF THE PAST and also appeared as one of Damon's men in THE PRODIGAL. Catherine Boniface (Meridian) played the Chief Hestian in A COMEDY OF EROS. Anthony Ray Parker (Bacchus in GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN and the slave trader Pinullus in A COMEDY OF EROS) appears as Khrafstar's demonic form, the "Deliverer" of the title.


"The Warrior Princess", a piece I always associate with Xena's more savage moods, is heard during her initial skirmish with the Romans. Although "Xena Kicks Bacchae Butt" was written for GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN, it later became Dahak's theme and I'll always associate its finale with that terrible moment in his temple when Gabrielle's life changed forever. "The Deliverer", which can be found on the "Bitter Suite" CD, is another very effective piece played during Xena's climactic duel with the transformed Khrafstar.


Buckle up, folks, this is gonna be a LONG ride!

The opening scene, in which Ares tells discord he is considering giving a new metal to certain favoured followers, proves that THE DIRTY HALF DOZEN should have been screened some time after this episode rather than immediately before it.

Xena shouldn't have been able to recognise Khrafstar and his companions as Britons, as they would have dressed in exactly the same fashion as continental Celts. They should be wearing trousers - kilts were a much later invention. Why doesn't Xena recognise Khrafstar as a non-Celtic name? "Khrafstras" in Persian mythology were evil spirits serving Dahak, the Satanic adversary of the "Lord of Light", and I can't help feeling it would have been better to place this story in Mesopotamia rather than Britannia. Xena could have been instrumental in the defeat of Caesar's ally Crassus, which would have tied in with the later events of WHEN IN ROME...

Boudicca rebelled against Roman rule in AD 60, during Nero's reign. Julius Caesar died in 44 BC, over a century earlier. Xenaverse chronology strikes again!

Just where did Xena and Gabrielle encounter Khrafstar? As with the upcoming 2-parter THE DEBT, this episode takes no account of the time needed to traverse long distances. It would have taken Xena's party weeks to reach Britannia, assuming they were anywhere near Greece to begin with.

Why is Xena suddenly so obsessed with destroying Caesar? This storyline persists until the end of Season 4, yet in the first two seasons she never mentioned him. He was seen only in flashback, although Xena appears to have told Gabrielle of their first encounter.

Why didn't Caesar destroy Dahak's temple as Ares had instructed him, and why doesn't Ares just come right out and tell Xena who Dahak is and what he intends for the world? Come to think of it, why didn't the God of War use the offer of the "new metal" as an incentive for Caesar to do his dirty work?

Contrary to Xena's version of events, Boadicea never lived in Gaul.

Why is the rigging of the ship covered in what appears to be seaweed?

Why does Xena indulge in all that sword-waving in the crow's nest? Why not just send the signal?

Why are Gabrielle and Khrafstar not with Xena during the initial skirmish? Did she order them to stay clear of the fight, and if so why are they apparently running towards it? (They're running in the opposite direction to the Romans, who are running away from it.)

Where are the fortifications around Caesar's camp? Romans NEVER made camp without throwing up a rampart and palisade surrounded by a ditch.

Why does Khrafstar talk as if he worshipped Zeus and Hera in the past? If he's a Briton, he would have worshipped the Celtic gods.

There are a number of problems with the crucifixion scene. Firstly, how does Xena know that Caesar is going to crucify Gabrielle and Khrafstar? Secondly, isn't it convenient that she knows exactly where to dig the hidey-holes? Thirdly, didn't ANYONE in the Roman garrison notice these holes being dug? That's what patrols and lookouts are for! Finally, Caesar orders the crucifixion to be carried out on a hill, but it actually takes place on a gentle slope. The attacking Celts are even charging downhill!

When Xena cuts Gabrielle's wrist ropes, the one binding her ankles simply comes undone. Apparently, knot-tying was not part of Roman military training!

Season 3