When In Rome

This is an interesting episode, which proves that Xena and Gabrielle have worked through their problems from the Rift.

Xena starts out in a good mood. "Hello Krassus. How's your backside, huh?"

Then, when Caesar sputters away, she quips, "There's a sentence in there just dying to get out."

Caesar describes Xena as "An old friend…enemy…friend…I forget where we left off."

Xena sums it up for him. "We weren't on speaking terms."

Xena is nothing but cool when she blows on the ring…reminds me of her with the dice in King Con.

"I'll send over the finger this belongs on tomorrow; and after that, I'll be more creative."

I like Gabs' look of confidence when she tells Caesar he won't be hurt as long as the Romans have her.

I think it's important to note that Xena and Gabrielle will not lie to each other. They seem to have learned their lessons.

It also sounds strange that Xena considers Krassus "no longer" a man, after he has killed over 100. What does that make her?

Dunno why, but I love Lucy's delivery on "Good luck" before she rides away from Gabrielle.

I don't like this Brutus at all!

Xena sure knows how to make an entrance at a party!

This seemed like a precursor to her guise as Cleopatra, right down to her haughty attitude.

What was the point in spitting cherry pit? Just a general lack of disrespect?

Here's one of the greatest exchanges ever:
Pompey: So why do they call you the Warrior Princess?
Xena: Because Caesar was taken.

Caesar is bent on pissing off Xena by mistreating Verkinix, and Pompey by calling him Verkinix, the Magnus.

I like it when Gabs tells Krassus that she trusts Xena!

Xena's cleavage is getting a workout in this one!

So far, she has used it to hide both Krassus's ring and the wax with the key imprint.

Caesar has good taste. "You look incredible. Roman finery becomes you."

But Xena isn't impressed. "We're not going down that road again."

Caesar doesn't give up. "It's never just business between us, Xena. It's hatred, war, conflict, and it's love."

Xena still isn't listening. "I've gotta go to the bathroom. Are we done yet?"

That effectively cools off Caesar, as it would most people.

How can Gabrielle sleep with Krassus so close by?

Burning through those ropes had to hurt!

It's a good thing Xena came along when she did, or Krassus would have been out of there!

Once again, Xena is brutally honest with Gabs, even though she knows it will upset her.

When Xena says she's sorry, she means it.

Note that Xena says if she could accomplish her plans without killing Krassus dying, then "fine." She didn't seem to care much one-way or the other, or she would have said, "good", or "I would try."

Finally, Xena gives up. "Drop it, Gabrielle."

Whenever someone points out Xena's Caesar obsession, she always stops cold.

Gabs was pretty dumb taking her hands off Krassus' rope.

But she did some great staff work to stop him.

I love the way Xena can go anywhere in Rome uninvited.

Gabrielle does a great job getting herself arrested.

Xena reminds me of a cat when she sneaks in on Caesar.

It was pretty stupid to lock her up with Verkinix.

I love Pompey's eye roll at Caesar's rambling speech.

"Ah, tough guy, huh?" Xena snips at a guard.

Xena was a gladiator long before Russell Crowe!

Her hair is a royal mess, when she's gladiating.

She does a tremendous jump in the air, and then falls flat on her face. That had to hurt!

She lets her butt get kicked, big time!

But at the same time, she takes a mace to the head, and doesn't even bleed. She's just buying some time.

Even Caesar appreciated that hit!

Only Xena could wrestle a spear from a guy on a horse!

She takes another clout to the head, and is knocked senseless.

For about ten seconds.

Then comes the net and the drag.

They keep showing this one white haired Roman in the audience near Gabs. He looks like Mel Brooks.

Love it, as always, when the Warrior Princess music kicks in!

This time, Xena not only pulls the spear off the horse, but the guy as well!

She spared the centurion deliberately, and it pisses off the crowd.

I would have really thought someone would have recognized Verkinix as a guard.

That ring sure caught the sunlight!

The shot of Xena and Verkinix at the end just rocks! What great looks from both of them!

I really feel sorry for Gabs at the end of this one!

But love the way she and Xena are all apologetic now.

And Gabs is accepting. She'd be hurt if Xena didn't include her.

Love this speech by Xena…"How many more times are you going to follow me into battle, huh? How many more times am I going to hurt you? You are the most dear thing to me in the world, yet instead of protecting you-"

And Gabs response is just as wonderful. "I'm here because I want to be here. I love you, Xena."

"I love you too, Gabrielle."

The ring was adjustable. Who knew?

When in Rome…is a dramatic episode which shows the relationship of Xena and Gabrielle is back on track.


Here's what Gary had to say:

This episode is again about Gabby and her life-and-death decision-making. It opens up in Gaul with Vercinix fighting Caesar's army. He is a good fighter, and even his wife join the battle. As the Romans regroup, Verc sends his wife and kids to hide in the hills while he holds off the Romans. He is captured soon, and Caesar, who was there, takes him back to Rome to be the "spectacle" he wants for his people....Verc's death in the arena. This is important to Caesar's power-building.

Meanwhile, in Syria, is Crassus and his Romans about to be executed by the Syrians, who dress just like the Persians.

Xena tosses a pile of weapons to the captives, and as they fight the Syrians, Xena lassos Crassus and drags him behind a horse...he is now her captive and will be traded for Verc. The real character, Vercingetorix, was ordered executed by Caesar in 45 BC, the time of this episode.

Aboard ship for Rome, Gabby tries to understand about the Triumvirate of Pompey, Crassus, and JC...each a balance of power for the other. Xena thinks JC will trade to keep the balance.

We hear that Verc will be the key to JC's power...a spectacle will ally the Roman people with JC. Crassus tells Gabby that the whole deal with Xena is about Caesar, not Verc.

In Rome, Pompey tells JC he wants control of the aqueduct...JC says okay, as long as he is supported by Pompey in another matter. Xena and Gabby arrive with the deal for the trade. Xena has Crassus' ring to prove she has him. JC stamme

rs, surprised to see Xena alive. Xena: "There's a sentence in there just dying to get out."

Why doesn't JC just have the girls taken prisoner and scour Rome for Crassus? Anyway, he doesn't really want to make the trade, since Verc is important to him.

Gabby remains as a hostage as a blindfolded JC is led to the ship to see that Crassus is really there. Why didn't JC have spies follow? Then he could have captured everybody. JC tells Crassus that Gabby is the key to dividing and conquering Xena. He berates Crassus for being taken captive by a woman.

Xena arrives at the party. She is carried in a sedan chair as royalty, and is wearing a red dress that reminded me of the one she wore in Destiny.

Pompey introduces himself as The Magnus. He asks,"so, why do they call you The Warrior Princess." Xena: "Because Caesar was taken." .Best line of the show.

Xena's improbable plot:

She will smuggle Crassus into Rome with Gabby. They will be posing as a drunken couple. Drugs Crassus is given makes him docile. Once inside, a key Xena has made from a wax impression of a key she sneaks at the guard's belt, will be used to free Verc and switch Crassus for him. Crassus' ring will be given back to him to identify him and save his life. Nobody in Rome except Pompey and JC knows what he looks like. Xena will be fighting in the arena to give Gabby time to make the switch.

Xena tells Gabby that Crassus' death is up to JC. Gabby says she cannot send a man to his death. Xena tells her that Crassus had a lot of innocent people crucified, but Gabby has her doubts.

Brutus says Xena can only be trusted in her hatred for JC. Pompey likes this idea, and gives Xena a knife, saying all of Rome does not love JC.

JC tosses wine in Verc's face and calls him The Magnus, a slap at Pompey.

As Gabby sleeps while Crassus is tied up(badly),Crassus burns thru the ropes and goes to the deck, where he is kicked down the stairs. He is again kicked by Xena in the face, and he hits his head on the mast. Xena puts the Pinch on him and ties him up again...really loosely.

At the party, Xena goes to see Verc with Caesar. She tells Verc, softly, that she will get him out. JC wants to renew their hate-hate relationship, but Xena squelches him with," I gotta go to the bathroom...are we done yet?"

Gabby keeps reassuring Crassus that he will not die. Xena tells her it is inevitable, because JC won't trade. Verc must be released and Crassus must die. Note: Crassus dies in battle in 53 BC.

Gabby says there must be another way, but Xena says no. Gabby knows Xena's focus is on JC, as in The Deliverer. Gabby takes Crassus to Rome...he is drugged, and still tries to escape, but Gabby stops him. She tells him she will give him his ring at the end and he will not die. He believes her.

Pompey gives Xena a knife and she uses it in an "attempt" to kill JC. It is a ruse so that she will be forced to fight in the arena as the opening act. How did she know he wouldn't crucify her again? It would have been ironic indeed.

Gabby poses as Crassus' drunken wife and gets put in jail with Crassus(looking drunk) right across from Verc. She tells him about the escape plan and switching of prisoners.

In the arena, Xena is beset upon by two horsemen, who use maces and spears. She is hit in the head with a mace twice, and is not affected. When Verc used a mace on armored Romans, they went down for the count.

She is then dragged in a net behind a horse. She keeps looking for Gabby in the stands as the signal to really fight. She sees Crassus' ring shining, and she goes into action, pulling one Roman off the horse and knocking the other guy off with a spear. She does not kill the second guy...she lets him go and JC sends her back to jail.

Meanwhile, Verc and Gabby escaped by using the key and knocking out the guard. Verc tells Gabby that Crassus crucified a lot of people, and Gabby now believes HIM instead of Xena. She does not put the ring on him.

Crassus, hooded and led to the chopping-block, is dazed and realizes where he is. He yells for JC to tell them who he really is...JC, goaded by Pompey, must honor his word, and give the people what they want...the death on Vercinix.

We see the ring flashing on Gabby's finger as Crassus dies....she turns away in time so as not to see him die.

All escape, and aboard ship, Gabby says she played judge, jury, and executioner. Xena blames herself, but Gabby knows better...she wanted to part of the rescue. She drops the ring overboard after they tell each other that they love each other.

Xena:" How many more times am I going to hurt you?"

Wait until following eps. to find that out.

Note: Xena does not really kill Pompey in Endgame. He was executed by Caesar in 48 BC.

The episode was pretty good, but the timeline and an improbable and overly-intricate plot was a bit much.

Season 3