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A Candle in the Rain

Encompassed with shadow,
Night veiled and dark,
Storms clouds extinguish the light.
Shrouded in darkness,
the shore is obscure.
A Lantern lays waste to the night.

Great gale winds are blowing,
the path seems confused,
whirlwinds bring daggers of pain.
Souls cry for mercy,
searching for Light,
finding the Candle in the rain.

A Candle in the rain,
Never Ending Fire,
Bright Beacon in the darkest day.
Sterling Luminescence,
Unquenchable Flame,
Brightly guiding the way.

He is our Noontide Light,
Listener to our prayers,
Gentle Guide and Giver of Grace.
Horn of Salvation,
Safe Harbor of Peace,
Shelter of Holy Embrace.

Copyright © 1999
Nancy Loeper
With All Rights Reserved In Our Redeemer's Service

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