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I Hear God's Truth

I hear God's Truth, I must confess
To proclaim the Good News of His Righteousness
Which by His Grace is Manifest
In the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Whom God sent, by His Power through The Holy Spirit

All that is, 
all that was, 
all that ever shall be, 
is created by ALMIGHTY GOD, 
for his own purpose through eternity

He is Sovereign, this we know, 
His Power Absolute, as His Word does show
His Grace has no Limit
His promises are Sure
He sent The Holy Spirit, 
To enable us to endure

His judgements are Righteous, Faithful and True
By His Grace He provided an escape for me and you

He sent His own Son, To bring us his Truth
Revealing His promise and manifesting Proof

Whose Teachings and Healings and Miracles were Foretold, 
By the Word of God through the Prophets of old

Christ remained Faithful to the Will of God, 
He suffered, As it is written, Revealing God's Love

He became sin for us and gave up his life, 
As the Final Sacrifice

To pay for our sins and secure our salvation, 
Bringing us unto God in reconcilliation

Through The Lord Jesus Christ, 
who is the only begotten Son of God, 
We have access to Almighty God, 
Who is Our Heavenly Father

By God's Grace,
we receive The Holy Spirit, 
The comforter Christ promised to send
After He ascended
unto God, to sit at the right of God's Throne
For He said He would not leave us alone 

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PraiseWarriors International
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