Eternal Bonds

This episode is very special to me. I'm sure everyone knows the first episode of Xena: Warrior Princess they ever saw. Eternal Bonds is that episode for me.

I'm sure that fact has something to do with it, but this episode is my second favorite of all time. There is so much I like about it.

It starts out with a tornado chasing Xena and Gabs, who are trying to escape on horseback.

Gabs sums it up perfectly: "The gods are throwing everything they've got at us."

Eve's riding on her Mom's back, being very quiet.

A hooded figure points the way for Xena. Apparently, Gabrielle doesn't see it. Does Xena know who is giving directions? If so, why would she trust Ares. If not, why would she trust a figure whom she doesn't know? It could easily be a trap.

When they finally arrive safely in a cave, Gabs helps Xena unstrap Eve. "Well, that's one for the grandchildren, huh, Eve? Not many babies can say they've been chased by a tornado."

Love her cynical, "The gods…what do they know?'

The weather turned sunny almost immediately! Check out the sunshine when the Magi enter the cave.

Joxer helped lead the Magi to see Eve.

They followed a light…or lightning…all the way there, according to Joxer.

They speak of Xena's child ushering in a time without gods.

Boy, if that doesn't really sound like the Wise Men, I don't know what does!

Xena decides to take the gifts. "Well, since you brought em. It'd be rude not to."

The first gift is grain.

The second is fruit.

Well, at least they got the initials of the first two items correct!

The third gift, brought by the woman is laurel oil.

Xena doesn't like that. ":Laurels are sacred to the goddess, Artemis."

She kicks the urn out of the woman's hands.

After the fight, Xena tells Joxer it's just a graze.

And when Gabs is off treating Joxer, Xena starts talking to herself. "I smell a rat…Come out, Rat!"

Joxer says, "Why is everyone always telling me to think? I think…I just don't show it."

Everyone worries a lot over Eve.

Why odes Gabs have to get Joxer to the Mandrake tree? I don't get why Xena and Eve can't just go with them. Is it so she can leave a false trail? I know she's quite capable, but she could just easily fight anyone who tries to get in their way.

Artemis' priestess say they have to track down and kill Xena…and her spawn. Boo!

Gabrielle: Take care of your mom.
Xena: Of course, she will.

Why is Gabrielle so worried about Xena? If anyone can take care of herself, it's Xena!

Xena says the same thing she said in God Fearing Child. "It's just you and me now, Eve."

Gabs and Joxer both get horses, while Xena and Eve are traveling on foot. Shouldn't Gabs and Joxer have doubled up?

Leaving Xena and Eve alone makes Gabrielle notice? I just can't figure that out!

Gabrielle has VERY short fingernails.

I'll be real honest hear. Seeing Xena breastfeeding Eve was one of the things that got me hooked on the series. It's a very tender moment.

And I guess it took me off guard.

Why was Lucy so upset with her singing on the lullaby? It sounded fine to my untrained ear.

If you listen carefully, the sounds around Xena really do sound like a baby feeding.

Xena's humor during this is great. "You know, it never fails. Every time you sit down to eat…"

And then, "Don't worry, I'll keep it warm for ya."

Xena has this whole fight while holding Eve.

She slices and dices the attackers. I guess when Eve is involved, she doesn't hold back.

I could do without the Pooper Scooper.

But leave it to see Xena to use a diaper as a whip.

And to use diaper pins as a weapon.

When Ares appears, Xena does her best to keep Eve from looking at him. Or maybe it's to keep him from seeing Eve.

But little Evie just grins away at him (or whoever she was looking at.)

Xena ain't buying what Ares is selling. "That's what you said last time in Tartarus when you tried to convince me that you loved me."

Why didn't Xena sense he was about to appear?

"I do," Ares said, in reference to the "loving her" line.

Xena gives him a great narrow-eyed disbelieving challenging look.

Ares responds in kind, "Oooh, I love it when you play hard to get."

Xena is stubborn! "Then you're wasting your time. I'd never swallow that."

Ares, on the other hand, is sounding bound and determined to fight along side her.

When he zaps out, Eve begins to cry.

That cut on Joxer looks ROUGH.

Gabrielle sounds funny when she says, "I'm sorry, I did not mean that." I'm pretty sure it was looped.

And she still sounds funny when she says, "Doesn't mean I don't want to be there so I can jump in and help out or something."

Joxer replies with, "I know the feeling."

For some reason, I love Gabs' line, "I can be a real bitch sometimes, huh?"

Joxer is almost charming in this scene.

I ADORE the next scene. It just melts my heart.

Lucy, and it seems more like Lucy than Xena, leans over an Eve who is all tucked in for bed.

"Sweet dreams, Darling."

I love the way the baby puts a hand up to the side of Lucy's face.

She gives such a genuine smile.

Then she stands, and without turning around, whomps Ares in the nose.

"Stay the hell away from my baby."

Ares says, "I swear I won't harm her." Xena replies with, "That's right you're not going to harm her", and slugs him again!

Ares asks, "How did we ever let things get this way between us?"

Xena's got a million answers for him. "Well, could it have been when you used the Furies to drive me insane, or when you turned yourself into my father just to torment me? Or was it coming on to my best fr-"
Ares: All right…enough said. Perhaps I have been a tad overzealous.

Now, THERE'S an understatement!

Ares just keeps gradually moving closer to her. At one point, she puts a hand on his chest to stop his forward momentum.

Ares knows there's no going back, because of Eve.

But no going back to what? What did they have before?

Ares says, "I have a short span of time, and then I'm gone." He snaps his fingers and gets a great sound effect of a flaming torch.

Xena ain't impressed. "Well, you'll forgive me if I don't wear mourning."

The closer Ares moves, the softer Xena's eyes become. He really does get to her.

She tries raising an eyebrow, but it doesn't last long.

Xena's still in her pregnancy leathers, by the way.

Ares and Xena both hear the bad guy approaching at the same time.

"You saved her!" Xena says amazed.
Ares remains calm. "No, the spring you rigged saved her; I just pitched relief."
Xena: But Eve means your death.
Ares: You still don't get it, do you. I'd sooner die in your arms, then die without you in mine.

Finally…he kisses her.

And then…even more amazedly…she kisses him back.

Then the kiss becomes mutual…and very hungry.

Xena suddenly wakes up and sits up, with her hand over her mouth.

She's been dreaming, but was it a good dream or a nightmare? Maybe it was a little bit of both.

She isn't covering her mouth because she feels sick. It's because she remembered the pressure of his lips on hers.

There was an article at Whoosh that just drove me crazy regarding this scene. The author refers to Xena "masturbating furiously" when she's dreaming about Ares. I'm sorry, but where, oh where did the author ever come up with that description? I think he (or she) needs to look up the definition of masturbation.

She is rather shook up, though.

Gabs tells Joxer the "break's over."

It's still pitch black out.

Joxer's looking pretty rough…great makeup job!

Joxer thinks quickly and tells Artemis's women they were attacked by a big vicious warrior woman.

He and Gabs can't agree if she was headed East or West.

Joxer: She's tall.
Gabs: She's everywhere.
Me: Hee hee.

Artemis's priestess: Until Xena and her godless child have been destroyed, no one's safe."

Well, no one in her camp anyway!

I've read other reviews where people say Gabs' and Joxer's escorts just disappear, but they were only supposed to go to the temple trail.

Xena's soliloquy while cutting through the brush with Eve is one of my favorites:

"I'm telling you, Eve, you can't trust any of the…not dreams…not visions…not even premonitions. No, none of them mean what you think. (At this point, she remembers Ares telling her he would rather die in her arms and she closes her eyes and shakes her head.) "They're either all symbolic or they play on words that you only half-remember hearing…sometimes they're quiet literal, but the best thing to do with a dream is just ignore it." (She remembers licking Ares' lip and initiating a kiss, which causes her to roll her eyes up with a little "Oh!") (I find it interesting that she admits that "Sometimes they're quite literal"…any chance this dream is?) "I think it was Autolycus that said, 'Sometimes a dream is just a dream. It's just a dream." (She remembers Ares kissing her chest, which makes her give a shiver and a gasp. Can't blame her!) "See, to look for the meanings in things, or secret messages that your gut is trying to send you, well, that's just ludicrous." (At this point, she is quiet obviously remembering Ares orally pleasuring her. Her tongue comes out with a long shudder…simulating, well, you know.) "It's crazy…crazy. Am I right?" (She finally looks at Eve. "What would you know, huh? Well, come on, another mile and we can double back."

I love it when she crosses her eyes while looking at the sword.

Gabs says she's not a princess, a warrior, or an angel. Hate to disagree, but she's been all of those at one time or another.

Xena tells Eve, "And that's how you lay a false trail. It's basic, but you've got to learn someplace."

Laying false trails and without horses, Xena and Eve STILL beat Gabrielle and Joxer to the mandrake tree!

"Ares, you rang! I knew this had your stink all over it." Gee, is Xena EVER glad to see the god of war?

He finally gets around to telling Xena he wants a kid with her.

"So, that's your game!" she exclaims.

"There are three armies marching on the temple," he tells her.

Ares: Besides, mortals do it all the time…why not me?
Xena: Because you're a conniving bustard, that's why not you.
Ares: Only because you never believe me when I'm trying to be sincere.
Xena (in disbelief): Sincere?
Ares: I'm trying…okay?

Ares offers to rescue them all from the armies.

"You're asking me to give up the future. Well, I won't do that, even if it means sacrificing my life."

But Ares is brutal…"Even Joxer's life…or Gabrielle's…or Eve's?"

The look she gives him after that is of pure pain.

Ares disappears with an angry sound that makes Eve start crying again.

"It's all right, Eve. Everything's gonna be all right."

Xena looks very worried though.

Joxer does some smart things in this one, like hiding in a hollow log.

Even though he looks like he's about ready to keel over.

"Gabrielle, why don't you be smart and think about the people you love?" Gabrielle floors him with, "I am."

He's too sick to even smile at that.

I love Xena's one-sided conversations with Eve.

When Xena's holding Eve in the sling, the bundle looks too small.

Of course, there doesn't seem to be a wind, but Gabs gets the flying parchment going easy enough.

Which is actually, quite clever.

Eve is the one who spots it.

Joxer is very near delirium at this point.

Joxer: Us…how come there was never an us, Gabrielle?
Gabrielle: Why do people fall in love with the people that they do? I don't know.

Joxer: Why didn't you love me, Gabrielle?
Gabs: I do love you. Just not in the way that you wanted me to.

Why did Gabrielle hear Xena coming from so far away? Wouldn't' Xena be quiet?

Joxer is laying flat on the ground, right behind Gabrielle when the battle starts.

"Kill the child!" You can hear many background voices. "Kill the godless spawn!" Those are the priestess' words, but all you hear are men.

I guess Joxer was safe, cause he already looked like he was dead.

The armies are very courteous. They only approach one or two people at a time.

This battle ranks up there with One Against an Army. I guess in this case, it's Two Against Three Armies.

Gabs is just a killing away right and left…I guess Eve brings out that side in her too.

There is a shot from directly behind Xena, and it appears the army is just a few feet from them.

But when Ares freezes them, they are further away.

Ares knocks the sword out of one of the guy's hands.

He approaches Xena, and makes her remember the first kiss.

Then a little more of the kiss.

Then, kissing her breasts.

"You…" she whispers. Surely, she knows by now! Heh heh.

Then she remembers when he was working down lower.

"You're not a dream…you're my worst nightmare."

Her body reacts strongly to him, but her mind outweighs the sensations.

That puts him off…for now.

Xena hangs Eve from a tree.

And attaches her to a dead guy.

But the bad guy blinks when she does it.

"Hang on, Sweetheart." She's crazy about that kid!

Xena flips up to grab Eve, but Ares beats her to it.

Ares holds Eve for long seconds, then releases her.

"Sweet dreams," he tells Xena, but he doesn't say if in a friendly manner.

Xena took out all the leaders with a chakram throw, and the armies immediately retreated.

The soldier holding Eve's rope is now smiling.

When Xena catches Eve, there is NO blood on the baby's face.

All it took was a one second touch to Joxer's lips, and the poison is almost gone.

Joxer tells Gabs that he will always love her.

Gabrielle thinks it is wrong to expose a child to the violence she and Xena face.

But Xena responds, "You know, I don't think it matters where we take a stand; as long as we make one."

They are walking along a supposedly deserted beach, except the area they are walking on is already littered with many, many footprints.

And thus ends this one! I like it because it's all about relationships…Xena and Eve, Xena and Gabrielle, Gabrielle and Joxer, Xena and Ares, etc. It was more than enough to get me hooked!

And next week, my very favorite episode of all, Amphipolis Under Siege.


Here are Gary’s thoughts:


This episode could have been called, “Okay…here we go again…another baby

hanging from a rope----TWICE.”


Anyway, there is a big storm in which Gabby, Xena, and Eve are riding. There

is a tornado and a lot of thunderbolts trying to hit them as they ride in

the darkness. Eve sure has grown in the last week! Gabby says the gods are

throwing everything they have against them. Well, if that’s the best they

can do, we can all go home now, right?


A hooded figure points to a cave into which the trio enters with the horses.

Xena mentions grandchildren to Eve, and Joxer suddenly appears from the back

of the cave…what a coincidence! HOW does he happen to be in the right place

at the right time? He says he was looking for them ever since he heard of

Eve’s birth, which has to have been a while since the kid looks at least

seven months old.


Xena still looks a bit heavy. She notices there are three more people in the

cave. Joxer tells them to come out and not to be afraid. He calls them the

Magi…what another coincidence! Just like the Christ child, the “Magi” have

gifts for the kid. Joxer says they followed “a light.”



Note: How in Tartarus does everyone happen to know where this cave is? Also,

why the pretense of worship to this kid? It was never claimed to be a


Xena is offered laurel oil, and knows it is sacred to Artemis, so she

instantly thinks something is wrong…maybe it is because the three Magi

attack. Joxer does his best and gets cut while Xena and Gabby kill the other


Dumb: Xena holds the kid as she fights…why not have Gabby hold her in a

corner while Xena kills the three…it should be easy for her.


Xena wants to find out who sent them. Why? She has to know ultimately that

it has to be the gods. Now Ares appears. Xena said she smelled a rat.

The gist: there are three temple armies after Eve…the ones of Artemis,

Apollo, and Poseidon.

Why does the laurel oil seem to sizzle?


Gabby tells Joxer that he led three killers straight to Eve. Well, maybe,

but HOW does everyone happen to come to the same remote cave at the same


Xena knows Joxer’s wound has poison in it if it came from Apollo’s temple.

He needs the antidote, which is the resin from a mandrake tree Xena just

happens to know about in the area. She makes a poultice to delay the

poison’s movement.


Gabby asks “what good is a priest without a god?”


Xena wants Gabby to take Joxer to the tree but Gabby doesn’t want to leave

her and Eve. Xena shames her into it.


At the temple, the woman leader kills a guy who was on an altar. This woman

is the same one who was Ravenica in TAKES ONE. I noticed her prodigious

mammaries…I never forget a face, heh-heh.

She cuts out the guy’s heart…it is full of maggots. To save the gods, she

says, they must kill Eve and Xena.


Xena wants to check things out and will meet Gabby and Joxer at the tree,

which is an overnight trip, as we will see. This poison is fast, so this is

a flaw in the story. Even the poultice can’t slow it that much, as we see.

Besides, we see Gabby and Joxer riding slowly…he isn’t that bad off yet, so

why not hurry when they have the chance?

Gabby, who has been with Xena over four years and is a farm girl, has no

idea which way is North.


Xena is singing in the woods, breastfeeding Eve in a nice scene. There are

some bad guys sneaking up on them, and Xena says she will keep Eve’s supper

warm for her.

The next scene is too ridiculous : Xena uses the Chakram to get one guy,

tosses a dirty diaper into another’s face, then throws some nails (diaper

pins?) and kills two more.

She also uses a cloth to knock down more guys…impossible! This is as bad as

Gabby using a piece of rope in PROBLEMS.

She does all this while holding Eve in one arm. Gawd!


Ares shows up later still trying to make Xena like him. He wants a child

with her. She says he is Ares: that means he always lies.


Joxer’s wound is worse. Now they are lost. Gabby will stay with him when

Joxer says for her to go back and help Xena.

Gabby says “I can be a real bitch sometimes, huh? Can’t I?”

Well, SURE, Gabby…what’s new?


This scene threw me. Xena kisses Eve goodnight and turns to see Ares there.

She punches him a few times and reminds him of what he did to her in the

past. Ares asks for forgiveness and they kiss. A guy attacks, and Xena hits

him with the Chakram as Ares hits him with a fireball. Meanwhile, Xena cut a

rope and Eve goes up in the air and hangs from a branch.

Xena wakes up---it was all a dream. She is a bit flustered from kissing Ares

in her dream.


Morning: Gabby and Joxer camped out all night. For a bad poison, they are

taking their sweet time. The two are stopped by a bunch of Amazons from the

Artemis temple. The leader says to kill them because they are on land sacred

to Artemis. These Amazons have crossbows, unlike the other ones using

regular bows.


Note: Velasca was ticked off in A NECESSARY EVIL because Artemis abandoned

the Amazons, so why are these ladies so faithful to the goddess?


Gabby says they are on their way to Artemis’ temple to worship her and says

not to kill them. HUH? The Amazons lead them to the right trail. WHY? Joxer

and Gabby both said they knew Xena was in the area…why let them go since

they had information? They also

Said they were attacked by Xena…if so, how could anyone live who was

attacked by the Warrior Princess?


Xena cuts some branches thru the woods. She is laying a false trail so the

temple armies will be misled.

She has four flashbacks of herself making out with Ares, and she gets red

and flustered.

She says it is crazy as she sees herself having sex with him in her mind’s

eye. She looked as if she were ready for it.


Joxer says Gabby is really beautiful and misses her long hair. FINALLY!

Something that made sense in this episode. I am STILL having withdrawal

pains from when she chopped her hair. Gabby denies she is an angel or a

warrior. Okay. Explain FALLEN ANGEL and all the episodes where she IS a

warrior, as in A GOOD DAY.


The temple army follows the false trail and misses seeing Xena and Eve

standing right near them. These guys are poor trackers.


Gabby, showing a lot of cleavage, is at the waterhole filling the canteens…I

was going to say “jugs” but a friend of mine would pick up on that at once.

She sees an army, and crouches on the ground next to the trail WITHIN PLAIN

SIGHT OF AN ENTIRE ARMY and NOBODY notices. She isn’t even concealed. Gawd!


Xena makes it to the mandrake tree ahead of Gabby and Joxer. She climbs up

the tree with Eve on her back and Ares appears next to her. He tries again

and wants himself and Xena to be together. He will save everyone if Xena

says yes…she says “no.”


The leader of the temple army following the false trail knows someone got

wounded and knows Xena is at the mandrake tree.


Xena sees the three temple armies approaching. There has to be around 200 of


Gabby finds Joxer hiding in a hollow log and he cannot move anymore. Gabby

says she can love Joxer only as a friend.


Xena tells Eve she is looking for a sign from Gabby. Eve notices a big

scroll flying like a kite…then Xena sees it. Usually, you’d expect Xena to

see it first.

Uh…wouldn’t THREE ARMIES notice it, too?


In a sad scene, Gabby holds Joxer and says there can never be an “us”. Joxer

says Gabby made him feel special (I remember all the times she slugged him)

and Gabby says she has come to rely on him. He is a “very good friend.” Oh,

boy…the Kiss of Death in a boyfriend-girlfriend scenario.

She wishes she did love him, but can’t.


Xena runs to the clearing where Gabby and Joxer are. The three armies attack

at once.

NOTE: Joxer is out of it, and Xena is holding a baby, and Gabby has her

sais…they are surrounded by about 200 warriors, and what happens?

The following:

Instead of going right to Xena in a group and killing Eve and Xena at once,

even using arrows, they sort of mill around and wait their turns at bat.

Some attack while others wander around aimlessly. Xena uses spears and

Chakram and sword, ALL THE WHILE HOLDING EVE IN ONE ARM!  Again….Gawd!


Are these warriors nuts?  There are arrows in the ground, which means

someone tried to hit Xena, but the angle is almost vertical. There are more

coming at Xena when Ares freezes the scene. He gives Xena one more

chance…this is getting boring.

“Give me a child.”

“You’re my worst nightmare.”


Ares starts the action again. This is insane: with an army right beside her

trying to kill her, Xena has time to take out a rope, throw it over a high

limb, tie Eve to it, and hoist it up and fight later STILL with one hand as

she holds the rope. Where did this rope come from she just happened to have?

Now the kid goes up and down on the rope as we have seen in many others


It was nice of the armies to wait around for Xena to take a few minutes off

for the baby.


Doesn’t anyone even notice the kid in the air? It is their main target.

Now the three leaders attack at once. The woman takes a bow from her fellow

Amazon and nocks an arrow. The two other leaders charge Xena on horseback.


Xena STILL has her back to the armies…the woman shoots the arrow and the

impossible happens. Xena throws the Chakram at her, kills her, and on the

way, the Chakram splits the arrow down the middle and each half goes and

kills the other two leaders.

Come ON!!!! For the gods’ sake!!!


Now all the rest of the “warriors “ run away.


Xena makes Joxer eat some of the resin and he instantly is almost better. In

seconds, the line of red poison is almost gone.



At the end, they all walk, and Joxer says he will always really love Gabby

even if she can’t love him the same way.

Xena gets philosophical. She asks if it is right to expose a child to

violence. Gabby says they should fight until they find a more effective way.

By the way, what about the “cycle of violence” we have heard so much about?


Xena: ”It doesn’t matter where we take a stand, as long as we make one.”


NOTE: the attack was so feeble and meaningless I had to cringe. We saw a lot

of people apparently lost as Tartarus, just running in circles and not going

en mass towards Xena. She and Gabby never even get a wound.


Ares appeared to be there because Kevin Smith just happened to be on the set

with nothing much to do.

The poison’s speed was emphasized at first, and we saw that the poultice

wasn’t working very well, so Joxer and Gabby take their time to get to the


Why does Xena HAVE to find out who sent the Magi? So what?

How does the resin work so fast? It looked so foolish to see Joxer recover

in seconds. It would have been better if Ares just healed him as a bribe for



Season 5