Xena's Scroll--Sometimes A Dream Is Just A Dream (Conclusion)

Gabrielle pulled away from me, and looked up into my face. Something in my eyes startled her, but her lovely hand reached up to caress me. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this?" she asked finally.

I shrugged…"I didn't want to hurt you…I felt like I had been unfaithful. I mean…I responded-"

She cut me off with her lips against mine. It was a tender kiss, and I left my eyes open to stare at her expression. She looked far more peaceful than she had all day. "It was just a dream…" she reassured me. "And dreams don't always mean it's something you want…" her voice trailed off as she realized what she had just said.

I was uncomfortable with the focus on me…and feeling greatly relieved that I had bared my soul. "Your turn…" I whispered…"What was your dream about?"

She hesitated, then began to speak…I felt much better having cleared my conscious of the haunting images of my dream, but Gabrielle didn't seem comfortable going into details right now. She did let me know Athena, who was trying to seduce her, was invading her dreams. I felt the rage rise in me immediately! Athena was dead; killed by my own hands. I figured this was yet another scheme of Ares' but something in Gabrielle's demeanor told me differently. Gabrielle would have been able to see through one of Ares' plots.

As I tried to figure out how to bring these dreams to an end, it slowly sunk in to me that the dreams weren't the real problem…instead it was Gabrielle's feelings of self-doubt and unfaithfulness. I know my stance relaxed as I realized the way we could combat Athena…in one of my favorite ways.

We traveled the rest of the way to Ommiens, and got us a room at the inn there. I intended on making my bard very comfortable, and she prefers making love in a warm, comfortable bed. We both put off the pleasure for a while, just to torment ourselves a bit. But after a bath, dinner, and a brief walk, I was ready to spend the night reassuring my love that I knew she wouldn't let Athena tempt her to stray.

How to do it? How to do it? Gabrielle had undressed and was stretched out on the bed, and I stripped off my own clothes, and climbed on the foot of the bed. I thought about crawling up enough so I could plunge my face between her thighs, and devour her as she had done to me earlier that day. But that wasn't going to be enough…not tonight. I crawled up until I could kiss her, and then pressed my nipples into hers, even as I ground my center against hers. I felt her warm wetness against mine and without thought; we began to work together, our sexes only parting long enough to press against the other's with more fervor. Gods, what bliss! I loved it when my bard got daring, and when she whispered for me to hold myself open; I rushed to do her bidding. Her labia fit easily inside mine, and the way she was pulsating against me; it felt as if her whole center had slipped inside my own.

I murmured my desire to her, and pressed my head forward to kiss her again, sucking her lips between my own in a mirror of what was happening down lower. She was bucking against me wildly, squeezing and fondling my breasts, and I found I couldn't concentrate so much stimulation from so many places. I ripped my head away so I could bury it in the crease of her neck, fucking her savagely.

Zeus, could that girl be distracting! I wanted her to come first…or at least at the same time I did, and her busy hands were rapidly driving me to the edge. I told her I wanted to change directions, and moved so my head was facing her feet. I braced myself on my arms, and began pounding into her with renewed fervor, my clit shooting sparks through me each time it pressed against hers. Her hands were all over my ass, even moving to press against my tight nether entrance, and I could tell from the sounds she was making that she liked this and was rapidly flying toward her release. My own orgasm was looming before me, and when I let her know that, I felt her hand slip down to stroke between my lips when I was pressing into her, and then tweaking our clits alternately. That was the movement that did it for us, and we came virtually at the same time… which is one of the most intimate and beautiful moments two lovers can share. My pulsating center got the best of me, and my shaking arms threatened to give out. I laid my head down for a moment, but wanted to see my bard's face, so I made the effort to turn myself around and pull her into my arms.

I don't think she really needed to hear it, but I told her that Athena had no power over us, and that I would always be here for her. She seemed to finally be at peace with her dreams, and drifted off to sleep presently. It took me a while longer, but finally I was able to do the same.

Sometimes a dream is just a dream.

Gabrielle's Scroll--Sometimes a Dream is Just a Dream
Xena's Scroll--Sometimes a Dream is Just a Dream (Part 1)
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls