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Who can know when the heart of a man
Is touched by the healing of the master's plan
Like searching all the grains of sand

This doesn't mean you dare not speak
For there are no words so sweet
As from the lips of one who hears the Holy Spirit & repeats

So you want to tell the world
the secrets God reveals
You want to share the mystery unveiled
in the Holy Spirit's seal
When you cried aloud for mercy & prayed for deliverance
you presented your final appeal

On you knees, at the foot of His Cross
at the feet of Our Savior, Lord & King, you surrendered to Him
All pain & despair and ask for forgiveness of your sin

He picked you up and dusted you off
He opened your eyes & your ears
Remember it is by Him alone, you can now see & hear

A heart which is broken, needs to be healed
A heart which is open is ready to be filled
A heart which is bleeding, needs to be sealed
Eyes & ears which are open, see & hear that which is real

Do you realize the flame, which burns you from within
Is a healing purification, washing away all your sin
Ignited by the fire of the Holy Spirit's spark
and has cauterized your bleeding & broken heart

By the hand of Christ, who turned water to wine
By the hand of HE who is Called the TRUE VINE
We receive the living water, The overflowing fountain of truth
and joy fills our hearts
by the Holy Spirit's Spark
God's Word is our wellspring of proof

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In the grip of His Grace We Sing His Praise To Glorify His Holy Name

Copyright © 1999 FaithSpeaks

With all rights reserved in our Redeemer's Service

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