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When the Son of Man comes in His glory
He will not be alone,
Surrounded by His holy angels
He will sit upon His throne.

All nations He will gather,
as a Shepherd with His sheep,
He will divide the lambs from the goats
and awaken those who sleep.

He'll set the lambs on His right side,
on the left the others will wait,
the day of judgment will be at hand,
they will stand before the gate.

To the lambs He'll give the Kingdom,
as He tends to the faithful first.

"When I was hungry you fed Me,
and gave drink to quench my thirst."
"When I was cold you clothed Me,
when I was imprisoned you came.
When I was sick you visited Me,
you gave glory to My name."

The righteous will be baffled
and ask when this was done.
When did they clothe and feed Him?
When were they comforters of the Son?

The King will answer and say to them
"Listen now, and see.

The comfort you gave to the least of My lambs
you also gave to Me".

The Lord will turn to His left hand
and speak to those waiting there
"Depart from Me you cursed ones,
into the fire I have prepared."
"When you turned away those in need
your backs turned on Me too.
The righteous have eternal life,
everlasting punishment is for you."

Copyright © 1997
Nancy Loeper

With All Rights Reserved In Our Redeemer's Service

Scripture Reference: Matthew 25:31-46

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