A Friend In Need Part 2 (B)

Gabrielle is galloping on a white horse, towards the foot of the mountain. She is dressed in a turquoise robe. An arrow pierces the neck of her horse, which collapses, and Gabrielle deftly rolls free and to her feet. She spots the enemy leader, the same man whose life she spared, watching her from some rocks. He jumps down, sword drawn. "I will not allow you to find the fountain...and revive your friend," he declares. Gabrielle draws her own sword, then picks up the urn that holds Xena's remains.

This is a great fight, albeit short! After Gabrielle gets a few shots in, the man kicks the urn from Gabrielle and sends it flying. Gabrielle watches the flight, dodges an attack, and then scrambles up the mountain to get to the urn. The man won't give up however, and leaves Gabrielle little choice. She pummels and kicks the man senseless. However, as the man hits the ground unconscious, he hits the urn and it begins rolling. Gabrielle screams "no!" and makes a dive for it, but the urn rolls off a cliff's edge, leaving Gabrielle grasping at thin air.

Okay, this is it...the last segment...get ready for some strong emotions. For those of you that have read previous reviews of mine, you know I wear my heart on my sleeve, and it's going to be on permanent display here, so beware. After the break, Gabrielle is assessing the situation. She sees the urn below her, but has to figure out how to rescue it safely. Meanwhile, Yodoshi is at the mountain now, and despite still missing an arm, he inserts a sword into some kind of lock at the foot of the mountain and turns it. The mountain begins to rumble, and then water begins to bubble up from the rock. As Yodoshi prepares to drink, Xena sounds her warcry, jumps into the picture, and tosses Yodoshi aside. She holds her head up like a baby bird waiting on its mama to feed it, waiting for the water with a "Come on, come on!" But Yodoshi sucks in his breath, and breathes out. Just as the water is about to touch Xena's lips, the water freezes, and Xena is caught up in the wind. It hurtles her backward, out of control for a long time, until eventually, upside down, she hits her upper back on a large rock and lands hard on the ground, within Gabrielle's hearing range. Three icicles fly twirl through the air, and land near Yodoshi. Gabrielle takes one last look at the urn, then turns to investigate the sound.

Meanwhile, Akemi (out of nowhere) has picked up a sword, and raises it toward Yodoshi. "What? My own daughter?" he gasps, sounding appalled. She killed him last week, why shouldn't she kill him again? With a short gust of air, Akemi is sent flying backward.

Xena is lying on the ground twitching and gasping. Her spine is injured again, and I don't know how Lucy does it, but she has the same pain filled, vulnerable expression as she did in Ides of March. Gabrielle has spotted her, and is running to her side, calling out Xena's name over and over. Yodoshi sees the icicles nearby, and snakes out an impressive lizard tongue to draw one into his mouth. He stands and regains his strength, as his arm regenerates itself.

There are two things going on here, and both are incredibly difficult to watch. The first is Yodoshi, taking a great intake of breath, and sucking Akemi toward that gaping mouth of his. Akemi hangs on to the sword which is dragging along the ground...doing her best not to be sucked in. She doesn't succeed. The other image, much more painful, is of Xena and Gabrielle. Xena is cradled in Gabrielle's arms, in an identical position to Ides of March. "Told you I'd see you here," Xena manages to smile. Gabrielle smiles back, but the tears are there again. Xena tells Gabrielle she needs strength, and tells her to get water. Gabrielle goes to the fountain to get a drink, and as she holds her cupped hand to her mouth, Yodoshi turns to her and breathes fire at her.

Thank the gods for the tattoo which glows brightly, and as the robe is burned off her back, the tattoo reflects the fire back at Yodoshi. Gabrielle feels the hit of the flames, but not the heat obviously, as the glowing tattoo turns back to normal. Xena is still convulsing on the ground, and I was knocked for a loop by the next part. Gabrielle turns, sees Yodoshi is out of action for a while, and she makes her way back to Xena. She falls to her knees beside Xena, grabs her face, and presses her lips to Xena's. I don't know why I was so taken aback by this...it wasn't because I was shocked by this, but this was a real kiss, not a "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty" kiss or "I guess I have to congratulate you for your wedding" kiss. Xena and Gabrielle's mouths move against each other, and although Gabrielle had opened her mouth on the way to Xena's side, I suppose we're too assume she's giving Xena some of the water from the fountain. There's a lot more to this kiss that though, and as Gabrielle draws her head away, her lower lip clings to Xena's upper one for a second, before their noses rub and they part. This was a kiss so many fans have been waiting on, and it was delivered so abruptly, it almost loses it's impetus.......Almost! Wow!

Xena's eyes open slowly, and she looks up at a smiling bard. "Gabrielle" she whispers, and as Gabrielle starts to pull her up, something catches Xena up and she's suddenly dressed in her leathers, looking very healthy. Gabrielle is amazed, but Xena holds her hands out, asking for the sacred katana. Gabrielle hands it to her, then notices the sky and tells Xena the sun is setting and she has to find Xena's ashes. I dunno why, but when I saw Xena revived in her leathers and armor, I thought she was already revived, but this is still Xena's spirit. Xena starts to say something very serious to Gabrielle, but is interupted by a "Come on!" from Yodoshi, who is on his feet again and ready to finish this.

Xena turns to look at Yodoshi, and Gabrielle darts off to retrieve the urn. Xena starts to call her name, but gets an expression that says she knows it's not worth trying, and turns to fight her nemesis. He has turned into a whirlwind of flames, and spirals into flames, hurtling through the sky. Xena does the same and as they rush toward each other, they set trees ablaze in their paths. They meet in the sky with an explosion, which Gabrielle has turned to witness. Xena returns to earth, and as she lands, the flames disappear and she stands unharmed. Yodoshi comes back in pieces of flaming rock, but he too, appears, unscathed. Gabrielle meanwhile, has scrambled over the edge of the cliff. Xena looks so much like classic Xena as Yodoshi barks at her, "Enough of this" and they begin to duel. It's a pretty traditional sword fight, but Xena finally delivers a kick into Yodoshi's chest which sends him backward and out of sight. As the camera focuses in on Xena's face as she tries to pinpoint where he is, Gabrielle is struggling at the cliff, hanging on by her fingertips and nearly losing her grip. Yodoshi finally swoops down again, to come to a skidding stop on the snow covered ground, and the fight continues. At one point, Xena and Yodishi's boot bottoms come together in an identical kick, which sends them both skyward again. They fly toward each other (I guess being a spirit does have its advantages), and clash in midair, then land back on earth.

Yodoshi makes a big mistake when he taunts Xena. He tells Xena she's about to join the 40000 souls she has condemned. "And the first thing I'll do, is take the head off your friend with the tattoo." There is new determination in Xena's eyes as she snarls, "You won't live that long," and outfights him, kicking him away again. She pointedly turns her back to him, and as he flies forward again, delivers a sword thrust to him with a cry of victory, not having to look back to know she had hit her mark.

Yodoshi screams, Xena does some impressive (and very cool) girmacing, and Gabrielle kicks the urn from it's resting place up into her free hand. She has it! Xena whirls around and beheads Yodoshi with one fell stroke. The souls he has consumed are released from his body, and swirl around Xena.

Gabrielle has climbed back to safety, and ahead of her stands the leader she has already defeated twice. He points to the sun, which is rapidly setting, and tells Gabrielle, "I deserve the dignity of a warrior." Gabrielle reaches to her side, and takes the chakram. "Dignity huh, like you showed my friend?" I swear I got goosebumps as Gabrielle let the chakram fly, and watched the trajectory of the weapon as it swiped across the leader's forehead, ricocheted off a couple of rocks and ended up back in Gabrielle's hand. Gabrielle's look of astonishment (she's got to be thinking...this is just TOO cool) should be joyous, but is overshadowed by her glance at the rapidly sinking sun.

Meanwhile, Xena is watching the swirling souls, a look of bemusement on her face. One of them hovers in front of Xena, and it is Akemi, whom Xena identifies. Akemi is radiant as she tells Xena, "You redeemed me...you've redeemed them...you've redeemed yourself." Xena's eyes are tear filled, but she is placidly smiling as she says, "Go in peace, Akemi. We'll meet again...one day." The spirits move skyward, as Xena walks off.

Gabrielle has made it to the fountain, and reverently takes the cover off the urn. I was breathing a sigh of relief, but the next moment, I felt the pain as if I had been pierced by a sword. Xena's arm comes down,and tries to take the urn from Gabrielle. "No, Gabrielle, no." She replaces the lid on the urn as Gabrielle says, "Xena, Xena, The sun is setting I have to bring you back to life." I was violently agreeing with her, but Xena says it again. "No." I've got to give Renee real credit for an incredible job in this scene. Her expressions and words mirrored all of my expressions and words perfectly. "Their souls are free," she tells Xena, not understanding. Xena explains, "They're free from Yodoshi's grasp. Akemi didn't want to tell me this, in case I wouldn't to come back to help." Gabrielle looks lost and confused as she studies Xena's face. Tears trickle down Xena's cheeks as she continues,"But for those souls to be able to enter a state of grace, they must be avenged. I must stay dead." Gabrielle hears it, but doesn't want to understand it. She shakes her head in denial..."But if I bring you back to life..." "Their souls will be lost forever," Xena finishes.

The emotions flood over Gabrielle, and she turns for a moment. When she looks back, she is crying. "That is not right," she says. She is correct. She steps forward and repeats what I had just said. "I don't care." Xena smiles softly, knowing Gabrielle is speaking her heart. The tears are really flowing as Gabrielle puts her hand to her own face, telling Xena, "You're all that matters to me."

"Don't you think I want to let you do this?" Xena replies."But if there is a reason for our travels together, it's because I had to learn from you. Enough to know the final, the good, the RIGHT thing to do." It's a beautiful sentiment, but by that time, I was so bitterly angry and disappointed, it almost seemed meaningless. Gabrielle lowers her head briefly, but when she looks at Xena again, Xena is shaking her head..."I can't come back," she says, her voice sounding as if she is really realizing it herself for the first time. "You can."

Gabrielle sits down, the urn still in her hands. "I love you, Xena," she says softly. "How am I supposed to go on?" Xena sits beside her. "I'll always be with you, Gabrielle." Gabrielle leans her head on Xena's shoulder, and Xena slips an arm around her back. Xena is smiling, her eyes sparkling as she looks into the sunset. "Always."

The two sit and watch the sunset they are supposed to ride off into, and Xena slowly closes her eyes and disappears. I don't know how to describe the pain from that moment...I don't have any words that could reflect the feeling I have in my gut. I don't think anyone will.

Gabrielle continues to watch the sunset, then notices Xena is gone. She looks back to the horizon, and whispers "Xena" with a shake of her head and Xena's face is superimposed over the horizon. My anger was rapidly building.

Gabrielle is on a boat, apparently returning home. She has on her regular clothes, and is smiling. In her hands, is the urn. She is alone. She speaks, "A life of journeying has brought you to the farthest lands, to the very edges of the earth. She looks down at the urn and the water, as a hand touches her shoulder. It is Xena, and she is smiling too, "And to the place where I'll always remain...your heart." Gods, the music throughout this whole episode has not helped any! It's so sad...so haunting... "So where to now?" Xena asks, her hand still in place. "I think we should go south, to the land of the Pharoahs," Gabrielle replies. "i hear they need a girl with a chakram." "Where you go," Xena whispers, "I'm at your side." Gabrielle's smile brightens. "I knew you'd say that." Xena grabs her head and gives her a kiss on the side of it, but as the camera moves out, we see Gabrielle is still alone on the boat, the urn still in her hands.

It was at this point I began my raving. I was and still am furious at the way this episode ended. The disclaimer, "Xena was permanently harmed in the making of this motion picture, but kept her spirits up" does not make it any easier to take. I feel betrayed and hurt. Xena is killed off in the first five minutes of the episode, and the whole episode focused on two things...Xena destroying Yodoshi and Gabrielle reviving Xena. Up until the very end, there was no doubt that both would be successful. Why did Xena let Gabrielle retrieve her ashes if she had no intention of being brought back? When did Xena find out she had to stay dead? There were no clues, no hints that SHE would be the one to say it couldn't be done. Her ending was noble, and she found the redemption she wanted, but I fell so cheated and angered. I do not see how The Powers That Be can feel they have made a final episode that will settle well with the viewers. Despite the kiss which was truly a wonderous moment, the bitter pain in my heart is what I am going to come away with. I am going to go scream now.

As always, all comments and questions are most welcome!

And here are Gary's thoughts on the series finale:

Well,this is it...the end...the FINALE. Xena dies (again) this time for good. Why this is will never make sense. I think this Japan show should have come before the finale,which should have been Many Happy Returns,which would have left us with the hope of Xena and Gabby coming back in a special or even a movie.But,NO,since RenPics destroyed one of the finest characters ever to grace television,not to mention Renee,who was as good,too.

First,this episode opens a lot like The Debt,where a person from the East,the Orient, comes to tell Xena that she is needed to save some people from a monster. Notice,Xena had to do this in the Debt because the monster then was Ming T'ien,a relative of a good person,Lao Ma. This monster is the father of Akimi,a young Japanese girl whom Xena befriended years ago,who,as Xena said,broke Xena's heart.

Xena had just asked Gabby "where are we going?",and wants for them to get away from it all.

The monk who asks for Xena's help tells a stroy of himself and another monk who take refuge from a storm by entering a teahouse. There are three girls there,and two end up in a tub with the weak monk and the strong monk sees Akimi,who plays a stringed instrument.

A woman in the tub calls Yodoshi (Y),to come for the monk's soul,and she calls him by ringing tiny bells on an anklet she wears. Yoshodi comes thru the sliding door as a giant head,but returns to his normal shape and freezes the monk and sucks him into himself,body and soul.There were a lot of special effects in this episode...in fact,WAY too many,and I feel they detracted from the story line a LOT.

Akimi tells the monk to bring a special sword to Xena so she can fight the demon. Xena tells Gabby the back-stoey(yet another,and thankfully the last) and I wonder why she never told it before...it was like Xena not telling Gabby about Xena being a Valkyrie. This time,Xena is with Borias. They are in Chin and want to buy a young girl,Akimi,for ransom...this girl was taken by a Chin warlord,and he does not want to sell her. Xena puts the pinch on him and stomps the other guards. Meanwhile,Borias does not fight...he has a drink and watches Xena mop the floor with them.

Xena's hair appears lighter in color and has a sort of dreadlock arrangement.Borias takes the gold from the dying warlord and says he should have taken the gold. Borias tells Akimi that Xena loves no one...Xena gives him a dirty look.

Aboard ship bound for Japan,Xena tries to teach the girl how to fight. Borias laughs when she gets knocked down by Xena. Xena tells her to trust no one.

Borias is now out of the show for good,and he ridicules Xena as a teacher.

The girls end up in Japan in the snow,and are at a grave marker for Akimi's grandfather. She needs his blessing for something.We see what that is later.Akimi is

Xena is told that she needs a special sword,the sacred katana,a Samurai sword.There is a fight at the blacksmith shop,and Xena gets the top of her breastbone pierced lightly,but the point of the knife broke off. I thought that it would be like when Gabby got a piece of blade stuck in her as in The Abyss.Maybe that is a way to explain the scar on Xena's right breast we see...it is also on the Xena look-alikes,Meg,and Diana..I don't know if it was on Priestess Leah.

Akimi knows that Xena was not in Japan just for the ransom...was it for love?

Gabby,hearing this story,learns that Xena showed Akimi how to put on the pinch...Gabby only learned how to take it off,but is angry that Xena showed a girl it at once,when after 6 years,she still didn't show Gabby.

Gabby and Xena arrive in Japan during a battle,and fireballs are being lobbed at the town. Xena now asks what Gabby would do to save the town. They emerge from the water like Xena did in the Debt,and try to get to a water tower to spill its contents and put out the fire.

Gabby says she saw acrobats do a rope swinging thing,so both of them swing on a convenient rope and get to a rooftop. Then they are both on a ladder which is spun around to get to the tower,as in CALLISTO. There is also the see-saw ladder trick where Gab gets tossed to the tower.Xena does her typical swinging form a bar to get there. Gabby turns the valve to the right which normally would shut water off...no water. Xena chops the tower with her sword and the water comes out and sprays the fire out.Success.

Meanwhile,the fireballs stop and the attacking army retreats. A guy with a sword called Ghost Killer sees and remembers Xena. She had caused a fire(really not her fault) and the firestorm killed 40,000 people years ago,and their spirits are captive by Y.

Akimi,in the backstory,used the pinch to kill her father who killed most of her family...not her. He dies,and G.K. says that Y. became a demon because he was so evil,he was not wanted in the afterlife.

Akimi,after killing him,kills herself and wants Xena to cut her head off to regain her honor.Xena complies,but with real anguish. We are never told why Y. kills his relatives. Dying,Akimi says 'time and love go on."

In another back-story,Xena has short hair and carries Akimi's ashes to be placed in the graveyard. The villagers don't want this,since she would pollute it. They hound Xena,and it looked like The Gauntlet all over again. Xena,beaten,sprays fire as we have seen so much. The victims run into buildings and set more fires,and the whole town goes up. Akimi's ashes blow away from the broken urn...Xena keeps being drunk and walks on

Now,Xena knowing of Y.,says she must put things to right.She tells Gabby to listen to what is behind the sounds...a training for survival.We suppose that this is going to be a one-way trip for Xena. Note: In Ides of March,Xena leaves Gabby to kill Caesar,and it looked like the same deal.

Ghost Killer says whoever fights Yoshodi must be a ghost,too...uh-oh... Xena knows she is going to be the one.

Xena kneels and wants to talk to Gabby. Xena puts the pinch on herself to say if she had thirty seconds to live,she would like to spend it looking into Gab's eyes. She teaches Gab the pinch so she would know all Xena knows...about 6 years late,I would say. Xena twists her own head and takes the pinch off.

Three armies are converging on them. Xena has Gab lead their troops in one direction while Xena goes alone.Xena tosses the Chakram at a torch a warrior carried and it fell on some spilled fireball stuff.The blast looked like an atomic bomb blast,which looked weird. Xena then climbs a tree and shoots a lot of bad guys with arrows.

A shower of arrows from all directions come at Xena...she catches some,but is hit about seven times. She then draws her sword and fights to the death...on purpose,we know,so she can be a spirit and fight Y....also to keep Gab from being killed in the process.

There was a scene like in Sins of the Past where Xena buries her sword and armor,but uses her Chakram to cover it up...this was before the battle. Xena has a golden brief armor outfit whih looked great,but didn't really offer much protection...as she planned to die anyway.

At the end,Xena dies like the warrior she always was....in battle against 1000 guys...weakened,but still killing,Xena has her head cut off by the warlord.Too bad she didn't turn the army to stone as in Chin. Before she dies,Xena keeps calling Gabrielle's name to the last.There were flashbacks of their life together as she died...very moving.

The next scene shows Gabby finding a bloody Chakram,and she tells G.K that Xena is alive...not this time,tho.

Xena enters a strange spirit world and sees Akimi.Xena says she was in the underworld before but it was never like this.She has a solid body,and Akimi says they have them because of Y.The bodies are a projected illusion,and they must obey his will.Solid...they can touch...but projected,too?

Enter Y: he uses his right arm as a whip to make Xena submit to his will and desire for more souls to devour.The fire whip is a lot like Dahak's in Bitter Suite.

Gab meets Xena at a pond/waterfall and does not realize Xena is a ghost at first. They hug,but Xena cannot hold the Chakram...Gab realizes Xena is dead.Gab asks "how could you let yourself be killed?" Gab says,"we've overcome death before"...Xena has to convince Gab that it's the only way to beat Y.

The anklet that a spy has is taken as G.K. kills the spy.It summons Y.

Gab meets Akimi at the tea house...Xena introduces Gab as her "soul mate".There is a way to bring Xena back.Gab must find and burn Xena's body and take the ashes to Mt. Fuji to a magic fountain in two days at sunset.Then Xena can be brought back.Akimi puts a big tattoo on Gab as protection from Y. Gab also is given the katana sword.

Gab finds Xena's arrow-feathered body and it has her head missing.The warlord has it as a trophy. He offers to fight Gab for it. Gab accepts,and listening to the sounds before the fight,she defeats him in one move. He wants her to kill him,but she just knocks him out. His army bows and she departs with the entire Xena.She had told the warlord that 1000 to one odds is not honorable.

Gab burns Xena's body...all of it,and puts her ashes into an urn to go to Fuji.Gab says "you will return to me,my friend."

Back at the tea house,Xena uses the bells to summon Y. He arrives,kills the monk,and fights Xena,who cuts off his arm,and sticks the sword in him. He disappears and we hear his voice going away in the night. Meanwhile G.K. was killed by Y.

Gab rides to Fuji and her horse gets struck by an arrow...from the warlord she let live. She fights him,and in the process,the urn rolls off a cliff.It lands in a bird's nest.

Meanwhile,Y. turns a dial in the cliff with a sword,and a fountain wells up. He waits for it to drop so he can drink and get strong again.Xena arrives...she needs the water too...she waits and Y. tosses her aside..she is getting weaker.Also present are Gab and Akimi.Y. sucks in Akimi's spirit.Gab gets some water for Xena via taking a drink herself and kissing Xena...some water got into Xena that way. Y. eats some ice from trying to freeze Xena,and his arm grows back. Y. breathes fire at Gab and the tattoo protects her.He is hit with his own fire.

Xena must kill him by sunset...it is getting close,and Gab tries to rescue Xena's ashes.

The big fight scene comes next,and it lasted way too long. Ultimately,of course,Xena kills him and cuts off his head. Now all the captive spirits are free.

Gab kills the warlord with the Chakram...the first time she ever used it as a weapon...she looked surprised.

Akimi says Xena has now redeemed herself...the spirits are free.Xena now tells Gab not to put her ashes in the fountain...she must stay dead.Gab says it is not fair...Xena freed the souls(remember when Xena freed the Amazon souls by killing Alti,I ask?).Xena must stay dead or the souls will be lost..the souls must be avenged for them to be really free.Gab wants Xena to reconsider,but Xena says no.

Why did Xena put Gab thru the body-fetching and burning,facing a warlord and army,and have her risk her life if all along,Xena knew she would not agree to come back?

The next scene is very moving.It is almost sunset,and the lighting is beautiful. They sit together as they always did,with Gab's head on Xena's shoulder.Xena says she had to learn from Gab to learn the right thing to do. Xena says she will always be with Gab in her heart.Xena fades away at the last part of sunset and Gab is alone.A vision of a young Xena is seen at the setting of the sun.

The final scene is aboard ship.Xena appears to say to Gab that she will be with her no matter where she goes. She says they need a girl with a Chakram in the Land of the Pharaos.

This episode left me drained at the end. I believe Xena never should have died for good...she certainly has atoned for her sins.I think she and Gabby should have gone on as on Hercules,where he and Iolaus just keep doing good and kicking warlord butt

What a loss of a fine character as Xena...where does Gab go in the future while still alive in that time period,and how does she finally die? She has the new Chakram,and Alti gets it in the future,in CLONES. How did long strands of Gab's and Xena's hair get to be with the Chakram in CLONES since Gab burned Xena?

Too many questions to ask here.

Thank you,RenPics for the first three seasons,part of the fourth,Antony and Cleo in the fifth,and Many Happy Returns in the sixth...also When Fates Collide. Excellence in the first three and a half years will live on.

Gary in Vermont.

A Friend in Need Part 2 (A)
Further Thoughts on A Friend in Need