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John and Pam's New Adventure

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Pam Allen Image of John at Garden of the Gods
To your right we have Pam. She is a real redhead, a mom, and lives in Texas with her husband, John.

On your left we have John. He is bright, funny, quite talkative
and he is in love with his wife, Pam.

This story is about two people,
living in different parts of the country,
who met...fell in love...and began a life together.

In the Beginning...

It's always nice to have a little background information concerning the people when you find your way to their website. Most of you already know something about Pam and myself or you have had contact with our children Kira and Brian. Still, we hope you'll find our site interesting and that after visiting you will feel that you know us better.

Pam and I met on the internet. I was attending college in Charleston, South Carolina and she was living in Humble, Texas. One afternoon, while in the computer lab at the College of Charleston, I was surfing the net. In the process I came across several sites offering names of people looking for penpals and on one of those lists I picked out Pam's name. I wrote to her first; then she replied back and quickly became good friends.

Early in 1997 I decided that I needed a change of location. I had been going through the end of a marriage and I thought moving from Charleston would be the best thing for me. I contacted Pam and talked about my future when I asked her what she thought of my moving to the Houston area. She suggested that if I did she could help me get settled and show me around, so in May I shipped everything I owned and headed to Texas to start my life over again.

Upon arriving in Houston Pam immediately started helping me with apartment hunting, job searching and in showing me around the area. In the meanwhile we seemed to have been spending quite a bit of time with each other and by late summer we were officially dating. We found ourselves spending as much time as possible with together and it didn't take long for me to realize how much I cared for her. In March of 1998, nearly a year after moving from Charleston, I proposed to her. We were married in San Antonio on July 6, 1998.

Yada Yada Yada...

This website will be updated continuously with new adventures and more pictures to share with you. John's page is updated often, since he is having a blast with the new scanner.

To read about our wedding and see some great pictures, click here.

Be Kind to Animals

One of the factors which Pam and I have in common is our love for animals. A concern of ours deals with the unfortunate and inhumane treatment many creatures have to face by the hands of our fellow human beings. Pet owners have a responsibility, when bringing an animal into their homes, to give their pet all it needs to live a healthy and happy life. I mention this because so many times we have seen dogs and cats wandering freely on the roads obviously without a human counterpart to supply its needs. This sad situation occurs too many times to count and in such a light might we ask that the next time you take an animal into your midst you do what is needed to guarantee a happy life for him and her. You get it vacinated, neutered or spayed it and give it the attention it needs. If you can't do this you should not have animals in your home. On this note, look what we found coming back from a recent vacation.

Tika Want a Cracker?

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Even with two kids, three dogs and a parakeet there still appeared to be something missing from the fold. During a recent visit to a local pet store Pam (under the nudging of Kira) decided it was time to add another family member. Her name is Tika and she's an adorable three and a half month old conure. Since arriving she has spent the majority of her time teaching us all sorts of tricks. Soon after arriving we quickly learned when she expects dinner and I discovered that she prefers for me to wear a particularly colorful bathrobe which she enjoys cuddling inside of prior to falling to sleep. To see a picture of her on her homecoming day clickHere

We Get New Wheels

We are ready to do some real traveling now, look at our newest addition!

!!!John and Pam have become award winners!!!

We have been awarded the following awards which we accept with much humility and appreciation or in the words of Sally Fields, "They like us, they actually like us!" Click here to see our awards.

John and Pam Celebrate Two Years

As of today, July 6th 2000, Pam and I have been married two years. Because this is not my website, but our's, I know that my wife would not want me to use this space to ramble on and on about how wonderful I believe she is. I do feel that way. She brings such a rush to my heart on a daily basis. What I am going to do here is to write briefly as to why I believe we are still clicking so well together. I know that two years is not a long time, but in comparison to other couples (even obviously happy couples) who have been together as long as or longer then we I don't know of any two people who love spending time together. I don't know how Pam does it because I don't believe I'm easy to be with all the time. Still she never shows me any sign of not wanting to be around me. I, on the other hand, can easily understand why cannot get enough of my wife. She fills in the gaps...smooths the edges...brings me down to earth. She helps me feel that I can achieve things or that trying (even in the face of not achieving) is necessary. I am so happy being with her...this is where I am meant to be and I am happy and I am in love and I wish I could explain all this better.

John and Pam Go to Hot Springs, Arkansas

To read about our trip to Hot Springs click here

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