Deliverance from Generational Curses

Generational Curses and spiritual warfare in the last days!

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I have included old testiment passages of God's way to forgiveness of these curses not only for us Christains but also for my Brother Non-Messianic Jews. It is my Great pleasure to of service to them in the Name of Jehovah and to introduce them to the Blood of Yeshua. God desires none of HIS people to be in bondage and has given us, all of us a way out!
The living Word of God says that the curses due to the sins of the Father are passed down to the third and fourth generation. Numbers 14:18 "The Lord is slow to wrath and great in mercy, overlooking wrongdoing and evil, and will not let wrongdoers go free; sending punishment on children for the sins of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation".If we use a little math we see that this could actually continue with no time limit: say Generation 2 of the four or three carries the curse and commits the same TYPE of sin. Now the curse is extended 3 or 4 more generations, Generation 2 plus 3 or 4 =to the 5th or 6th generation. this would and most likely will continue through out a families history; from beginning to end! I have heard of such demonization that goes back to the Aztec Indians! My friend, Do you know without a doubt what your Great Grandfather/mother did? "Exodus 20:5 I will send punishment on the children for the wrongdoing of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation." Did he/she practice witchcraft or the occult, an adulterer, abuser? Did he have a traumatic experience: divorce, attacked by a wild animal, or abused? Did I hear you say "HOLD ON! You added mothers in this deal."Please understand Psalms 109:14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. The Occult is especially dangerous the farther back in time we go the more prevalent it is. This does not mean that you and everyone has demons! However, these are door ways, entry points of evil that can not be left open or unattended. These demons (unknown or known in one's life) can cause/excaserbate/imitate anything from financial problems, physical health, mental health; invading every area of your life. Including suicide or murder. Wonder why the "professionals" say it runs in families? My friend, God is GREAT! HE is just and faithful to forgive if we confess and ask! "1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Leviticus 26:40 also says that we should confess our sins and the sins of our FATHERS.. Jeremiah 2:9 Therefore, yet I plead with you, An affirmation of Jehovah, And with your sons' sons I plead. Let us move to Jesus himself. We see in John 9:1-3 And when he went on his way, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples put a question to him, saying, Master, was it because of this man's sin, or the sin of his father and mother, that he has been blind from birth? Jesus said in answer, It was not because of his sin, or because of his father's or mother's; it was so that the works of God might be seen openly in him. First, lets notice the DISCIPLES asked HIM. Why did they ask Jesus if the mans condition was due to generational sin/curse if it was not true to their knowledge and Jewish beliefs? It is written in the LAW/curses that GOD gave Mosses and other Prophets, Which we have already seen. Jesus' answer is most interesting! HE did not deny that the mans condition could not have been caused by his sin or his fathers or his mothers! In fact, HIS denial of sin causing the mans condition confirms the possibility of the generational curse caused by the sin of ourselves and of those before us in our family line! If we follow the dialog further we see the Pharisees questioning the now UNBLIND man and he slams then back after the redundant questions and the Pharisees get mad and say "We are followers of Moses" and a little later they say "you were born in sin". Why do they say such things? Because the know the LAW/Curses God gave to Moses.My dear friends, the generational type curses are the #1 reason for demonization of God's people! If you are struggling IN CHRIST, could this be why? Please don't let this "door" remain open or unattended. Please say the generational curse warfare prayer in faith and slam the door shut in satan's face, to the Glory of GOD! The verse the Lord gave me at the beginning of my deliverance is "Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his transgressions shall not prosper: But whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall obtain mercy." The New International Version translates forsaketh as renounce. I use the word renounce in this ministry that God has called me for but let it be understood that forsaking; quitting whatever sinful act you are confessing must be done. Otherwise the "door is reopened". In the generational sense you do not know all the sins of your forefather and or mothers, so how can you not or quit doing them? When you look the verses up (yes, I expect you to look and study for yourself) you will see it is written those who hate me, who walk not according to my ways, in their souls they hate me, etc.. My friend abstain from all evil as the grace of the Lord JESUS CHRIST is poured out upon you. Walk in the Spirit so that you do not do the desires of the flesh. Do the best you can and follow God first with all your heart, mind, and soul! HE is faithful and will do the rest! This is a fact and a promise. Praise HIM who lives forever. the NAME above every NAME in this life and the one to come! Thank you Jesus!

Freedom from Generational Curses

Father God, I thank you for setting the foundations of the earth; for giving life, and for giving your Son, JESUS. I belong to you Lord Jesus! I cover myself right now with your blood and call upon your mighty angels for protection and assistance. For it is written an angel of the Lord encamps around those who reverance thy name and delivers them. Thank you Lord for your angels and mercy. FatherGod, you said that you would visit your wrath unto the thrid and fourth generation from my father and my fathers father. Lord, your judgements are just and righteous. Lord God, I know that Jesus died once for all. So, I come before you asking mercy and foregiveness for the sins of:(say each known sin) and for the unknown sins and curses of my families generations. We have been a rebellious family. we have served of gods. Our sins of bitterness, anger, hatered, raged and unforgiveness have seperated us from you and brought calmity to our generation. We are guilty of sexual sins. We have not treated others as we should. We have been full of self-pity, rejection, and gossip. We have stolen, lied, cheated, our iniquities have piled up beyond our measure. I confess and ask you Lord, to forgive my family line and myself. I thank you for your mercy and foregiveness. I renounce any and all generational sins and curses on myself and on the family that you gave me. I place them under the precious blood of Jesus! And ask you Lord for a new generational inheritance of health, freedom, and all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus for myself, my family, and the generations that follow us. You are worthy Lord God of honor, praise, and glory; for you have dominion over all things. So, IN THE NAME OF JESUS and with your authority I break all generational sins and curses. In the NAME OF JESUS I command all evil spirits to loose me and my family! Leave me and my family (say each family members name) now gently and completely, In THE NAME OF JESUS! In THE NAME OF JESUS, I bind you foul spirits and cast you out! Be gone from me and my family (say each family members name) right now, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! In the NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME, JESUS, I confess, accept and believe in faith that I and my family are loosed and have a new generational inheritance of health, freedom, and all Spiritual blessings in Christ JESUS! I thank you, my Lord and my personal savior! I ask right now that the Holy Spirit fill any and all parts of my Body where any demon has left or moved, IN JESUS NAME I pray, AMEN.

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