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Happy 88th Birthday Daddy

I write to remember
 the Love that held me near
In the darkness of my childhood,
 calming all my fear

When I cried aloud,
 Oh Daddy!
 You were quickly by my side
Your presence brought me comfort
 and chased away my fright.

All little children
 should be so blessed,
 if they awaken in the night
Calling for their Daddy,
 feeling safe within his sight.

As I write this letter
 through a woman's tears
I remember,
 I'm the little girl you held so dear
So much has happened,
 as I've grown through the years
And Daddy, I remember
 the Love that held me near.

All of a sudden,
 I was no longer Daddy's little girl
I became
 a woman, wife and mother
so quickly,
 it changed my whole world.

No longer were you there
 when I'd awaken in the night
From dreams
 which aimed to torture me
 and fill my soul with fright
So, I'd just get up, and turn on a light
Then, I began to write.

That's how it all started,
 many years ago
Writing down the feelings,
 trapped within my soul

Seeking answers,
 to questions never asked
Trying with all my heart
 to understand my past
In the hope somehow,
 I'd find myself at last

All the hurt and all the pain,
All the anger and all the shame,
All the guilt I'd ever felt
 was finding expression
Through answering the questions

As truth was revealed
The pain no longer concealed,
My heart, mind, and soul were healed

I call upon my Savior,
 Jesus Christ My Lord
And he brings me comfort
 with His Spirit and His Word

He stilled the storms,
 which raged within
He taught me to depend on Him
He promises he will never leave
So to HIM I cleave.

He has dissolved those childhood fears
He has claimed all my tears
And collects them as they flow
Placing them in a bottle,
for his purposes, which I do not know.

Thank You for being my Daddy,
 I just want you to know
so much was left unspoken
 when the Lord called Mom Home

Now I see more clearly
 than ever before
God blessed me with you and mom,
 as parents to prepare me for more.

More Love, More Pain,
More Joy, More Shame,
More Mercy, More Grace,
More Strength, More Faith

Walking daily in God's Word
Seeking only his purpose in me
The eyes of my understanding are open,
 now I see.
And I still Love You DADDY! ! ! ! !

Something I will tell you, 
you may not have known
It's about the times
 long before I'd grown

Whenever my feelings would be hurt
 and I'd run off to my room
Mom was right behind me,
she always knew
how to comfort me and what to say
"Your Daddy didn't mean to hurt you,
it's just his way.
He sees things through logic
 and you see from your heart
It was just a misunderstanding,
your languages are worlds apart"

As you can tell by reading this,
 my heart has not changed,
I still see things differently
and though my life seems rearranged

My heart is overflowing with JOY

I just hope and pray, you understand
While within my heart I know
GOD is in control.

I trust my life to his divine plan

Happy Birthday Daddy

I Love You

Copyright ©1998 FaithSpeaks
PraiseWarriors International
With All Rights Reserved In Our Redeemer's Service

From The Collection
My Heart
by Sandra Lett Gregg-Smith




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