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Andelz Boxers, Home of Well Bred, Well Loved Boxers

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My kids and I would like to welcome you to my web page. I have been around dogs most of my life and have a deep love for them. I fell in love with the Boxer Breed in 1990. A friend of mine, Fran Davidson, had boxers and did show on a limited basis. One wonderful day I met a new litter of puppies that she had. In this litter was the most wonderful little plain brindle girl I had ever seen. I liked her immediately because she was very different from the others. It was not her looks that set her apart, because I thought she had one of the ugeliest mugs I had ever seen, it was her attitude that caught and held me. When she was tired, she would crawl up on a domed chair base and placing her front legs down one side and her back legs down the other side, she would go to sleep. It was love at first sight.

One day when I got in from riding the horses, there was the puppy in my car. She went home with me and met my Border Collie, Lady, who was my constent companion since she was 8 weeks old. The boxer became Muggs or actually Andel's Muggzarella the Kid and quickly became a member of my family.

From then until now, I have been hooked on Boxers. Muggs had one litter in her lifetime that produced two brindle males. One of the puppies came to live with me after a time. That is Chip who you can meet on his page. Mugs went to the rainbow bridge in the summer of 2000. She had a very fast growing cancer that was not noticable until it was to late to help her fight. She quietly came up to me, kissed me goodby and then trotted off to meet her lifetime friend Lady who had gone on before on August 10, 1999.

I have found that it seems impossible for me to 'just have one' and because of that my 'boxer count' seems to grow. All of them are my babies first, however some of them get to do things outside of the home. Khan, Tess and Doc get to walk around a show ring once in a while and look pretty. However, their main life goal is to see who can get in my lap first!

I invite you to visit each of my babies on their own pages.

I strongly support health testing in this breed and my boxers are tested for heart and hip soundness.

My home is in the Dallas, Texas area. In addition to sharing my life with my wonderful boxers, I am active with Boxer Rescue because I believe that all boxers deserve a home and someone to love.

I hope you enjoy your visit here to my internet home and will come back often to watch the changes. To start your visit with my kids, just click on the link below titled "The Kids".

For information about expected litters or puppies available, please select "Puppies" below.

While you are here I hope you will take the time to sign my guestbook and let me know what you think.

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You can email me at

The Kids

This BOXERRing site is owned by Andelz Boxers_.
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Free Angelfire Home Pages
DFW Boxer Rescue
PawPrint Boxers
