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If you're looking for a sign from above
Rest within HIS steadfast LOVE
Rest in the HOPE of Eternal Life
Promise by God and Purchased by Christ

It is yours for the asking
Life everlasting
All you must do is ask
Right Here & Now
and release all your past

Call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Son of God who gave His Life
As the final sacrifice
For your eternal life

Did you know,
by His Stripes you are healed
Did you know, by His Blood you are washed clean
And did you know that by His sacrifice,
you are redeemed

He is the Only Way,
He is Truth & Light
Surrender to Him your life
Walk His Way & See Truth in His Light
For your eternal life

He is the one who holds the key
to the great mystery
He alone unlocks the door
Allowing you to escape
the path you trod before

Revealing God's Truth
Which sets you free
Manifesting God's Proof
Through Eternity
Christ In You The Hope of Glory


Call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Son of God who gave His Life
As the final sacrifice
For Your Eternal Life


We are the sons & daughters
of the Most High God
Sealed by His Spirit
and Cleansed by the Blood
of the Lamb

Chosen before the foundation
of all the world that is
We know now
That we shall
Always be HIS

As it is written,
God gave Gifts to men
He sent His Only Begotten Son
To die for our sins

As it is written,
God has given gifts
He sent His Holy Spirit to Reveal HIS Promises

We are the sons & daughters
of the Most High God
Sealed by HIS Spirit
and Cleansed by the Blood
of the Lamb


By the Fire of the Spirit
and the Blood of the Lamb
We stand in the Grace of the Great I AM
We walk in Faith
through Our Lord Jesus Christ
We rest in the Hope of Eternal Life

We shall not be moved We shall speak HIS TRUTH


Copyright © 1998, 1999
PraiseWarriors International
With All Rights Reserved In Our Redeemer's Service

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