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What is that which screams inside
When my will and my desire collide
Spilling the blood of a broken heart
Splitting the vessel into many a part
Filling the emptiness with confusion
Separating the wholeness thru illusion

How to use that which is manifest
To Reveal the pain, anger and bitterness
As Just baggage carried without purpose

To See that which was before,
as the path of hopelessness,
then close the door
To Heal the wounds
 and cleanse the scars
and reach beyond
 the distant stars

Why am I the way I am
What really matters
 when truth is found
 beyond the mountain,
beyond the higher ground
Seeking absolute truth,
thru FAITH
 that knows no bounds

Searching the infinite wonders
of all that exists
Attempting to comprehend,
my finite mind persists
Studying and analyzing
even my own limitedness

 the vast array of distractions
 the mind to pursue
an impossible satisfaction

Constantly overwhelmed
by the unconscious
Hearing the voices,
 Seeing the visions
and realizing
 over other's decisions

Continuing the journey
Maintaining strength
 through GRACE

 the motive and purpose
for which this all began
To reveal the infinite proof
of Our Creator's Own Hand

in the knowledge
 of the Sovereignty of God

Complete in Christ

Filled with the Holy Spirit



I can do all things
through Christ
 who strengthens me

Philippians 4:13



COPYRIGHT © 1998 FaithSpeaks
PraiseWarriors International
With All Rights Reserved In Our Redeemer's Service

From Journal Notes
Written 4-18-1998
by Sandra Lett Gregg-Smith


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