You will learn a lot of things in
the world of Isshinryu Karate, grace,
inner strength, fulfillment, a sense of well being,
power and unfortunately
jealousy. There are Sensei that are jealous of the
founder. There are Sensei
jealous of the founder's son, the founder's son-in-law and there are Sensei
jealous of each other. We will never disrespect
any Sensei or the retribution
will be swift and final resulting in expulsion from
this karate school.
We are members of the American Isshinryu Karate Association (AIKA) and the World Isshinryu Karate Federation (WIKF). At FSIK we recognize and honor all other Isshinryu
organizations but will not vary in our instruction from that of the founder and his son.
Hello and welcome to the world of Isshinryu Karate. I am Hanshi Phill Furgason and I have been an Isshinryu practitioner since March 1975. I started my Isshinryu training under O-Sensei Kichiro Shimabuku at Camp Hansen, Kin (Kinville), Okinawa and was promoted to Ku-Dan(9th Degree Black Belt) September 21, 2007. I have Ku Dan certificates from Grandmaster William Washington, 10th Dan and Grandmaster Ed McGrath, 10th Dan.
After my enlistment in the corps I returned to the
states and established FSIK. Over the years I
have learned that there are two types of Karate-Ka.
There are those that you cannot teach because they
are too busy trying to show you what they know and
Karate-KA that are like sponges that soak up every
drop of knowledge on Isshinryu from any source they
can find. I am proud to say that my students are the
latter of the two. I am impressed with the motivation,
determination and fine "can do" attitude my students display in our dojos.
FSIK's Okinawa trip 3/8/2006 - 3/17/2006